World In Her Hands
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Um... Anakin? Anakin Solo?

Open to everyone who isn't Naki/Anakin Solo )


Thank you, for the other day. It was... nice.

Um, Er. Susan? Would you like to go get Coffee sometimes?

I do not suppose there is anybody in this world with the ability to travel to distant planets?

I wish to see Gallifrey once again. I have not been home in so long.

Why was I brought here?

I serve no purpose here. I wish to go home.

This Earth is so different than the one I am used to.


We have not spoken for a while and I wanted to make sure you were alright.

Are you alright?

Right. Usually all it takes to escape is a bit of jiggery-pokery. What is going on here?

This... this is NOT possible! No one can survive a trip through a time vortex without some sort of protection! I should not be alive right now, let alone where ever this place is.

I do NOT understand this! This cannot be possible!

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