Oct. 17th, 2007


A Wired Telekinetic

Title: A Wired Telekinetic
Characters : Brad, Schuldig, Nagi, Farfarello
Challenge: under the influence
Team: Weiss
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100

“What did you give him?!”

“Him who?”

“Nagi! I’m talking about Nagi!” Brad dragged Schuldig into the kitchen where Nagi was fidgeting and jabbering to Farfarello a mile a minute. The cabinets trembled with each word he spoke. “What did you give him? Drugs? Please don’t tell me you gave him drugs!”

Schuldig pulled away from Brad’s grip. “It’s not what you think! I just gave him some sugar!”


“That German chocolate I get. The good stuff. He’ll crash soon…unless Farf gave him coffee…”

Some plates fell with a resounding crash.

“You’re both cleaning up the kitchen,” Brad glowered.

Oct. 15th, 2007


Prompt #17

Last week's prompt must have been a dud and therefore no points were given away.

So, let's try again!

This week's prompt is #17 - Under the Influence

Take any of our many beloved Weiss Kreuz characters and put them under the influence - drugs, alcohol, telepathy, etc.

Make them do things they wouldn't normally do, or maybe they might under the right influence.  

Would Aya dance with Yohji if he had a few drinks in him?  Would Omi proposition Manx?  Would Ken sell his bike for a dollar?  Would Crawford mud wrestle three buxom women? Would Schuldig be at the center of all the mayhem?

What ever you decide to make them do, have them do it under the influence in 100 words.

April 2009




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