Dec. 22nd, 2008


somebody has a little too much free time

Title; Save us!
Characters/Pairings; Schuldig.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; G.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; I hope the image of a Mexican Schuldig haunts you as it haunts me.

Past prompt: Alternate Universe )

Title; Mood Killer
Characters/Pairings; Aya. Crawford.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; G.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; Inspired by Stephen Colbert..

Past prompt: Awkward )

Title; What do YOU want to be?
Characters/Pairings; Crawford.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; G.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; Everyone has a dream.

Past prompt: Brad Crawford )

Title; Breakfast
Characters/Pairings; Schuldig. Nagi.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; G.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; To be fair, his mother never taught him any better.

Past prompt: Cooking )

Title; Dear Diary..
Characters/Pairings; Schuldig. Nagi. Farfarello.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; G.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; I feel bad for him sometimes.

Past prompt: Diary )

Title; Not what you'd expect
Characters/Pairings; Schuldig. Nagi.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; PG for one naughty word.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; Ah, classic.

Past prompt: Film Quotes )

Title; True Beauty
Characters/Pairings; Farfarello.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; G.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; But this isn't funny at all..

Past prompt: Flowers )

Jun. 30th, 2007


In Her Care, The Bonsai

Title: In Her Care
Character : Momoe
Challenge: Flowers
Team: Weiss
Rating: G
Word Count: 100

Momoe moved along the various flowers, carefully tending to each one.

She was careful to prune the red rose, making sure she steered clear of its thorns.

She pinched an extra dose of plant food to the gentian, making sure it stayed strong.

She gave the freesia a bit more water, to satisfy its growing thirst.

She turned the cattleya toward the sun, making sure it could see the brighter day.

Momoe was constantly keeping watch over the flowers in her care.

She hoped that one day they would blossom to their true potential, outside of the flower shop’s walls.

Title: The Bonsai
Character: Momoe
Challenge: Flowers
Team: Weiss
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author’s Note:

Momoe carefully trims the bonsai, reflecting on its beauty for a moment. She softly touches its leaves and closes her eyes.

The bonsai, its roots were never planted in the earth. In container and soil, it is part of nature yet separate.

In this way, it makes her think of Schwarz.

She cannot personally care for those young men like she does Weiss.

It is fitting that she chooses to allow this tree to grow into an informal upright position.

It will grow and stand strong, in its own special way.

An Oracle tells her so and Momoe-san believes him.

Jun. 25th, 2007


He loathes me, he loathes me not...

Title: He loathes me, he loathes me not...
Characters/Pairings: Schuldig/Fujimiya
Team: Schwarz
Rating: L for laaaaaame. O for obtuse?
Word Count: 100

Scarlet marks appear on Aya's cheek; his lashes flutter, brow furrows. Three vivid blots, four, five, are not enough to rouse him from unconsciousness, which is not Schuldig's goal. The swordsman is more fun this way. With a put-upon sigh the telepath pauses his dismemberment of rose and psyche, twirling the limp stem between long fingers.

"Ja, Crawfort. ..."

Blue eyes roll toward the warehouse skylight and he rises, reluctantly obedient as petals drift down to tickle Aya's throat.

"Ähmmmm. ... Nein, Crawfort."

Scaffolding creaks as Schuldig departs, the denuded rose stem falling to dusty concrete in his wake.

April 2009




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