Nov. 27th, 2007


Fire Meets Fire

Title: Fire Meets Fire
Character : Manx and Schuldig
Challenge: Blackmail
Team: Schwarz
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100

Manx threw her keys on the table and kicked off her heels.

She flicked on the light and there was an intruder posed on her desk. She pulled out her gun and aimed. “What are you doing here?”

Schuldig tossed an envelope on the table. Photographs spilled from its innards. “You’re a naughty little thing.”

Manx looked to the photographs and in that split second, the gun was wrenched from her grasp.

“I’m here to negotiate,” he growled against her neck. “I’ll destroy the photos if you do something for me…”

His hand slid down her thigh and Manx gasped.

Nov. 26th, 2007


Prompt #23

When it comes to choosing and using their weapons, Weiss has everyone beat with 10 points!  

This week's prompt is #23 - Blackmail

That's right, blackmail.  Probably something Schwarz does really well.

The art of blackmailing someone is to essentially threaten to reveal something about them.  They don't want that little something revealed, so they pay money to keep everything all hush hush.

Does Schuldig have to blackmail Crawford to get what he wants?  Does Aya have scandalous pictures in the wind and someone wants money to keep them quiet?  Would Yohji even be bothered by blackmail?  Does Persia pay a large sum every month to keep that little thing that happened at the New Year's party a secret?  Would Omi resort to blackmail? And Takatori...I bet he has blackmail written all over him!

However you write it, resort to blackmail in just 100 words!

April 2009




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