Dec. 22nd, 2008


somebody has a little too much free time

Title; Save us!
Characters/Pairings; Schuldig.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; G.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; I hope the image of a Mexican Schuldig haunts you as it haunts me.

Past prompt: Alternate Universe )

Title; Mood Killer
Characters/Pairings; Aya. Crawford.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; G.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; Inspired by Stephen Colbert..

Past prompt: Awkward )

Title; What do YOU want to be?
Characters/Pairings; Crawford.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; G.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; Everyone has a dream.

Past prompt: Brad Crawford )

Title; Breakfast
Characters/Pairings; Schuldig. Nagi.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; G.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; To be fair, his mother never taught him any better.

Past prompt: Cooking )

Title; Dear Diary..
Characters/Pairings; Schuldig. Nagi. Farfarello.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; G.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; I feel bad for him sometimes.

Past prompt: Diary )

Title; Not what you'd expect
Characters/Pairings; Schuldig. Nagi.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; PG for one naughty word.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; Ah, classic.

Past prompt: Film Quotes )

Title; True Beauty
Characters/Pairings; Farfarello.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; G.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; But this isn't funny at all..

Past prompt: Flowers )

Nov. 3rd, 2008


Prompt #71

No points were awarded last week.

This week's prompt is #71 - Awkward

Occasionally, you run into situations that are just awkward.  Does Omi barge in on Aya and Yohji in a "compromising" situation?  Did Ken say something that left everyone a bit uneasy?  Is there an awkward silence between Schuldig and Crawford?

Awkward can also mean clumsy.  Was Manx an awkward child?  

However awkward you write it, you must write it in just 100 words.

April 2009




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