Jun. 30th, 2008


Prompt Extension

A little overwhelmed this week, so I am giving you a double round of "Past Prompts".

What this means for you:

- more chances to play with past prompts!
- many more opportunities for your team to win!
- rabid plot bunnies that demand 100 words!!

If you are just coming in to the asylum on this round the "Past Prompts" prompting is under the nice little cut below.

We will resume our regularly scheduled prompting next Monday. ^_^

Jun. 29th, 2008


Before a Kendo Tournament

Title: Before a Kendo Tournament
Character : Ran & Aya
Challenge: Past prompt - childhood
Team: Weiss
Rating: G
Word Count: 100

“Ran! Hey Ran!”

“Yeah, Aya,” Ran called from his room.

“You almost done?”

He finished tying the straps of his black hakama in place and grabbed his gear.

“Wow! Your uniform looks great,” Aya beamed.

“Thanks,” Ran said. “I’m glad you helped to pick these colors.”

“Black and white suit you,” she smiled. “Are you ready for the tournament?”

“I did extra training time at the dojo,” Ran said.

“Don’t be nervous,” Aya smiled. “You’ll do great. I’m sure Sensei will approve no matter what your score, Ran-sempai.”

A smile twitched at Ran’s lips at the addition to his name.

Jun. 28th, 2008



Title: Defiance
Character : Farfarello
Challenge: Past Prompt - Stand my Ground
Team: Weiss
Rating: R
Word Count: 100


This man thinks that a gun can stop me.

If only he knew.

Pain is a stranger that kneels at my pew and doesn’t know why. He eats of my body and drinks of my blood, yet I don’t answer his prayers.

What’s this?

Since when do men like him carry guns? He must have been warned.

What happened to ‘thou shalt not kill’, Father? You’ll disobey a commandment?

Did you finally realize that the cross would not save you?


There goes my shoulder.


I’m still standing on your sacred ground.


There goes his throat.


Jun. 23rd, 2008


Prompt #53

No points were awarded last week.

This week's prompt is #53 - Past Prompts

In honor of of this asylum's one year anniversary, we are having a prompt free-for-all!

Maybe there was a prompt for which you didn't get a chance to write, or maybe you feel that there was one in which you could have written more, or maybe you just have a favorite prompt you just want to see again.  This week, go crazy!!

The past prompts are listed in the asylum's tags (prompting post is included) or you can locate them through the asylum's memories.

Only one rule this time - please place the prompt you are revisiting in your author's notes.  This will help me with  tagging and memories.  Also, team competition is still on this week (they don't get the week off just because we are throwing an anniversary party), so be sure to give your teams some love.

Help us celebrate our one year anniversary!  Go nuts - but only in a 100 words. ^_^

April 2009




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