Jul. 30th, 2008



Title: Purgatory
Characters/Pairings: Ken Hidaka
Team: Schwarz
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 100
Series: Gluhen; memories of Verbrechen-Strafe

Solitary against a chain-link fence, he gazed into memories of being human, when sunlight still kept the darkness away.

But then, in vengeance, he'd used a shotgun for one special death. Warm blood had drenched his skin, an insane grin spreading across his face as he tasted murderous joy for the first time. He'd lost himself in missions, craving the rush of the next kill. Inevitably, he was alone, watching Aya walk away with his heart.

A soccer ball rolled nearby. His body responded, dancing past strangers, spinning, flying, kicking, as if pure physical force might obliterate pain, recover innocence.

Jul. 29th, 2008


Pre-Game Stretch / Game Part 1 / Game Part 2

Title: Pre-Game Stretch
Character : Ken and Yohji
Challenge: Hidaka Ken
Team: Weiss
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

Pre-Game Stretch )

Title: Game Part 1
Character : Ken and Yohji
Challenge: Hidaka Ken
Team: Weiss
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

Game Part 1 )

Title: Game Part 2
Character : Ken and Yohji
Challenge: Hidaka Ken
Team: Weiss
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

Game Part 2 )

Jul. 28th, 2008


Prompt #57

No points were awarded last week.

This week's prompt is #57 - Hidaka Ken

This week is Ken week!  Each drabble has to feature him in some way to get points for your team.

Ken working in the flowershop, riding his motorcycle, performing missions, playing soccer, hanging out with Omi, eating, sleeping, walking, talking, showering.  What Ken wants, thinks, feels.

It is all Ken all the time in drabbles here this week - but only 100 words please.

April 2009




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