Aug. 18th, 2007



Title: Hiding
Characters/Pairings: Schuldig, Crawford
Team: Schwarz
Challenge: #8 - Scars
Word-count: 100
Rating: PG13

Aside from his power sex was Schuldig’s most favourite weapon. He talked about it during meals mostly to irritate Nagi. He used it to try to seduce Crawford and sometimes it worked, but often he found himself on the painfully hard floor in the hallway. If the targets were interesting enough he played with them; put images in their heads before killing them. Despite all that Schuldig didn’t like to expose his body. You would never see him walk around shirtless and only Crawford knew why.

Emotional scars could be hidden and sometimes overcome, but the psychical would always remain.

Aug. 16th, 2007


Story time with Farfarello

Title: Story time with Farfarello
Character : Farfarello and Nagi
Challenge: Scars
Team: Weiss
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100

Scars were Farfarello’s personal tattoos and each one told a story - most even had a sound.

If you leaned real close and pressed your ear against the scar on his chest, you’d hear it scream.

If you touched the one on his arm, you could feel it tremble and if you listened, really listened, you’d hear a person's death.

At first Nagi didn’t believe Farfarello, but he changed his mind after exploring each and every scar by hand.

Nagi didn’t have any physical scars.

When Farfarello saw this, he offered to give Nagi a tattoo and scribe his story.

Aug. 14th, 2007



Title: Rating
Characters/Pairings: Brad Crawford, Farfarello, Schuldig
Team: Schwarz
Challenge: #8 - Scars
Word-count: 100
Series: the end of Kapitel

Farfarello raised his head high and pointed to the three puncture wounds under his chin that he had gotten from Siberian. They were still bleeding lightly and coated with wet sand. “What do you think? Will they be any good?”

Brad sat on the sand leaning his back against a stone. Schuldig’s head was lying on his lap and Nagi’s body curled up next to him. “Schuldig is the scars expert,” Brad said as he was looking down at the redhead. “Ask him.”

Schuldig opened his eyes and grinned at Farfarello. "Looks good. What happened to Hidaka?"

"Punched his brains out."

Brad smirked. "Good."

April 2009




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