Sep. 16th, 2008


Under Heel

Title: Under Heel
Characters/Pairings: Crawford and pet
Team: Schwarz
Rating: G unless your mind wanders
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: someone had to do it...I'm someone!

He was always there, under foot and in the way no matter how many times Crawford tried to push him away. It whined for attention day and night, never letting him get a proper night's rest. Fur was constantly picked up off the floor, from the sinks, table, not even brushing it helped. But he had to admit, the fur was soft to touch and rather mind easing after a long day.

They needed to do something about the ears; his current ones weren't working. And a tail, definitely needed a tail. Anything to keep Schuldig purring like that.

Sep. 15th, 2008


Prompt #64

Last week, Weiss managed to piece together their patchy memories for 30 points!  They take home the tacky trophy for the second week in a row.  Even though Schuldig seems to have forgotten his name, he didn't do so bad remembering everything else for 10 points.  Of course, he could have just scanned minds to give him an edge.  Schreient was effectively mind-wiped by the new experiment that Masafumi was working on.  They won't remember who they are for the next 48 hours.

This week's prompt is #64 - Pets

Cats, dogs, budgies, fish - give the characters pets! 

Would Omi forget to feed his fish?  Would Farfarello warm up to a stray cat?  Does Ken have a dog or is he someone else's puppy?  Does Crawford feed Pookey only the best table scraps? Has Masafumi found a strange insect to call his very own? Is Nagi allergic to Schuldig's new pet? How many cats do they have living at the flower shop?

What kind of pet would your favorite character have?  Tell us in just 100 words!

April 2009



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