Sep. 8th, 2008


It's Pink!

Title: It's Pink!
Characters/Pairings: Four florists
Team: Weiss
Word Count: 100
Series: Verbrechen-Strafe
Author's Note: Omi can be persuasive.

"It's *pink*!" wails Yohji.

"Aya wanted bright orange."

Yohji shudders. "My *bed* is bigger than that thing."

"There's plenty of room for us and the flowers."

"Where's the kitchen? And bathroom?"

"Refrigerator, stove, shower, chemical toilet. Yohji-kun, stop whining. You're an assassin, not a princess."

"I deserve my comfort. Where the hell do we *sleep*?"

Blue eyes sparkle. "The top pops up. There are big, comfy futons."

"There's no... privacy..."

"Well... um... we're all such *good* friends, I'd hoped... I mean, it might be fun if..." Blushing, lashes lowered.

Yohji's hooked, grinning.

Enter Aya and Ken. "It's *pink*!"

Omi smiles.


The Way Home

Title: The Way Home
Characters/Pairings: Yohji, Aya
Team: Weiss
Word Count: 100
Series: Kapitel
Author's Note: Home isn't always a place.

The mission went wrong in seconds. Well-armed reinforcements blocked the expected exit. Explosives set, Omi and Ken were already away.

Spinning, leaping, sensing each other's moves without thought, Yohji and Aya cut a desperate path with gleaming, dripping wire and katana. The building spit them out in a blaze of flame.

Bruised, exhausted, clinging to shadows and each other, they found the safe house, fell through the doorway, struggled to remove bloody boots. Shedding weapons and clothes, they managed a few more steps before collapsing together.

Holding Aya close, touching his hair, caressing porcelain skin, Yohji relaxed. Home at last.

Sep. 3rd, 2008


Coming Home (a drabble)

Title: Coming Home (a drabble)
Challenge: Home
Character: someone of Schwarz

Team: Schwarz
Word count: 100
A/N: Yes, this is where the title of the epic comes into play. Forgive the secrecy – if it can’t be counted for points, so be it. I wanted to kickstart my brain on my story, and so…a bit of teaser for the endgame, which is still a LONG way down the road.

How many years has it been? Ten? Twenty?

Doesn’t matter. Time has done its dirty work all around.


Some while ago, I learned that time is far more circular than linear, that it spirals around like a whirlpool, sucking in the lives of those foolish enough to believe in its constancy.

Once upon a time we imagined we were free.

You’re never free from time.

I swore I would never set foot upon these grounds again, but there is unfinished business to attend to. He is there, and he is waiting.

But I know he’s not expecting me.

Sep. 1st, 2008


Prompt #62

There is no mistaking the winners of last week's challenge! Schwarz took the lead and the trophy this week with 30 points. Of course, this means that Crawford has to polish all the finger prints off of it and not allow Schuldig to drink booze out of it this time.

This week's prompt is #62 - Home

John Ed Pearce once said “Home is a place that when you are young, you can’t wait to leave and when you are old, wish you could go back to.”


The idea of home can be taken in so many different directions from a place where you experience belonging, to the place where you grew up, to the feeling of a special someone, to the place you live now.


Much has been said about “home” including (but not limited to):


-          Home is where the heart is

-          You can never go home again

-          There’s no place like home


No matter your idea or definition of the word, take the characters home in just 100 words.

April 2009




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