Feb. 24th, 2008



Title: Sorrow
Characters/Pairings: Aya
Team: Schwarz
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's note: Grr, sorry this one should have been posted 3rd.

Her scream is the last thing he hears from her lips. It echoes through his head in a never ending loop as the image of her being hit replays before his eyes.

She’s all he has left in the world, now he’s left alone in a building full of people. All around machines beep, click, pump and blip but he only listens to the ones attached to her.

But even as he tries, nothing really gets through to him. Nothing ever drowns out the sound that haunts him most of all…his own voice as he helplessly screams out her name.

Feb. 23rd, 2008



Title: Imagination
Characters/Pairings: ?/Aya
Team: Schwarz
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Author's note: sorry for the lack of specific partner namage--just use your imagination.

He imagines soft skin beneath his touch, not the rough calluses that press against him.
He imagines the smell of a fresh floral or powdery girlie perfume, instead of the strong musk and hint of greenery the other wore.
He imagines her touch, the way he will finally feel complete instead of the lingering emptiness.
He imagines the feeling of soft, light, airy kisses cover his mouth instead of the taste of ashes and tears.
He images these things every time, knowing he would rather be with her, knowing he’ll never be happy until that day he images no more.

Feb. 21st, 2008



Title: Meeting
Characters/Pairings: Aya
Team: Schwarz
Rating: perfectly G
Word Count: 100

meeting )

Title: Joy
Characters/Pairings: Aya
Team: Schwarz
Rating: perfectly G
Word Count: 100

Joy )

Feb. 18th, 2008


Prompt #35

No points were awarded last week (wondering if I should even keep this community running - feedback anyone?)

This week's prompt is #35 - Fujimiya Aya

Yes, this week is Aya week!  Each drabble has to feature him in some way to get points for your team.

Aya working in the flowershop, visiting his sister, performing missions, eating, sleeping, walking, talking, showering.  What Aya wants, thinks, feels.

It is all Aya all the time in drabbles here this week - but only 100 words please.

April 2009




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