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Oct. 1st, 2007


Floral Zoo

Title: Floral Zoo
Character : Yohji and Ken
Challenge: The Zoo
Team: Weiss
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100

“You ever feel like you’re in a zoo?”

Ken looked to Yohji. “What?”

“Think about it,” Yohji said, setting down a potted plant. “We’re the animals locked in our cages, tending to business, gawked at by tourists – this is our habitat, aside from the wild.”

“You mean tourists as in the girls?”

“Yeah, you’ve seen them take photos,” Yohji said. “Aya’s our tiger – growling at them, Omi’s our cuddly monkey, you’re our gentle bear, and I’m the Peacock – flaunting my plumage.”

“Flaunting your plumage?” Ken glanced down when Yohji posed and blushed. “YOHJI! Flaunt that somewhere else! Away from me!”


Sep. 26th, 2007


Little Flower Shop of Horrors: 1-3

Title: Little Flower Shop of Horrors: Part 1
Character : Ken & Aya
Challenge: Weird Day at the Workplace
Team: Weiss
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Author’s Note: I couldn’t help it…I went to Little Shop of Horrors land.

Part One )

Title: Little Flower Shop of Horrors: Part 2
Character : Ken & Aya
Challenge: Weird Day at the Workplace
Team: Weiss
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100

Part Two )

Title: Little Flower Shop of Horrors: Part 3
Character : Masafumi
Challenge: Weird Day at the Workplace
Team: Weiss
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Author's Note: explains the tentacles.

Part Three )

Sep. 22nd, 2007


Hidden Strength

Title: Hidden Strength
Character : Nagi
Challenge: Stand my Ground
Team: Weiss
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

There are many who underestimate me.

They are foolish to do so.

My body may seem weak, but I am stronger than I appear.

I’ve crushed the skull of a man twice my size.

I’d do it again, if it was ordered.

My age is not a factor.

Society sees me as a child, but I am much more.

I’m smarter than most of them.

My teammates know that I can handle myself.

I’ve proven it.

Still, it seems a few of them worry.

I don’t understand it.

Not only can I hold my ground, I can float above it.

Sep. 19th, 2007


My Own

Title: My Own
Character : Schuldig
Challenge: Stand my Ground
Team: Weiss
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100

When they take away your shoes and force you to walk barefoot on the broken shards of your memories – it’s hard to stand against the pain.

They like to watch you bleed. They like to make you beg.

They reach into your mind, rearrange it to their liking and leave you to figure out where they put everything.

I wish they would have left me with a real name.

Regardless, I stand against them – on patch of ground I call my own.

I make my own memories.

Fuck Rosenkreuz, fuck Esset.

I am Schuldig and I will fight to stand.



Title: Timequake
Character : Brad x Schuldig
Challenge: Stand my Ground
Team: Weiss
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

A thousand futures blurred behind Brad's eyelids - most too fast for coherence, others too horrid to utter.

Nausea rose in his throat.

The visions caused his world to quake and he lost his footing. Madness fell through the cracks in his mind, pouring like sand into his throat. He choked on its intensity.

Firm hands.

“I’m here Brad. I won’t let you fall.” Let me stand with you.

Brad felt a kiss, heard the words.

An embrace.

He felt solid ground, shivered with the aftershocks of what he Saw.


“Are you all right? W..what did you see?”


Sep. 10th, 2007



Title: Circumstance
Character : Ran & Aya-chan
Challenge: Trapped
Team: Weiss
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

Ran sat by Aya-chan’s hospital bed, watching the steady rise and fall of her chest.

If it wasn’t for Takatori, she wouldn’t be in a coma. If it wasn’t for Takatori, they would still be a family.

He couldn’t blame Aya-chan for his assassin lifestyle. It wasn’t fair to blame someone who was trapped by circumstance.

Instead, Ran placed the blame on a man who received all his rage…

After Aya-chan woke up, Ran realized that he was not trapped by a single man – he was trapped by something else entirely.

It imprisoned him every time he drew his sword.

Sep. 3rd, 2007


Bee Prepared

Title: Bee Prepared
Character : Brad x Schuldig
Challenge: Allergies
Team: Weiss
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100


Brad rubbed his temple and carefully pried the German from his arm. “Calm yourself, Schuldig.”

“There’s a BEE!”

“Then kill it, you’re an assassin,” Brad said.

“But, what if it stings me?? I’m allergic!”

“Schuldig, I’m a precog. Do you think that I’d let anything happen to you under my watch?” He reached over to the table for a can of bee spray.

“I…love you,” Schuldig said, kissing him.

Brad chuckled and pulled away to whisper, “the bee just flew into this room.”


Brad took aim and got the insect with one shot. “You can thank me later.”

Aug. 16th, 2007


Story time with Farfarello

Title: Story time with Farfarello
Character : Farfarello and Nagi
Challenge: Scars
Team: Weiss
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100

Scars were Farfarello’s personal tattoos and each one told a story - most even had a sound.

If you leaned real close and pressed your ear against the scar on his chest, you’d hear it scream.

If you touched the one on his arm, you could feel it tremble and if you listened, really listened, you’d hear a person's death.

At first Nagi didn’t believe Farfarello, but he changed his mind after exploring each and every scar by hand.

Nagi didn’t have any physical scars.

When Farfarello saw this, he offered to give Nagi a tattoo and scribe his story.

Aug. 10th, 2007


Eggshell Thoughts

Title: Eggshell Thoughts
Character : Ken & Farfarello
Challenge: white
Team: Weiss
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100

Pain explodes as my head slams against the wall. It doesn’t seem real, men with powers, this tower, this madman who seems to think my head is an egg to crack open. I feel scrambled – wait, that’s a bad thought. I don’t want him munching on my soggy brain, dipping it into ketchup – wait, this isn’t ketchup.

The floor disappears and I’m crushed, drowned, sinking.

The world goes white at the edge of consciousness. Right before it fades to black.

Strange, that two colors so different would appear at the same time.

Hell, maybe we’re not so different after all.

Aug. 4th, 2007



Title: Emptiness
Character : Youji
Challenge: Black
Team: Weiss
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Series: Gluhen

Black seemed to be all he ever saw anymore. It was the color he preferred, the color of nothingness. There was no need for a white cross anymore. He’d only be deluding himself if he used that. That wasn’t his belief.

Dark deeds once plagued him in a waking nightmare, forever threatening to swallow him whole, until he emptied his mind and crawled out of the acidic pit of despair.

The keen slice of the wire bled thoughts that pooled in his mind, drowning his guilt and memories.

He met the Buddha and killed him – so now he embraced nothing.

Jul. 23rd, 2007


Random Reading

Title: Random Reading
Character : Crawford
Challenge: Cats
Team: Weiss
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author’s Note: Cat Information Source

If Schuldig was a cat, Brad Crawford thought as he flipped through a cat magazine, he would be a Siamese.

They are a handful and owners must be prepared to devote them plenty of time. They have a highly developed variety of cries for all occasions to gain attention.

That’s about right, he chuckled, reading on.

They do not like being ignored or left for long periods because of their sensitive nature which renders them liable to mood swings and unpredictable behaviour.

A flicker of the Sight caused Brad to reach for his cell phone and give Schuldig a call.

Jul. 20th, 2007


Dream On

Title: Dream On
Character : Mamoru and Yohji
Challenge: confession
Team: Weiss
Rating: worksafe, G
Word Count: 100
Series: Just after Gluhen
Author’s Note: Revamped a drabble for this challenge.

He lies there in the hospital bed, motionless, except for the steady rise and fall of his chest.

His time with Weiss and Kritiker is at an end.

Maybe he’s lucky that he’ll forget - that he won’t have to remember like the rest of us.

But still, despite the amnesia, I want him to say goodbye.

“Takatori-san, Fujimiya has awakened.”

“I’ll be right there,” Mamoru says, rising from the chair. “Is Hidaka finished with his CAT scan?”

“Yes, sir.”

He looks to Yohji one last time and says in a quiet confession, “goodbye, my love. Dream on, without me.”

Jul. 13th, 2007


Grim Reminders

Title: Grim Reminders
Character : Brad Crawford
Challenge: Broken
Team: Weiss
Rating: worksafe
Word Count: 100


The sound sickened him.

Crawford removed his glasses and rubbed at his eyes. The broken glass in the sink brought a flurry of memories he’d just as soon forget.

He remembered his first day at Rosenkreuz.

The doctors took his glasses and crunched them underneath their boots, grinding them into the tiles.

It was a reminder that his sight belong to them. It was a reminder that he was to have nothing of his former life.

They issued him new glasses that day and a new existence.

He swore one day he would have revenge.

That day was approaching.

Jul. 8th, 2007


Soccer Field in the Rain

Title: Soccer Field in the Rain
Character : Ken
Challenge: Rain
Team: Weiss
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Series: Gluhen

The rain doesn’t taste sweet anymore. It used to bring life to the wildflowers it bathed.

But now – now it tastes salty. It drowns everything in tears.

I’ve become accustomed to the torrential bitterness that no umbrella can withstand.

Playing football in the rain was the best. You’d be ankle-deep in water and each kick would bring a muck-filled spray. You’d sweat mud by the end of the game and be caked in it. Everyone looked the same when the game was over.

This morning as I stare at the flooded field, I realize that mud stains - just like blood.

Jun. 30th, 2007


In Her Care, The Bonsai

Title: In Her Care
Character : Momoe
Challenge: Flowers
Team: Weiss
Rating: G
Word Count: 100

Momoe moved along the various flowers, carefully tending to each one.

She was careful to prune the red rose, making sure she steered clear of its thorns.

She pinched an extra dose of plant food to the gentian, making sure it stayed strong.

She gave the freesia a bit more water, to satisfy its growing thirst.

She turned the cattleya toward the sun, making sure it could see the brighter day.

Momoe was constantly keeping watch over the flowers in her care.

She hoped that one day they would blossom to their true potential, outside of the flower shop’s walls.

Title: The Bonsai
Character: Momoe
Challenge: Flowers
Team: Weiss
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author’s Note:

Momoe carefully trims the bonsai, reflecting on its beauty for a moment. She softly touches its leaves and closes her eyes.

The bonsai, its roots were never planted in the earth. In container and soil, it is part of nature yet separate.

In this way, it makes her think of Schwarz.

She cannot personally care for those young men like she does Weiss.

It is fitting that she chooses to allow this tree to grow into an informal upright position.

It will grow and stand strong, in its own special way.

An Oracle tells her so and Momoe-san believes him.

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April 2009




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