War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


October 20th, 2013

No Evil & No Possessed

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Did any of us start the rumor that Loki was actually a crazy fan who got plastic surgery to look like his facetwin and was trying to get the actors attention? Because that's starting to pop up online. And if we didn't, should we perpetuate it?

September 16th, 2013

Fitlered against Lucifer, Death, and all of their jolly friends.

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You know, HG, there is nothing more endearing than a creepy tripod that stalks me around the lab.

Except for, of course, a creepy tripod that lunges at me from the closet I happened to lock it in.

In case you haven't figured it out by now, I'm not being sarcastic. Nor am I hungover.

I'm also not trying to work on anything important so that Lucifer doesn't kill us all.

If you were wondering (and I know that you were) I don't hate you in this moment. Not even a little.

(Introducing a very special filter to all of you dashing heroes [and, unfortunately, Loki] out there who happen to be weathering the weather)
Pick one and I'll make nice with UPS for a very special delivery.

(a) Umbrellas
(b) Inflatable rafts
(c) Iron Man

September 9th, 2013


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So, gonna tell me whats up? Since when did you become a hermit?

September 4th, 2013

No Evil

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I have two questions to ask, and I am hoping some of you might have answers, or at least can point me in the direction of those who can answer them.

The first question has to do with the roof of the complex. Where I am from I had a hive on the roof of my brownstone and I would like to have one here as well. They are completely safe, so long as you don't antagonize the bees, and I would gladly share any honey or honeycomb that comes from the hive. So I suppose the question is who would I have to ask for permission to install one on the roof?

The second question has to do with the classes offered. I have extensive knowledge in a wide variety of subjects, some of which I am an expert at. How does one go about teaching a class? Some areas in which I am knowledgeable include escape techniques, forensics, beekeeping and various forms of self defence.

Also, speaking of self defence, I am looking to train with others in the various forms of martial arts as well as the use of sticks. I am hoping someone is willing to help me brush up on my skills, as I am a tad rusty.

July 29th, 2013

no evil

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Oh thank god, now Tony can stop writhing now that the booze is back.

July 11th, 2013

no evil

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Too much down time. Someone fix it. Not used to sitting on my hands so long. I'm a soldier, down time is not my friend. I can only clean Tony's penthouse so much before I lose my mind.

So, Black Cat. Can't say I'm thrilled Tony's dating a thief.

Filtered from Evil

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I can't believe Sharknado is an actual movie. Who comes up with this crap?

July 9th, 2013


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July 2nd, 2013

Filtered from Evil

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T - 2 days people.

Things are getting done, marquee is being delivered tomorrow evening and caters are doing what they do.

[address] We'll start things out around 4. And if  you're not trying to kill us assume you're invited. 

For those new, I'm Felicia Hardy and just every once in a while I throw outstanding parties. This will be one of those parties. Call it a great chance to get to know people. No you don't have to be American to enjoy it but I should warn you,  if  you're British, well...Rose'll fill you in :p

Tony, do you still have the apron from last year?!

June 25th, 2013

No Lucifer..apparently

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Maybe I'm the one who needs my head checked.

No Lucifer

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Okay, so the devil wants us all dead, I missed graduation, we only get to come and go as this weird Seal thing pleases and we’re in some kind of Apocalyptic fight. So now the important questions.

1. I have these great giftcards that need be spent so I can own more than the dress I’m currently wearing. And while I look amazing in it, I feel like I don’t want to wear it forever, so where do people even shop in the middle of Nowheresville, USA?

2. What do you even do in the middle of an Apocalypse? Aside from wear tacky jewelry so you don’t get possessed?

3. Where are we getting our blood from because you know fish gotta swim, vampires gotta eat. So do we have a blood bag source around here?

Filtered against Lucifer by Tony because I am too pretty to be a demon

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Stark. Start explaining.

What did you do?
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