War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


March 7th, 2012

Filtered to Jacob

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Are you feeling it too, this pull?

March 6th, 2012

Filtered to: Futurekids

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Does anyone have any examples of weird things the seal did that lasted this long? It's been three weeks. It's never three weeks, all the stories and the history I read up on it was one week or two and it's been three. I can't think of any time it lasted this long, except with, like, our parents and they mostly stayed, that isn't comforting at all.

What if we're stuck he

March 4th, 2012

Filtered to Tenel Ka

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I know this is probably a bad time but I kind of need to talk to y How am I supposed to d
Kriff, I'm not going to be selfish on top of being a cowar

Hey, Mom said you were sad upset... Is there anything I can do? Tea?

[Filters added later]


I want to go home, Mom. I can't
Why would Grandmother kill
I don't

So. Grandmother's more than sad, apparently.

March 2nd, 2012

filtered against evil

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that hit way too close to the orphanage last night
I don't
So many kids
There are a lot of people healing up right now, if anyone has any special food requests leave them here. You are not limited to Kansas, it isn't a lot but I know I find food comforting sometimes.

I'm gonna go to the Fortress for a couple hours to check on something unless you need me here. Want me to bring anything home for dinner? It's late, but I haven't eaten yet so yeah.

Doin okay kid?


March 1st, 2012

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I'm fine. The garden's not. Apologize to whoever tends it for me.

I was on the roof all day. Tell me that text was just panic.

Ems, you okay?

You good?

I really shouldn't give a sh
I don't give a shi
You're nothing but a bitch to me, why should I give a f
If you can pull your head out of your ass long enough to be civil Check in.

Various texts!

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[Text to James]

» Can you find Sam?

[Text to Sammy]

» If this is some kind of joke, you got me. Really, a lot.
» Please answer me.
» Please don't be dead.

[Text to Mom]

» I don't know what to do, I can't feel her in the Force anymore. I didn't feel her die, but she's not anywhere anymore. It's like she doesn't exis
» Do you think the seal took her? Maybe she's back home? Does that happen that way, just all of a sudden? With blood? I mean maybe she just
» I can't

[Text to Sammy]

» I need you to answer me, Sam. Please.

[Mass text: all futurekids in Jacob or Sammy's age group / social circle]

» has anyone heard from samantha?

[Text to Sammy]

» Sam come on i cant do this right now okat? please.

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Sammy's gone. Her bacon's there but she's not, where the hell is my kid?

...Theirs blood behind the complex. she can't be

[Text #1 to Sammy]
Where are you? I thought you were just going to the kitchen?

[Text #2 to Sammy]
I am in the kitchen, where are you?

[Text #3 to Sammy]
...Sammy? please answer me?

February 26th, 2012

Anti: Demonic!Evil, Lucifer, Moriarty (+ clan), Katherine, & Loki

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There was some kind of explosion in the kitchen... I'm sure most of you heard it, right? It wasn't just someone randomly blowing something up, I thought maybe my mom was cooki but it looks like it was something planted.

Nadiya was in the explosion. I don't know if she was the target, or if it was an accident, but She's in the medbay now, she was unconscious when I got down there so I don't know what happened, exactly. I'm pretty sure the doctors will be able to handle it I hope, so don't panic yet... but everyone should definitely be on their guard until we know what's going on, all right?


You're alright, aren't you? I mean, I know you weren't in it, but
I jus
For a second, I just saw blonde and I thought


Are you patrolling tonight?

February 22nd, 2012

Filtered to Future Kids

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Hi, kiddos.

Tell me, am I around in your future?

[Samantha Winchester]
Hi there.

So, Dean's little girl. You liking the trip to the past?

I still have your camera.

Think I should use it when I go after the girl annoyed by the troll? Get some memories for all?

February 21st, 2012

A present to Sam Winchester from Sammy, Ismara, Jacob, and James

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[[So Sam and Ruby's front porch is now covered in Keebler cookies and glitter. Like, COVERED. Courtesy of the futurechildren.

Erin left right before this went down but I...can't imagine she objects and Sammy asked Jacob first. If she does I will edit this post and he will have not been involved :)]]

February 20th, 2012


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[[Someone is home from the party and NOT HAPPY]]


February 19th, 2012

Jacob and Kon

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Hey kid. So, obviously, we can see this party post Joffrey put up since we are, you know, teens. We talked about it and decided three things:

1) We are not going.
HAH bet you didn't even think of that, huh?
Also because your host? Routinely hits on your mom. He asked me to come to a magic kingdom under his bed once while he was on drugs. JUST SAYING.

2) It's fine if you go, you don't need to sneak out. You seem like a responsible kid, and you can't exactly get drunk off two beers and start puking or drunk driving/flying. We also aren't telling any other parents.

3) The above ruling is conditional upon you calling us twice during the night. Once at midnight and once right before you come back to the apartment so we know everything is okay. If we don't get calls or if you're out past 2am we will show up and embarrass the shit out of you.

February 18th, 2012

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[Filtered to Connor]
still think I can't do lame things
it wasn't that lame
I kinda needed a hug so

Can you do me a favor?

[Filtered to Allana]
I'm gonna try something with Jacob, do you remember me telling you about Clark's Fortress?

[Filtered to Jacob]
Did I ever tell you about the Fortress of Solitude?

[Filtered to Darcy]
Allana's already so attached to this kid. He's been here a few days only, why can't I get that?

February 17th, 2012

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Did you see Ismara's post? She filtered to me, and apparently Jacob started the whole taunting the devil thing. What the kriff he was thinking, I have no idea. He's a kid, he's never been involved in the kind of things we both were, he has no idea... I mean, he makes the kriffing bed every morning and eats chocolate covered espresso beans on his pizza and I do not want Lucifer anywhere near him.

Is this what my parents feel like when
No, that's different, I grew up in danger, I could handle it
What are we supposed to do here? I feel like it involves his full name and then I...mostly want to just have a heart attack while glaring at him.

Solo-Kent family (Jacob, Kon, Allana)
Jacob Kal-El Solo-Kent. We know you were taunting the devil.

February 16th, 2012

Filtered to the children of the future.

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Enjoying our little visit, are we?

filtered against lucifer, moriarty, and hermione.

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a madwoman tried to drag me into her tequila rain party.

think i swallowed a bit trying to fight her off!

James and Jacob

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I would like to call an emergency meeting of the My Family is Insane Club. Location, at one of our parents' apartments or something. Topic: apparently I am an archangel vessel along with Ben and Patrick and Emily because it's in our bloodline. You know what I've noticed? The word bloodline never comes up in a conversation about anything normal or in any way positive. Because maybe if I joke about this it won't be incredibly scary? It seems to work for other people?

February 15th, 2012

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[Filtered to Kon and Allana, aka MOM AND DAD]

Let me know when it's safe to come back. Seriously, ugh.

Also why are we at the complex, and when did that happen?
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