War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



March 6th, 2012

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Filtered against evil
I think I've been feeling it too now. The pulling thing. Everyone has been great but...I think this is a very good feeling.

Are you going to be home tonight and tomorrow? I want to make sure I get to say goodbye.

March 2nd, 2012

filtered against evil

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Thanks, to everyone who came and helped us last night.

Do you know when you're coming home yet?

February 29th, 2012

FutureJules, FutureBen, & Samantha

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Everyone's home now, right? No one's going anywhere else tonight?

February 26th, 2012

Anti: Demonic!Evil, Lucifer, Moriarty (+ clan), Katherine, & Loki

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There was some kind of explosion in the kitchen... I'm sure most of you heard it, right? It wasn't just someone randomly blowing something up, I thought maybe my mom was cooki but it looks like it was something planted.

Nadiya was in the explosion. I don't know if she was the target, or if it was an accident, but She's in the medbay now, she was unconscious when I got down there so I don't know what happened, exactly. I'm pretty sure the doctors will be able to handle it I hope, so don't panic yet... but everyone should definitely be on their guard until we know what's going on, all right?


You're alright, aren't you? I mean, I know you weren't in it, but
I jus
For a second, I just saw blonde and I thought


Are you patrolling tonight?

February 22nd, 2012

Filtered Against Evil...but for once we'll let side evil stay. Let's all unite for a cause!

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So this bitch, Meg. I'm done. She's threatened my daughter, she's attacked my girlfriend, and she's targeting other innocent kids. I'm not stupid enough to think I can take her myself. But I'm not going to keep sitting back and waiting.

I'll take help where I can get it. But I'm done playing the victim with her. You all wanted me to sit back and let the big kids handle it? Look where it's gotten us. No, now it's on.

[Jillian (Kimberly can read, too)]

I'm proud of you for thinking to Christo her, but honestly, sweetheart, quit talking to her. Please.


We're not going to let this go. I promise you that. Do me a favour? Stay inside. For a day or two. If she's making threats. I can't lose you. Got it?

filtered against evil, jimmy and katherine

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That blonde girl, Kelly, don't answer her, no one answer her post to us, she's a demon. Her other name is Meg and she was hiding out during this time, in that disguise. I messed up, I talked to her, I'm really, really sorry, but no one else do it.

[[Outing of Meg due to future info approved by Hailey :)]]

Filtered to Future Kids

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Hi, kiddos.

Tell me, am I around in your future?

[Samantha Winchester]
Hi there.

So, Dean's little girl. You liking the trip to the past?

I still have your camera.

Think I should use it when I go after the girl annoyed by the troll? Get some memories for all?

February 21st, 2012


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JAMES BOND INDIANA JONES WEASLEY TWINS SOLO III~ THAT IS GROSS. I did want to ever walk through the lobby again, you know.

filtered against evil, jimmy, moriarty and katherine

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I know it isn't really a breakfast thing, this pancake day, but I'm in a good mood since I'm no longer scared I'm so repulsive I broke time by having my father interact with me once and decide to never have more kids and I've sort of missed cooking so I made breakfast-y things to go along with the pancakes.

So there is tofu bacon and soy sausages in the Complex kitchen if anyone wants them!

A present to Sam Winchester from Sammy, Ismara, Jacob, and James

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[[So Sam and Ruby's front porch is now covered in Keebler cookies and glitter. Like, COVERED. Courtesy of the futurechildren.

Erin left right before this went down but I...can't imagine she objects and Sammy asked Jacob first. If she does I will edit this post and he will have not been involved :)]]

Filtered against evil, the Moriarties, Katherine, Jimmy, & Dawn

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I am the King Queen of Fairies!

[Future kids, excluding Aurora]
La la la, my sister's amazing... la la la

[ooc: Added in a few minutes later]

Doubly amazing, because it gets better. I love 2012 haha!

February 20th, 2012

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I want to go home now.


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[[Someone is home from the party and NOT HAPPY]]


February 19th, 2012

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Hi, I'm Samantha Winchester, I know we haven't met, but the injured woman I posted about a couple days ago is awake and she's been asking for you. There's a note for you that was found on her, I put it in your mailbox in the lobby. I just have to warn you, she was in pretty bad shape, and there's blood on it. I put it in a bag, and it's probably dry if you haven't gotten it already, but it might be kind of upsetting. I'm really sorry I didn't contact you earlier, or warn you about the blood if you've already seen it.

Aunt Ruby
Can I ask you something?

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[Filter against Evil, Moriarty and Katherine added a few minutes later]
[Extra filter against Moriarty family added when Jo tells her to]

Djd the lettre get to Shrelock, ti has too get hmi or Ji will coem fro me again

(OOC: Adler has been passed out in the medbay since Samantha found her and has woken up, drugged to the heavens with no letter and no idea what's happened)

February 18th, 2012

Filtered to teens!

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The renovations on my palace have reached a stage of near-completion, and since we seem to have quite a larger number of 'teens' in this city at the moment, it seems this would be a rather good time for a party.

The address is [address!]. It will begin tomorrow night at nightfall. There will be music (I have acquired a servant known as a 'DJ' who tells me he has the 'hottest beats dog' though I don't really know what beating dogs has to do with who will be operating the musical devices), various beverages, and a banquet prepared by my servants.

If anyone is 'grounded' and would like to come, I'm sure there are various 'teleporters' around who may be willing to help - does anyone volunteer to do so? If you need to give your guardians information about the event you may tell them it is 'chaperoned', if you wish - I have my guards standing by in case something should go wrong.

If you wish to invite someone that might not be on this filter, use caution. I do not expect this party to be 'crashed' by anyone looking to cause trouble, or attempting to ruin it. This is meant to be a fun evening, and I will be VERY displeased if anything goes wrong.

February 16th, 2012

filtered to Samantha and Ben winchester

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Sammy, you are grounded for a week. If you are also involved in tonights chat with Lucifer you will also lose tv for a month ontop of being grounded. Ben that goes for you too if you were anyway involved in talking with Lucifer.Lie, and it'll be worse. Remember I will know if you lie. I always know.

filtered against lucifer, moriarty, and hermione.

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a madwoman tried to drag me into her tequila rain party.

think i swallowed a bit trying to fight her off!

James and Jacob

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I would like to call an emergency meeting of the My Family is Insane Club. Location, at one of our parents' apartments or something. Topic: apparently I am an archangel vessel along with Ben and Patrick and Emily because it's in our bloodline. You know what I've noticed? The word bloodline never comes up in a conversation about anything normal or in any way positive. Because maybe if I joke about this it won't be incredibly scary? It seems to work for other people?

February 15th, 2012

[Now filtered against all manner of baddie]

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Hell of a day to skip school for a Zipperhead show. Turns out the venue was a stoner hostel in 2012.

[Filtered to friends/family from the future]
Nobody break time. Everything we do here could unmake somebody we know. So please, please be careful with what you do and what you say.

[Filtered to Mel and Adam]
Let's get the awkward over with. Hi, mom and dad. I'm Patrick.

[Additional filter added later] [Filtered to Winchesterkids]
You guys maybe already figured it out, but just in case, Samantha and I were talking and we realized we're all probably Vessels. So if you start having any freakier-than-normal dreams, it's probably something you should speak up about, and we're going to need to be extra careful not to draw attention to ourselves.
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