War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


March 7th, 2012

Filtered to Thor

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I believe the seal is calling us back to our times.

Might you be willing to spend the day with me. I do not know how long I will be here now.

...I'm sorry I disappointed you.

February 25th, 2012


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Talk to me cousin

February 24th, 2012

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I suppose this truly isn't a dream, then. Far too complex and vivid.


I am sorry I hurt you. I was... overwhelmed, and believed I was under enchantment...

I would never have done that if I had been aware that it truly was you. You know I would never hurt you intentionally, Darcy.

Will you allow me to make my amends properly?


How are we feeling today?


Still intend to stop me, girl?


What do you remember?

February 23rd, 2012

Filtered to Loki

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You will explain

February 18th, 2012

Filtered to Thor

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Father, might we meet up over an ale somewhere?

Perhaps the Roadhouse?

Filtered against Lucifer, Moriarty, Katherine, annnnd (later) Dawn.

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We've time traveled into the past, our parents are freaking out, Lucifer is prancing around the boards, and there's a war going on.

But the beer tastes just as good as it did in the future.

Oh, and my mom is alive. Did I mention?

[ooc: Slightly backdated before all the Ariel posts becaaaaause MJ has been trying to catch up on tags all night and does not want Zevran to seem all giddy when there is badness going on.]

February 15th, 2012

[Now filtered against all manner of baddie]

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Hell of a day to skip school for a Zipperhead show. Turns out the venue was a stoner hostel in 2012.

[Filtered to friends/family from the future]
Nobody break time. Everything we do here could unmake somebody we know. So please, please be careful with what you do and what you say.

[Filtered to Mel and Adam]
Let's get the awkward over with. Hi, mom and dad. I'm Patrick.

[Additional filter added later] [Filtered to Winchesterkids]
You guys maybe already figured it out, but just in case, Samantha and I were talking and we realized we're all probably Vessels. So if you start having any freakier-than-normal dreams, it's probably something you should speak up about, and we're going to need to be extra careful not to draw attention to ourselves.
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