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War Is Coming Communications.



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August 8th, 2012

filtered against evil, Katherine,

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I don't know what else to say except I'm sorry. The last couple days are still kind of blurry, but just reading things..I..don't blame anyone for hating me.

Filtered to Lois, Zee, Darcy, and Oliver...and Abby, too, just cause

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He's going to be okay. He's had all day to rest and heal and he's still a little weak but, you know. Kryptonian. He's healing pretty damn fast.

Now next time, if there's a next time, can we call off the dogs and not have a manhunt involved?

August 6th, 2012

Filtered from evil, Katherine, and Dark

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I have Kon incapacitated. Sort of. He gets the rock off of him and all bets are off. And I. Cannot do this. He's.

Can anyone get over here and help me get him back to the complex so we can make sure he's safe? And think of a better way for us to do this so he isn't in so much goddamn pain?

August 4th, 2012

Filtered from evil, Katherine and Dark

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Cats out of the bag and all those great sayings, but thanks to everyone who tried reaching me over the last few days.

And try not to hold the idiocy of not telling against Chloe. Even if it was the stupidest thing ever. Feel free to remind her of that whenever you want. Daily. Hourly. I’m good with any of those options.


Don’t let this set you back.

And I'm sorry I was me left like I did.


So ignoring the fact you’re sitting right across from me and I could tell you this in person I just wanted to say thanks.

Thanks for knowing what I really needed
Thanks for knowing me well enough
Thanks for letting me cry

Thanks for kidnapping me.

And I think we need to go back now even if I would rather stay here for a few more days. Something weird seems to be happening in Kansas.


Sorry about missing dinner. Reschedule for next week?

*Added Filter Against Evil I Guess

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Not again. Please not
I can't do this.
He's not. He can't be
Fuck the Seal. Seriously. I can't

He's gone.

Again. I can't keep living with
How many times do I have to
I'm so tired. I'm just so, so damn tired

August 3rd, 2012

text to lois

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>So scale of 1 to 10, how mad are you?

August 2nd, 2012

Filtered to anyone who is friends with/talks to Lois.

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Lois is with me. She needed some time away, so I took her to the Fortress.

I think her phone was left behind at the paper, so if you've been trying to reach her that way that's why she hasn't been responding.

Text to Lois

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>Not bothering to ask if you're okay because it's stupid
>What do you need from me?

July 31st, 2012

filtered against kids, evil, and evil vampires

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Since I can't sleep anymore I may as well be productive I guess Right then, I've gotten in touch with Bobby Singer. For those who don't know Bobby is a hunter. A demon expert from this world. He's willing to teach those of you 18 and older about demons and other things that go bump in the night. I've taken his camp twice, and it will not waste your time if you want to arm yourself and be able to fight back. He's agreed to take on small groups at a time. He is located in South Dakota. Now I understand that is a ways to go, but we have a few options here. We have those who can teleport. Would any of you be willing to do so? Or if not I've got a car, I can get you up to see him if there are interested parties. at least nobody has touched my car sinceHe'll teach you everything you need to know from the exorcism to basic weaponry. I'm not trying to scare anyone but these things could very well save your life in this world. It isn't mandatory but it is highly recommended that you at the very least educate yourself about what we are facing.

He has places for everyone to sleep, and you will be fed and such but it isn't the ritz. It'll be much like boot camp-okay basically is boot camp.

This could probably interest those of you who are on team Research, he has an extensive library on pretty much anything you could think to ask for. He has a room lined with books ranging from Devil's traps to pixies.

Those of you who want in I will add to a list on this post.

[Edited Information]
Camp lasts a week. Dates are flexible. I'll add those in as you guys tell me what you need.

The first group would leave Tomorrow. Wednesday August 2nd at 6pm and be home by August 9th. So far I've got:
Stephanie Brown
Peter Vincent
Robin Hood
Harry Lockhart
SECOND GROUP August 13th-19th:
Natasha Romanoff
Claudia Donovan
Elena Gilbert
Darcy Ainsley

THIRD GROUP August 20ith-26th:
Myka Bering
Wyatt Halliwell
Oliver Queen
Cara Mason
Kimberly Corman
Marian Knighton

FOURTH GROUP September 1st-7th
Cole Turner
Hermione Granger
Connor Reilly
Mara Jade Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Bruce Banner

FITH GROUP september 7-13
Abraham Lincon
Luke Skywalker
Pete Lattimer
How are you doing?

July 24th, 2012

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[Filtered to Jules, Elena, and Jenny]

Before this world screws up my plans again, we're going to pick out your dresses, ladies. Tomorrow afternoon work or should I reschedule?

Also, I want to know how Elena gets to find a knight of Camelot and I get stuck finding Robin Hood's nemesis and a traitor to the crown. Un. Fair.

[Filtered to Lois]

So, my favourite shopping maven with the brilliant sense of style. Would you be interested in giving your opinion on some bridesmaid dresses after work tomorrow?

[Filtered to Abby]

No pressure, of course, if shopping isn't really your thing, but would you like to come along and help pick out my bridesmaid dresses?

January 21st, 2012

Filtered against Evil/Katherine

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It makes me glad Emily can't talk yet....

July 20th, 2012

Filtered from evil and katherine

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Considering all the stress, blocking google here seems like the best for everyone's mental health.

July 4th, 2012

Filtered from Evil/Moriarty/Katherine

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I have a glorious plan involving bbq and fireworks tonight. Independance Day should mean more to us for being here, don't you think?

I don't care who shows up to my place unless obviously you're evil or crazy or plan to be overly dramatic and bring my party down.

Tony, you can be overly dramatic. You make it an art form.

July 3rd, 2012


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June 29th, 2012

filtered against evil, moriarty

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Astor's gone... I came in to ask her something and she's gone...

June 28th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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Four charged with running foster child prostitution ring.

What the hell is wrong with these people?

Sometimes I understand why he
I'd like to
I'd kill them myself if I could

If they get visited by Leroy and Bubba in jail, I'll cheer them on.

June 25th, 2012

filtered against Evil and Moriarty and Katherine

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So, we've learned the extent of my boyfriend's surfing abilities. He doesn't drown.

June 22nd, 2012

Filtered Against Evil, Katherine, Moriarty

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This legit just happened, guys. These things are huge. And I know huge. T-Rex? Huge. Humpback whales? Also basically huge.

I may never leave. Just saying.

June 18th, 2012


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Think you'd be up to watching Rex for a couple of days?

June 17th, 2012

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Did you know Hawaii has no native species of reptile?

[Vic and Claudia]

Hey guys, could I get a huge favour? Kon's offered a trip for Abby and me and I wouldn't ask for the time off but after what she went through, she kind of deserves it. Can you manage on your own for a few days?
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