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War Is Coming Communications.



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November 25th, 2014

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Hey, what's up?

I feel like all of you -- and me -- I feel like we need to have a little talk to get a few things straight. Seems like a lot of you, well, you might be familiar with a world like mine. Maybe you've watched some movies with Edward Norton or Eric Bana -- and if you have, I'm sorry. Maybe you think I should look a lot more like the affable love interest in 13 Going on 30 or maybe you just think I'm always angry.

But, dig this, all of those things are wrong.

What I am -- and what the Hulk is is dangerous. Indestructible, incredible, irrational, irradiated -- whatever you want to call it, the Hulk, if left unchecked, could rip this city apart faster than you could say "Smash". And if you're wondering if I'm writing this to tell you that there is some trick, some way to stop him, some charm like the way music works on the Three-Headed Dog in Harry Potter? You're wrong. You can't stop him. They've tried everything from shooting me into space to greasing me up with bacon and maple syrup and leaving me in a room with Wolverine. It doesn't work. It never will.

Magic doesn't work either. We've tried that.

Why I'm telling you this is -- well, it's simple. If you see the Hulk, you run. You don't be a hero, you don't try to stop him, you don't try to reason with him, or talk him down. I can sometimes do that, and God knows, I'll be trying -- these days, I even have control most of the time. But it's not a risk anyone ought to take.

Just run.

Why am I bringing all this up?

Because there's been a lot of talk about second chances aren't something anyone deserves. I certainly didn't -- or the third, forth, or fiftieth. Second chances aren't something that are earned, either: I've saved the world a hundred times over, I'll probably save it a hundred times more because that's what I do, but it doesn't make up for any of the lives I've ruined or the worlds I've destroyed. The planets that have been shattered to ashes because I failed to intervene in time. What second chances are are a gift, they're a sign of mercy, of compassion, of civilization and of hope.

They shouldn't be taken for granted, they shouldn't be revoked without reason, they -- basically -- shouldn't be fucked with. If someone fails at their second change, maybe they should be granted a third -- maybe not. But that's decided after, not before.

Because you can fuck with a lot of things, right -- but don't fuck with people's hope.

Especially not until you can stand up, look me in the eye and tell me you know what it's like not to have any.

November 24th, 2014

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This'll be my first Thanksgiving ever without my little brother. This sucks.

Filtered away from Marvel (Except Ward)

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Oh, I'm sure you'll all get a spiel from SHIELD and various other associate individuals, about how I'm evil. Maybe you have already.

But, Grant tells me that second chances are a thing here.

So, I thought I would get my side of the story out, to anyone that has any questions.

Name's John Garrett, if that rings any bells.

November 18th, 2014

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I sometimes wonder if being here is better than being there. And I figure in the end its got to be. That said, Christian ever comes here, he's dead. No questions, no second chances I..


How's the warehouse without Stark? Which of course lets face it, is a lead in to conversation where you tell me to keep away from Skye or something equally as ridiculous


Come see me later?

Its just that tonights not exactly a night I want to sit around alone. I'm gonna wind up switching the damn thing on and I can't promise I...

I don't know what I...Please Skye

November 5th, 2014

Filtered Against People Who Are Dicks, and Sanderson Witches

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I'm sure you'll all be very disappointed to find out that my voice was back this morning. So, screw you all.

[Filtered to Vicki]

I apologize for being a dick yesterday. You didn't deserve that.

Start over?

November 4th, 2014

Filtered against Evil Dicks and Especially Damned Sanderson Witches

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If any of you fucking laugh. I will rip your heart out. Don't think I won't.

But, one of the damned witches stole my fucking voice. And, it's not funny!

October 28th, 2014

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Right so, only a couple weeks from now I'm good to open the club. Its gonna be bloody amazing. Lot more niche than Purgatory and I can promise no Bon Jovi? So dare to be different and all

Vicki. You're in.

Anyone else looking for a job? Requirements are basically either not being a twat or at least being a highly entertaining twat.

And if you steal from me I will make you eat your own liver.

Let me know

October 22nd, 2014

No known threats

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I used to love Halloween. It was my favorite holiday. Now, I'm not so sure how I feel about it.

[Filtered to Bonnie Bennett]
Hey Bonnie, I have a question for you.

October 16th, 2014


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Did you find some place to stay? And do you think I could take you up on that offer for a hunt now?

We should talk.

How are you settling in so far?

Hey, you.

October 15th, 2014

No Threats, Thanks!

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Can someone explain to me why witch costumes are so lame anymore? Granted, I may be biased because I am a witch, but still.

The classics in general seem to be getting lame, or is that just me?


So...Mrs. Salvatore, is it?

Have you caught enough hell for your Vegas wedding? I kind of want to give you some too
But I know a lot of people were flipping out at you


No evil of any kind

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So Klaus and I are back in town and we’ve got a really big announcement!


Also presents! I’ve got tons and like everyone is practically getting something so expect goodies whenever I see any of you.


I hope Henrik wasn't any trouble. Thanks so much for everything.

[ooc: I am not listing gifts cause lol no but if you’re friends/family with either of them (and yes this includes Rebekah and Stefan--its just from Caro only) then totes got a prezzie. That suited them. Yep. So you know have fun with that. AND I can't remember where I got the manip from so yeah, no credit]

October 13th, 2014

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[Kol, Sam Winchester, Bobby]

Sam, Bobby, hi! So I'm back. And I remember being here before - and the training/de-sensitizing and all that stuff too.

BUT I wanted to let all three of you know - Claudia invited me to move in with her and the people with her and apparently it's okay with them. And I think I can really do it. I just - I thought I should let you all know. Just to, you know, cover everything.

Hi...we haven't met, but I'm Vicki. Caroline mentioned that you might have a spot in your club for me?

No jerks from either side. Or kids. No kids at all. In fact 21+ Cause WORLD OF EW

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I know that I should not look into the fandom. It leads to bad memories. But sometimes it's nice to see clips and stuff of people from home when I miss them.

And then there are days like today where, really, I need brain bleach STAT! Like seriously omg ew ew ew and did I mention EW?! Why would people ever, ever, EVER wanna ship things like that? I mean really! The man is like my FATHER! this is disgusting. I will never unsee this.

Can I just kill youtube with fire, guys? Is that cool?

[House Warehouse]
Vicki's back! I adore that girl and she IS my long lost interdimensional cousin~ and all... So what say you guys to letting her crash with us? We have, like, plenty of room and everything, so... thoughts/opinions?

Talk to me, bestie. How are you?

(ETA) [Vicki]
Hey, chick. So consensus is: Probably fine. If you're fine around 4 humans? We just wanna make sure you'd be okay, cause 2 year old in the house and all.

October 11th, 2014

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Oh wow, I'm alive(ish) again. And in Kansas again. Someone should really talk to that Seal about timing - almost bursting into flames is not a nice way to welcome someone back.

Sup, Lawrence? Matt Jerem

November 9th, 2013

Vampires only

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I am seriously glad that we can't get fat from eating regular food because I have eaten so many damn French fries today it is ridiculous.

Does anyone want to hunt a bear with me? Because I'm antsy and want to hunt and that usually helps the whole eat people urges to go the hell away.

October 28th, 2013

Family filter (sans Elijah)

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Is she serious? Is she actually serious? Because I don't know how the hell she expects any of us to react well to this.

We'll be back around 2 this afternoon. And considering I think you're the only one that even knew I was gone...filter.

I have no nice words, Elijah. I can't.

You've been awfully quiet, love. Everything all right?

October 13th, 2013

no evil/doucehbag brotehsr (thnat's jyou nik!)/lucifter pets/under 18s

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hyou know what? 'uim fucking dprunk and idgaf thnat we have other issuse going aon rgight now becxause the last 2-3wks have fucking gsukecd ffor me and anysone that doesn't fucking likoe it ecan kxiss my fucking immortoal ass.

aldso? crowley has the bcest liquor oun the fucking planet jsyk

October 9th, 2013

No evil/possessed

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So, how about we just never have a possessed and/or emotionless me ever again. Agreed? Good. Now, does that tattoo work on those of us with ridiculous healing factors? Because I want it. Like, yesterday.

You know what the fucking part of it was? It was gone. It was fucking gone and it was still fucking controlling me. I didn't even have the choice. It fucking made it for me. And then I just didn't care. I don't ever. For any reason. Want something in my head like that ever again.

You know I don't actually
I didn't mean
I do care if you're sent ba
That wasn't really me you know
I wasn't

I don't not care if you're in hell. For the record.

October 5th, 2013

No evil

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I'm bored. This arrangement just isn't working for me. Can we try the one where I'm not on complete lockdown?

October 2nd, 2013

No evil

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Well, that was unpleasant.
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