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War Is Coming Communications.



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March 16th, 2014

No evil

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So, one friend is back to normal. Good. I hope the rest go back to normal again soon.


Hi. I'm about 99.9% sure we've never met since I've been out of town for a few months, but I'm James Kirk and I'm a friend of Charlie's. Well, adult Charlie more than kid Charlie. Anyway, Charlie asked if she could ride on my motorcycle but I wanted to run that by you first. It would be in a parking lot and she'd have on a helmet and pads. If you say no I'll tell her no and that will be that. But I wanted to ask since I get the feeling you're taking care of her.

[Khan ]

So, just for my own curiosity, are you still here? And did my wish come true and you're pint-sized?

March 12th, 2014

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I think Sherlock (the modern one) is gone....

He understood me....

Why bother trusting anyone? Seal takes them away, just like I deserve.

March 9th, 2014

No Kids

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It can be done, it can be done.

Damien was turned into a kid.

I'm in no shape to care for a child, can't do this.

January 19th, 2014

No Evil

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This is me trying to trust and let people in

Anyone got a good trick to lose some nasty eye gunk? Sort of think I caught a cold at some point during the haze.

*Separate to doctors*

Can I get some sleeping pills? Not long term, just want a night or two without the nightmares tagging along and finally lose this cold.

Can't even trust my own instincts at the moment, so why trust now?

Text: Kenzi

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The job is off the table, the weird factor just flipped off all the radars. That is if my own instincts can even be trusted at the moment. Guy fell for my simply being overbooked and the freaky weather actually helped, along with a cold of all things.

And how can I trust people again when my heart is sure I'll just be betrayed again? Because right now that war inside my head is still going (and well nightmares of the cage are not helping either).

January 16th, 2014

No evil or Lucifer loyalists

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So, this is real, we're really back. I've known it for awhile now. But how do we get past all the The guilt I'd broken my vow to not harm innocents, a million times over down there It's.. challenging, being back in this, and with all that took place. It's hard. And I hope we get through it. I believe it's possible. Because we will. Or I'd tell myself that anyway We're here and safe, plus Lucifer is stuck down where he belongs and we're all safer for it. And the Seal has tossed a lot our way and we always got through that too. Admittedly, 50 years in the Cage surpasses all that Can't say things will ever be the same as it was, but we've survived. So now that I'm feeling more stable even though I ant to go break something big or do a hunt where I can obliterate a threat and coherent.. I wish to thank all involved for getting us out of that cage. So, thank you. I will never forget and swear to repay it one day when I have the opportunity, whatever that may be.

Also.. this is late, I know, but Merry Late Christmas. Or Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, whichever people celebrated. I had finally come across some presents which were supposed to have been sent out weeks ago. But weren't til now because.. well, you know. Hell. So, there should be gifted packages in the mail to some people soon, by tomorrow morning at least. Those gifts for my friends who live in the manor with me, I've put under the tree.

[OOC: For reference, Damien's gifts are listed here.]

January 13th, 2014

Filtered against evil

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The good days are slowly starting to outweigh the bad. Very slowly.

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*The Handful That Can Be Trusted* (if you're at least semi friendly with Parker or she can semi trust you then you're in the filter, includes Hal)

Where do I start? Because maybe its all finally real since nothing has gone wrong or nobody has stabbed me in the back. Last week's kick in the teeth (among other things) helped too.

Because Hal nailed it, I'm scared to trust but have to trust at the same time.

I can't do this alone, need help.

*Separate to Kenzi*

Is it rational or even sane I've become a little paranoid about my rig? But I got wind of a quick job a couple of towns over, am a bit tempted to take it. Just a jilted ex wanting his stuff back.

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Well. That answers that question.

January 11th, 2014

Friends Filter

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I'm so pitifully homesick. Aren't these things supposed to get better with time?

January 8th, 2014

No Under 12's, Otherwise No Filters

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I deserve this. A lot was proven in the cage.

I'm just a stupid nutcase. Maybe I'm just 20 pounds of crazy in a 5 pound bag after all?

Nobody cares so why should I bother caring? Don't deserve to be cared for, much less loved by anyone.

Its all a massive lie.

I deserve every second of this.

I even deserve to get sick.


But I'll keep my word from the other night: if nothing happens between now and Saturday I will come back to the manor.

Consider this me checking in too.

*edited a couple of hours later*

Properly ashamed of myself now....

Let's just say I've been kicked in the pants by the least likely people. The points have sunk in and I'm coming out of hiding.

January 7th, 2014

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Since I figure my darling family will drama about this at some point, yes, I turned my emotions off. I mean really, be honest Cage Buddies, if you lot had the option to do it, you would have too. And since I have no intention of being locked up like an animal until I conform into what they want me to be, I'm not in Lawrence any more.

And before anyone gets all self righteous at me, I'm not even killing anyone. Mostly It would just be more effort than I can be bothered with. So, we all clear? I don't give a shit and you can all burn for all I care. Just leave me alone.

January 6th, 2014

(written over about 45 minutes)

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Nothing is real. Everything is a con on a massive scale.

My heart is on total lockdown, why bother even trying to open up when I'll just be stomped on and betrayed over and over again? Ironic since I did get talked off the roof by Andy (and maybe Damien) last night. But today nobody will find me, I deserve to be as cold as ice. I deserve to be as cold as I feel.

I deserve nothing but hate. Nobody should even bother looking for me.

I deserve this and then some.

Nothing is real. Everything is a con on a massive scale.
Nothing is real. Everything is a con on a massive scale.
Nothing is real. Everything is a con on a massive scale.
Nothing is real. Everything is a con on a massive scale.

January 5th, 2014

No Under 12's

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I'm a stupid piece of slime.

I deserve to be treated like trash.

I'm a dirty little freak.

Nobody cares.

Go right ahead and hurt me. Go right on and twist my heart and stab me in the back, save me the trouble of being happy.

I deserve to freeze.

December 19th, 2013

Filtered Against Lucifer

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The answers in war are never simple. I believe we can all agree, however, that it is time. We move. Now.

Detroit, Michigan is 801 miles away. Do we have a way to transport an army to this point? As many as are willing to fight with us. The front lines will, of course, take on Lucifer himself. He will be surrounded by supporters attempting to stop what we intend to do, and that is where the others will come in. Exorcise if you can, if there is time, but we may no longer have a choice. When under attack, quick thinking and intelligent decisions need to be made. Self-sacrifice is not an option unless it becomes a requirement.

You all have a part to play in this, and I would prefer to not deal with any bickering or in fighting. We stand together or we do not stand at all. You may choose to trust me or you may hate me, but you will follow or we will lose. And losing is not something I do well.

If you are all ready and willing to stand together to end this once and for all, we leave in forty-eight hours. Find transport and soon. Further strategy information will come, and suggestions will be looked at. I am not unreasonable and any help will be welcomed.

[Sam Winchester]

You, however, tie up your loose ends and go ahead of us. Do what it is you need to do. We will be there as your backup if needed. Jacen will accompany you and distract Lucifer to give you your edge on him.


Stay in touch. Do what needs to be done and let me know how it's going. If we don't have to move this weak and somewhat pathetic army at all, even better.

December 16th, 2013

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I'm going to be left behind, just know it.

Hardison keeps dying, Nate and Sophie keep leaving, Eliot simply vanishes. Archie and Tara are nowhere to be seen.

But I'm going on a beer run if anyone wants any?

December 8th, 2013

No Evil

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Nightmares suck..

I keep seeing getting left behind on a job, being abandoned by the crew. It'll happen here too, I'll be left behind.

December 6th, 2013

Ta-Ta Evil

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I think I just re-bruised the rib that just healed up from the demon marathon.

November 29th, 2013

Don't Bother Evil

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Ok, I'm going nuts just sitting around and slinging drinks at night so can I put my background (pro thief) to use security wise?

November 3rd, 2013

No Evil, No Lord Harry

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It may have been 5 minutes to test the repairs but being in the air again helped.

But I'm finally starting to actually feel like me and less of a stomp target.

The party helped too. :)

*Filter: Damon's manor*

Sorry if anyone through it was something crazy the other night, it was just me testing the line repairs. The distance between those windows was perfect for a test and well I could not stand being grounded for much longer without going a little crazy.
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