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War Is Coming Communications.



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December 5th, 2011

Filtered against evil.

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Don't pay any attention to Lucifer's post. He's probably lying and, um, not the best person to talk to anyway, so...just ignore all of that.

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[Chuck, Dean, Sam, Mom]
Just made it to Bobby's, and we've got the fang in the panic room. Sorry it took a while to let you know, but parts of I-29 are closed and I had to take a couple detours. I'm gonna sleep for a bit, then head back. I'm going to let Elena know, and send her your way if she has questions.

Chuck, Dean - how ya doing?

We've got him in an inescapable panic room three states away. I'm about to get some shut-eye, so if you want details or have questions, contact my husband Chuck, or Dean, Sam, or my mom Ellen.

December 4th, 2011

Anti-Evil Filter!

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this day just keeps getting more and more terrifyi

So, earthquake? Massive levels of do not want, over here. Uh, is everyone okay? That wasn't big enough to, like, knock over buildings, right? You're all not squished?


You okay? And the girls? And... everything else?

The vampire isn't there yet, right? I should be back soon with enough of this vervain stuff, but I mean, I don't like the idea of you being alone with a vampire - not like you can't take care of yourself or like I'm going to be much help if something goes wrong, but, I mean, you know what I mean. I just don't like it.

November 26th, 2011

Filtered against evil.

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I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Mine was pretty decent, with the exception of being forced to watch clowns scuffle their way through the parade.

I still think it's pretty sick that they would openly display that sort of thing in front of innocent children, but hey. Apparently I'm overreacting.

(Filtered to everyone 18+)
As promised, Bobby and I are discussing re-opening training camp again. We'll be taking a break for the holidays when we get closer to Christmas, but I think we should be able to start sign-ups again and start progressing from there.

(Winchester + Jo & Chuck filter)
We should probably put down a final verdict on the minors at camp thing.

November 25th, 2011

Anti-evil filter

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So, I know this is a little late for Thanksgiving, but I was kind of busy earlier and so this never got posted, but I found this online earlier and I thought it was pretty appropriate for Thanksgiving during the apocalypse...

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.

- Thornton Wilder

I'm pretty sure I'd rather be stuck in the end of the world with my life as it is now, than go back to two or three years ago when I was alone and pretty much a hermit.

So, yeah. Happy Thanksgiving, guys.

November 24th, 2011

The Shurley Anniversary~

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On Tuesday morning, Jo would find flowers in her office, on her desk.

There is a note under the edge of the vase that just says Happy Anniversary! and has a big smiley-face on it.

Chuck also made child-care arrangements (with Mary, perhaps?) for that evening, so they could go out for a nice, quiet, classy dinner somewhere. After dinner, he gave her a necklace, which currently looks like this...

...but additional pearls can be added every year, so each one is for a new anniversary. Symbolism! It's very important! Chuck is a fan of symbolism!

[ooc: Pretend this is not SUPER LATE, okay? Um. I sort of have a thing where I fail at dates and remembering them, even when reminded, apparently - but Chuck would not, so... I am just posting this late wheee.]

November 6th, 2011

[Filtered against baddies]

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Okay, so maybe this is against the teenage anti-parent code or whatever, but my dad is fucking awesome.

October 29th, 2011


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So, I finally decided on my costume. It's... probably high levels of blasphemy. On the bright side, it's also a little hilarious? I'm hoping the Prophet thing means no one upstairs smites me for blasphemy.

Also, we have cute, fuzzy children. 100% blasphemy-free.

September 24th, 2011

Filtered against bad guys

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Houston, we have a problem... I'll help out with the babies however I can, but it looks like I'll have my hands full with your tiny wife. She keeps the breast milk in the fridge. I can't even Dean's borrowing my FUCK ME! Don't panic, though, I totally got this.


...I have no fucking clue what I'm doing, help me!


...please don't hate me. Something's come up and I don't know if I can still go to dinner Tuesday. I'll do what I can though, I promise, because I really want to go. Like, you have no idea how much.

September 19th, 2011

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Texts to Chuck )

September 10th, 2011

Filtered against evil.

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Ruby was taken by someone.

If you have any information leading up to her whereabouts, please contact me.

Something happened t
I need your help

I need your help.

September 4th, 2011

Filtered against evil.

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I've just been kicked in the shin by my wife.

I'm not really sure why.

August 25th, 2011

filtered against evil

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...hey, so when we say that people have been sucked through a seal to a world where they're sometimes fictional we mean people from other places right? We don't mean that Lawrence itself was sucked through a seal and anyone who comes here becomes fictional? Because I was in book store today and I saw the weirdest books, I swear, the names of the ghost hunting brothers were actually Sam and Dean. There was even one that took place in my hometown, but, uh, at that point I got freaked out and hopped on the network to ask this.

Gift for Jo & Chuck!

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A pair of teddy bears were delivered to The Roadhouse this afternoon. A card attached reads:

For the girls to play and/or harass Dean with. You guys should try to convince them both to name their bears Snuggle!

- Sam

August 10th, 2011

Filtered against evil.

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All right, so in case you newcomers didn't know: this guy? He's Lucifer. Yeah, I know, the Devil uses the internet and gets on to harass people, which is pretty stupid, but he's still the Devil and he can and will harm you if given the chance, so please make it in point to avoid talking to him. If he comments on your posts, ignore him. Though filtering away from him to begin with would really be the best way to avoid him altogether. If you need someone to show you how to filter, please don't hesitate to ask. I know some of you who come here aren't all too tech savvy and the boards can be pretty tricky as is, so help might be necessary in some of your cases here.

As a reminder, our Hunter 101 camp is going to start this Sunday. I've got the groups written up for those who signed up for it thus far, which I'll post below so you guys will know who's going with who and when that's happening. If you've taken an interest in joining up and have yet to do so, let me know here and I'll add you to the list.

Group one - you'll be the first to go for the full week of training, so be prepared to leave a little early to get to South Dakota by Sunday. Dawn informed me that she has transportation fit to carry four people with her, so if you do need a ride, make arrangements with her for a carpool.


I understand that some of you may be in need of some form of ID to get by here as well. I can't officially plant you into the system, but I can provide you with an alternative. An illegal alternative. My brother and I are relatively talented at piecing fake ID's together, which -- if used carefully -- can be used to help you get by in a number of situations. If you're interested in receiving an ID or two, send me your photo and I'll take care of the rest.




August 8th, 2011

Winchester + Milligan Filter

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goto [badly typed address, followed by a string of seemingly-random numbers that are supposed to be coordinates but actually mean nothing thanks to typos]


July 30th, 2011

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....My husband is a woman.

July 25th, 2011

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[ooc: So. Adam broke in Hell today~ Good times are had by Chuck's brain. By which I mean the exact opposite. He is currently sitting in the dark / a closet somewhere hiding. This post was pretty much accidental, and you probably won't get much in the way of answers out of him right now. Demons/angels/Lucifers that would also be aware of this event, feel free to give proper explanations? :D]

July 24th, 2011

Text to Chuck

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[ooc: She's downstairs, he's upstairs. They can text in the same building! :P ]

Who's Becky?

July 14th, 2011

Filtered against evil

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Anyone looking for a job still? I could stand to hire at least one more person at the Roadhouse. I'm slowing down
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