War Is Coming Communications.

June 2013
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01:04 am: [info]pendragonroyal No evil - 1 comment
01:11 am: [info]star_killer Filtered to Regina - 6 comments
03:40 am: [info]ex_the_kenzi392 Filtered against evil bitches & officers of the law. - 55 comments
01:31 pm: [info]hasherwhims No evil - 20 comments
02:05 pm: [info]star_killer House of Lust, Katherine, House - 12 comments
07:12 pm: [info]needstheroutine Filtered from Evil and also Mitchell - 38 comments
11:18 pm: [info]startsfires filtered against evil
01:16 am: [info]psychobitchvamp Regina - 12 comments
02:43 am: [info]ex_the_kenzi392 Filtered against evil bitches and DAVID aka SHADY GUY aka DUDE IF YOU HURT CAS I WILL END YOU. - 152 comments
03:04 am: [info]smokingmagician (no subject) - 8 comments
10:31 am: [info]nobleginger EDIT: Filtered against evil and 'David' - 126 comments
01:48 pm: [info]nightwingingit Text to Connor T - 8 comments
04:18 pm: [info]thismanofhonor (no subject) - 9 comments
04:43 pm: [info]enjoytheadorbs Mitchell - 45 comments
06:40 pm: [info]boywhobelieves Regina - 5 comments
08:05 pm: [info]feelingwolfie Oh Yeah, Filtered, No Evil, Etc - 78 comments
09:05 pm: [info]star_killer House of Lust, Katherine, House, Storybrooke minus Henry - 29 comments
10:15 pm: [info]hasherwhims No evil/'David'/Klaus - 49 comments
02:57 am: [info]star_killer Regina - 9 comments
05:01 am: [info]justneedataste Peter Vincent - 13 comments
05:49 am: [info]boywhobelieves uncle clark - 18 comments
07:22 am: [info]psychobitchvamp KÅ­shta na Pierce - 16 comments
08:30 am: [info]humanitytorn Filter from Evil - 130 comments
11:46 am: [info]slayersocialwrk (no subject) - 18 comments
11:50 am: [info]sharkswithguns nope evlll - 49 comments
11:55 am: [info]onefiercebitch No evil/David/Jerry/Cas - 28 comments
03:16 pm: [info]killsomething No evil, no Originals - 304 comments
06:07 pm: [info]muchnotmulch no peter no lucifer or other various evils or originals - 31 comments
12:21 am: [info]ex_savior698 Filtered to Regina. - 3 comments
12:35 am: [info]startsfires filtered against evil, Jerry, Regina, and Peter - 12 comments
12:51 am: [info]lostfairytale Filtered Against Evil, Peter, Regina, Jerry, is that everyone? OH and Henry - 79 comments
12:51 am: [info]real_robin Kon - 10 comments
02:20 am: [info]star_killer Gaia
09:22 am: [info]thatlanewit Clark and any law enforcement people - 20 comments
09:36 am: [info]humanitytorn Filtered from Evil
10:55 am: [info]onefiercebitch No evil. No one in Jerry's bloodline. (ETA) No Klaus. The saner Originals can see it - 113 comments
11:34 am: [info]frostandsnow Filtered from Evil - 98 comments
11:39 am: [info]justneedataste (no subject) - 60 comments
01:02 pm: [info]onlysayinghello Filtered from Evil - 79 comments
02:06 pm: [info]robinofthehood Filtered to Marian - 20 comments
06:40 pm: [info]feelingepic Filtered to Katherine - 14 comments
09:33 pm: [info]thismanofhonor Filtered from Evil - 13 comments
10:25 pm: [info]intheblack Claire C. - 11 comments
10:39 pm: [info]mostresilient (no subject) - 88 comments
11:28 pm: [info]silverarcher Scott and Lydia - 9 comments
11:41 pm: [info]gaveuphisheart (no subject) - 12 comments
11:45 pm: [info]justawanderer no evil - 16 comments
11:47 pm: [info]ripefruit filtered to Ginger and Charley - 17 comments
01:10 pm: [info]sinbroker (no subject) - 108 comments
01:14 pm: [info]stucklikethis (no subject) - 40 comments
01:19 pm: [info]decidewhoweare (no subject)
01:45 pm: [info]mrs_locksley Much - 9 comments
01:50 pm: [info]killsomething Amy, Charley, Ginger - 36 comments
05:37 pm: [info]silverarcher filtered against evil and FN vampires
08:24 pm: [info]boywhobelieves filtered against evil and the bad vampires - 7 comments
09:33 pm: [info]hasherwhims (no subject) - 126 comments
10:36 pm: [info]silverarcher text to Scott - 1 comment
10:54 pm: [info]thewolfwithinme Friends of Peter/People who went to the picnic that aren't FN vamps - 12 comments
01:32 am: [info]intheblack no FN vampires or whatever the hell else is evil - 8 comments
01:50 am: [info]subtletrick Complex Medical Team - 2 comments
04:23 am: [info]psychobitchvamp Regina - 12 comments
06:15 am: [info]frostandsnow Filtered from Evil and FN vamps - 81 comments
08:11 am: [info]justneedataste Regina & Peter V. - 17 comments
08:56 am: [info]little_ozzo No evil or current evil vampires - 7 comments
10:19 am: [info]focusscottfocus No evil or FN vamps - 22 comments
10:47 am: [info]action_man No evil/evil vampires - 81 comments
12:01 pm: [info]justonemorelie Filtered against Evil and FN Vampires...right. - 21 comments
02:27 pm: [info]delicatemick Beth - 29 comments
02:52 pm: [info]enjoytheadorbs (no subject) - 58 comments
04:14 pm: [info]ofthursdays Filtered from evil and vampires. - 82 comments
06:28 pm: [info]loveishope Filtered from Evil and FN vamps - 54 comments
08:07 pm: [info]delicatemick Peter Vincent - 9 comments
08:47 pm: [info]sharkswithguns No evil! - 76 comments
10:25 pm: [info]nightwingingit no evil no vampires of the evil verity - 31 comments
10:58 pm: [info]muchnotmulch no evil or vampires - 13 comments
04:55 am: [info]imintrouble Filtered Against Evil & FN Vamps - 26 comments
07:41 am: [info]feelingepic Filtered from Evil and FN vamps - 97 comments
09:35 am: [info]frostandsnow Filtered from Evil, FN Vamps and Henry - 154 comments
11:58 am: [info]onefiercebitch No evil or FN vampires - 21 comments
12:06 pm: [info]robinofthehood (no subject) - 74 comments
01:06 pm: [info]mostresilient House - 9 comments
02:50 pm: [info]hrosha_gul No evil/anyone directly linked to the FN drama - 91 comments
08:09 pm: [info]thatlanewit Filtered against evil, FN vamps and their offspring - 160 comments
10:27 pm: [info]slayer_comma_b Dawn - 8 comments
01:44 am: [info]smallestdetails Filtered from evil & evil vampires, which is rather redundant, isn't it? - 95 comments
01:20 pm: [info]lostfairytale Filtered to Close Friends (Henry, not you!) - 67 comments
01:29 pm: [info]thewolfwithinme Filtered Against Evil and FN Vamps - 16 comments
02:04 pm: [info]action_man No evil/anyone directly linked to the FN drama - 143 comments
11:57 pm: [info]ripefruit filtered against evil and FN vampires AND Henry - 15 comments
01:34 am: [info]not_r2d2 Nope, No Evil...No FN Vamps...No Vamps Made By FN Vamps.... - 33 comments
02:41 am: [info]imhisblogger (no subject) - 14 comments
10:38 am: [info]bad_narrator Friends Filter - 43 comments
02:53 pm: [info]delicatemick filtered to Scott - 5 comments
03:03 pm: [info]withmyblood (no subject) - 28 comments
03:10 pm: [info]passthehat No evil - 24 comments
07:02 pm: [info]socompelling Filtered to Robin Hood - 41 comments
11:13 pm: [info]thegirlwhochose Filtered against Evil and drama causing FN Vampires. That aren't from space. - 29 comments
11:41 pm: [info]ageeleven Filtered against FN vampires and evil - 20 comments
12:13 am: [info]justawanderer no evil or fn vampires or anyone related to the FN confusion. - 5 comments
08:40 am: [info]nomanswoman Filtered Against Lucifer, Regina, Peter, and Jerry. - 22 comments
10:07 am: [info]thatlanewit Filtered against evil and FN vamps - 116 comments
10:09 am: [info]loveishope (no subject) - 55 comments
10:50 am: [info]foolishbeauty (no subject) - 14 comments
11:37 am: [info]hasherwhims No evil - 86 comments
01:27 pm: [info]robotnewsie Filtered against Evil and FN Vampires - 78 comments
02:24 pm: [info]toldyouiddoit Filtered from Evil and FN vamps - 26 comments
06:18 pm: [info]action_man No evil/anyone directly linked to the FN drama - 42 comments
06:56 pm: [info]bodyofwater Filtered against EVIL and FN VAMPS - 91 comments
07:43 pm: [info]thatlanewit Filtered against evil and FN vamps - 110 comments
10:20 pm: [info]silverarcher no evil no jerry no peter no regina - 18 comments
10:32 pm: [info]muchnotmulch no evil or FN vampires or FN related things - 70 comments
01:04 am: [info]mrs_locksley Robin - 56 comments
02:29 am: [info]sharkswithguns Simon - 39 comments
10:40 am: [info]turnedtoashes Filtered to Hood - 95 comments
09:20 pm: [info]muchnotmulch (no subject) - 77 comments
11:30 pm: [info]startsfires filtered against evil and FN vamps - 22 comments
11:37 pm: [info]raresttinker No Evil or FN Vampires - 37 comments
09:47 am: [info]needstheroutine Filtered from Evil and FN vamps - 93 comments
10:29 am: [info]thewolfwithinme no evil and no fn vampires - 52 comments
10:41 am: [info]tonksadora Filtered against evil and FN vampires - 64 comments
11:13 am: [info]muchnotmulch no fn vampires or stupid lucifers - 16 comments
11:31 am: [info]robinofthehood (no subject) - 68 comments
12:37 pm: [info]asyouwishit No evil or FN vampires - 24 comments
07:24 pm: [info]ofthursdays (no subject) - 48 comments
08:18 pm: [info]thismanofhonor (no subject) - 51 comments
10:38 pm: [info]salvatorescrow filtered to Katherine - 13 comments
03:15 am: [info]onatightrope no evil no vampires of the evil verity - 9 comments
04:10 am: [info]happyinmymisery No evil or FN vampires - 12 comments
09:59 am: [info]thunder_girl Filtered against evil and FN vampires - 14 comments
10:27 am: [info]muchnotmulch no lucifers or vampires - 42 comments
10:36 am: [info]bad_narrator Clark - 4 comments
10:18 pm: [info]delicatemick filtered to Beth - 33 comments
10:45 pm: [info]susanthequeen Neither evil nor vampires may read this message - 55 comments
02:40 am: [info]soaringleaf Mal - 2 comments
03:00 am: [info]mrs_locksley Lois - 30 comments
09:32 am: [info]nightwingingit no evil no stupid fn vampires - 30 comments
10:42 am: [info]feelingepic Filtered to vampires who are not FN bloodline - 69 comments
10:46 am: [info]focusscottfocus No evil/fnvamps - 22 comments
10:59 am: [info]justlykbudapest Filtered against Evil and FN vampires - 62 comments
11:56 am: [info]not_r2d2 Filtered Against Evil, FN Vamps, and Clark - 33 comments
08:58 pm: [info]dethronedking Filtered from Evil and FN vamps - 27 comments
10:41 pm: [info]nightwingingit no evil, no evil vampires - 40 comments
12:03 pm: [info]onthefringes (no subject) - 40 comments
01:30 pm: [info]thecoolaunt Belated filter: No Evil, No FN Vamps - 108 comments
01:54 pm: [info]enjoytheadorbs (no subject) - 131 comments
02:52 pm: [info]djaqthesaracen Belatedly filtered against Evil and FN vampires, as told to do by Morgana - 21 comments
06:24 pm: [info]hates_clowns no evil, no FN vampires, anything else?..list is getting long.. - 26 comments
07:37 pm: [info]cheerhappy Filtered against evil and FN vampires - 6 comments
08:52 pm: [info]slayer_comma_b Filtered against evil and FN vamps - 22 comments
09:46 pm: [info]blazeinhereyes no evil and no fn vampires
10:08 pm: [info]thatlanewit No evil or FN!vamps - 53 comments
10:22 pm: [info]foolishbeauty (no subject) - 49 comments
10:32 pm: [info]silverarcher filtered from evil and FN vampires - 70 comments
10:43 pm: [info]wasaripper Begrudgingly Filtered Against Evil and FN Vamps - 266 comments
12:05 am: [info]betterthanmost Filtered against evil and FN vamps - 4 comments
12:50 am: [info]sharkswithguns No evil, no FN!Vamps - 2 comments
04:07 am: [info]itchtokill (no subject) - 185 comments
04:54 am: [info]ex_demonbloo908 Filtered against Lucifer and FN vampires. - 145 comments
09:42 am: [info]naturaldisaster (no subject)
10:56 am: [info]hasherwhims (no subject) - 133 comments
10:56 am: [info]cheerhappy (no subject) - 6 comments
12:08 pm: [info]thecoolaunt No Evil, No FN Vamps - 20 comments
02:10 pm: [info]imhisblogger no evil no fn vamps - 53 comments
04:26 pm: [info]nomanswoman Filtered Against Lucifer, Regina, Peter, and Jerry. - 8 comments
05:30 pm: [info]lostfairytale (no subject) - 3 comments
06:31 pm: [info]hates_clowns no evil no fn vamps or demons - 4 comments
06:58 pm: [info]salvatorescrow filtered to Katherine - 17 comments
07:04 pm: [info]plusone Filtered Against Evil and Stupid FN Vamps - 248 comments
07:09 pm: [info]muchnotmulch Robin - 18 comments
07:32 pm: [info]silverarcher filtered to Kol - 7 comments
08:11 pm: [info]justlykbudapest (no subject) - 8 comments
10:26 pm: [info]son_of_angel Sent to Angel - 2 comments
11:10 pm: [info]sharkswithguns Friends - 20 comments
02:14 am: [info]focusscottfocus Stiles
02:49 am: [info]slayer_comma_b Dawn and Tara - 2 comments
10:27 am: [info]thewolfwithinme Graham - 12 comments
10:27 am: [info]thatlanewit Clark - 18 comments
11:06 am: [info]nightwingingit no evil no fn vamps - 35 comments
12:22 pm: [info]blazeinhereyes Texts to Lois - 8 comments
01:24 pm: [info]killsomething Katherine - 13 comments
03:08 pm: [info]booksandcocoa Filtered Against Evil and FN Vamps(? whatever those are...) - 92 comments
04:06 pm: [info]intheblack no evil, no fn vampires - 20 comments
06:48 pm: [info]imnotlegolas Tasha - 14 comments
06:56 pm: [info]ex_savior698 Filtered against Lucifer, FN vampires, and Kon. - 6 comments
07:10 pm: [info]ripefruit filtered to Charley
09:38 pm: [info]loveishope Filtered from Evil and FN vamps - 4 comments
10:16 pm: [info]feelingepic Filtered from Evil and FN vamps, also Klaus and Kol the Buzzharsher Originals - 43 comments
11:05 pm: [info]delicatemick filtered to Lexi - 5 comments
11:18 pm: [info]salvatorescrow filtered to Peter Vincent - 11 comments
01:06 am: [info]itchtokill Jeremy Gilbert - 8 comments
01:18 am: [info]bad_narrator No evil, no FN vampires - 53 comments
06:51 am: [info]psychobitchvamp No evil/Klaus/Kol/FN vamps - 34 comments
07:34 am: [info]needstheroutine Filtered to Peter V - 20 comments
09:19 am: [info]zee_magician Filtered against Lucifer and FN vampires and Evil - 19 comments
09:28 am: [info]slayersocialwrk (no subject) - 13 comments
10:33 am: [info]stucklikethis Evil can fuck off, but FN vamps? Bring it. - 193 comments
10:39 am: [info]lookitsmewmew No Evil (Demon, FN Vampire, Bad in general) Be Gone - 30 comments
11:11 am: [info]loveishope Filtered from Evil, FN Vamps - 42 comments
11:57 am: [info]notmymemory No Evil. No FN Lineage Vampires. - 77 comments
12:01 pm: [info]onefiercebitch No evil/vamps of any variety - 17 comments
12:25 pm: [info]onatightrope no evil, or fn vamps or jerry or related anything of the like created by them - 7 comments
12:44 pm: [info]nightwingingit Text to Clark - 7 comments
01:38 pm: [info]delicatemick filtered to witches involved with the complex's security - 8 comments
02:34 pm: [info]zeppelinrulez Auto filter by River (FN Vamp, Evil, Demon, ETC) - 78 comments
03:02 pm: [info]frostandsnow Filtered from Evil & FN vamps - 125 comments
04:39 pm: [info]withmyblood (no subject) - 16 comments
05:35 pm: [info]withgunsdrawn Ben [BACKDATED: EARLY THIS MORNING] - 5 comments
06:56 pm: [info]ofthursdays Peter Vincent - 10 comments
07:09 pm: [info]zee_magician Filtered against Lucifer and FN vampires and Evil - 40 comments
09:12 pm: [info]nightwingingit Filtered to Alex - 2 comments
10:12 pm: [info]ripefruit Team 'Take Jerry Down', excluding all FN vampires - 21 comments
10:39 pm: [info]slayer_comma_b Filtered against evil and FN vamps - 30 comments
03:05 am: [info]enjoytheadorbs (no subject) - 1 comment
06:58 am: [info]frostandsnow Filtered from Evil and FN vamps and TO people involved in the plotting - 36 comments
11:37 am: [info]justneedataste FN vamps - 39 comments
01:08 pm: [info]turnedtoashes Filtered to Rose - 1 comment
03:03 pm: [info]itchtokill None of Lucifer's lot & no Gilberts - 165 comments
03:08 pm: [info]muchnotmulch no evil no fn vamps - 11 comments
04:29 pm: [info]thatlanewit Filtered against evil - 71 comments
05:46 pm: [info]gaveuphisheart (no subject) - 21 comments
07:31 pm: [info]mostresilient Friends Filter - 25 comments
07:56 pm: [info]saltypineapple Text to Dean - 4 comments
07:57 pm: [info]onthefringes Filtered to friends - 42 comments
08:08 pm: [info]salvatorescrow filtered against evil - 30 comments
08:15 pm: [info]silverarcher filtered to friends - 32 comments
08:25 pm: [info]robinofthehood (no subject) - 1 comment
08:57 pm: [info]ripefruit a note left at Peter Vincent's place
10:02 pm: [info]boywhobelieves filtered to family and friends minus Regina - 72 comments
11:24 pm: [info]nightwingingit Regina - 2 comments
11:29 pm: [info]thewolfwithinme (no subject) - 38 comments
12:22 am: [info]frostandsnow Filtered from Evil - 108 comments
12:37 am: [info]onatightrope (no subject) - 2 comments
02:40 am: [info]mostresilient Henry
02:54 am: [info]lostfairytale Regina - 4 comments
12:03 pm: [info]fagandnewyorker No evil - 12 comments
12:52 pm: [info]action_man (no subject) - 81 comments
12:53 pm: [info]naturaldisaster Stefan - 37 comments
01:03 pm: [info]betterthanmost Regina - 3 comments
02:58 pm: [info]wasaripper Filtered to Lexi - 11 comments
03:42 pm: [info]salvatorescrow filtered against evil - 39 comments
06:26 pm: [info]gryffindorseekr No evil - 3 comments
08:02 pm: [info]theyalwaysdie Friends of Elena - 26 comments
08:24 pm: [info]nightwingingit no evil - 41 comments
08:33 pm: [info]sharkswithguns No evil - 44 comments
09:22 pm: [info]soaringleaf 邪惡䞍胜有任䜕埮小的豐富倚圩的恐韍軟糖。或閱讀。走開。 - 9 comments
09:46 pm: [info]theonetruemeg No evil - 47 comments
10:05 pm: [info]thatlanewit Filtered against evil - 89 comments
11:19 pm: [info]thecoolaunt Elena - 22 comments
11:36 pm: [info]drjones_unit No evil - 27 comments
11:43 pm: [info]slayer_comma_b Elena - 11 comments
11:47 pm: [info]muchnotmulch Robin - 18 comments
12:00 am: [info]onatightrope Zee - 22 comments
01:02 am: [info]_bornofajackal (no subject) - 2 comments
02:58 am: [info]itchtokill No evil/under 16s/people severely anti-underage drinking - 46 comments
03:55 am: [info]aapisi_okos No... evil? - 19 comments
05:52 am: [info]focusscottfocus Medbay staff - 20 comments
06:01 am: [info]notbloodycasper No evil - 26 comments
07:46 am: [info]wontthinktwice eta: no evil or Lucifer...I can't believe I typed that - 28 comments
07:58 am: [info]roguetouch No evil, no Lucifer... no Apocalypse, just in case - 35 comments
09:44 am: [info]naturaldisaster Anakin - 2 comments
10:33 am: [info]humanitytorn Filtered from Lucifer - 74 comments
11:16 am: [info]enjoytheadorbs Texts to Mitchell - 4 comments
11:50 am: [info]imhisblogger Florence - 18 comments
01:08 pm: [info]wasaripper (no subject) - 61 comments
01:55 pm: [info]hopefollows eta: filtered against evil - 39 comments
04:21 pm: [info]imnotlegolas Natasha - 3 comments
04:42 pm: [info]justlykbudapest (no subject) - 4 comments
08:05 pm: [info]robotnewsie against evil - 80 comments
11:47 pm: [info]feelingepic GTFO DOUCHECANOE DEVIL - 29 comments
11:49 pm: [info]foolishbeauty Lydia - 15 comments
12:16 am: [info]thismanofhonor drunken filter against lucifer and evils after pokes from Claudia. - 61 comments
01:57 am: [info]ex_the_kenzi392 Filtered against evil bitches. - 60 comments
02:12 am: [info]nightwingingit no evil - 5 comments
02:13 am: [info]ex_demonbloo908 Filtered against Lucifer. - 66 comments
02:38 am: [info]betterthanmost Filtered against evil - 6 comments
04:25 am: [info]knocknockclauds No evil - 70 comments
04:53 am: [info]plusone (no subject) - 94 comments
05:44 am: [info]feelingwolfie (no subject) - 22 comments
09:53 am: [info]itchtokill No evil - 55 comments
12:15 pm: [info]imhisblogger no evil - 35 comments
01:12 pm: [info]thismanofhonor filtered from evil - 116 comments
03:13 pm: [info]knocknockclauds Drunk texts to Hatter - 4 comments
09:28 pm: [info]delicatemick filtered against evil - 83 comments
09:59 pm: [info]ripefruit filtered from evil
11:00 pm: [info]silverarcher filtered against evil - 5 comments
12:18 am: [info]hasherwhims (no subject) - 10 comments
01:26 am: [info]justawanderer Rose - 2 comments
02:31 am: [info]slayersocialwrk No devil - 49 comments
03:52 am: [info]bigcitydandy Birthday Presents for Kat! - 3 comments
04:10 am: [info]slayer_comma_b Filtered to vampires - 167 comments
04:50 am: [info]focusscottfocus No evil - 25 comments
10:15 am: [info]itchtokill No evil (ETA) or someone named Henry - 113 comments
02:59 pm: [info]nobleginger Bugger off evil - 25 comments
04:14 pm: [info]justawanderer no evil - 54 comments
04:45 pm: [info]the11thhour TARDIS RESIDENT FILTER - 19 comments
06:05 pm: [info]niblet (no subject) - 10 comments
07:31 pm: [info]nothingslocked no evil - 23 comments
09:06 pm: [info]salvatorescrow Ruby Winchester - 12 comments
11:30 pm: [info]roguetouch No evil/Lucifer - 35 comments
11:54 pm: [info]hopefollows filtered against evil - 15 comments
12:31 am: [info]booksandcocoa Filtered to "HP" People - 5 comments
01:38 am: [info]arena_warrior Filtered against evil - 10 comments
12:27 pm: [info]crossyourpath Filtered from Evil - 24 comments
12:44 pm: [info]toldyouiddoit Filtered from Evil - 22 comments
12:51 pm: [info]robinofthehood Filtered to Marian, Much and Djaq - 35 comments
01:48 pm: [info]nightwingingit no evil - 62 comments
01:49 pm: [info]foolishbeauty Texts to William! - 21 comments
03:41 pm: [info]loveishope Filtered to Casa de Storybrooke - 16 comments
04:10 pm: [info]smokingmagician (no subject) - 94 comments
06:34 pm: [info]enjoytheadorbs Texts to Lizzie - 6 comments
08:04 pm: [info]nothingslocked no evil - 73 comments
11:18 pm: [info]boywhobelieves no moms or evil - 156 comments
12:07 am: [info]ex_the_kenzi392 Filtered against evil bitches. - 88 comments
01:09 am: [info]warmachineroxx Filtered against Lucifer by Tony because I am too pretty to be a demon - 21 comments
01:25 am: [info]agelessbeauty ETA: Filtered against Lucifer (really?) - 159 comments
02:32 am: [info]subtletrick Emma - 17 comments
02:57 am: [info]not_r2d2 Regina - 1 comment
03:44 am: [info]radical_hacker Filtered Against Any Baddies - 19 comments
08:46 am: [info]crazyassworld Filtered against evil (how does this even work?) - 201 comments
09:38 am: [info]vexyandiknowit ETA: Filtered from apparently the Devil? - 124 comments
10:38 am: [info]itchtokill No evil - 60 comments
01:56 pm: [info]hopefollows Now filtered against evil - 18 comments
02:10 pm: [info]onefiercebitch No evil or Petr V - 17 comments
03:39 pm: [info]silverarcher filtered to Kol - 7 comments
05:02 pm: [info]agelessbeauty No Lucifer - 102 comments
06:10 pm: [info]warmachineroxx No Lucifer..apparently - 88 comments
06:22 pm: [info]thewolfwithinme (no subject) - 10 comments
06:52 pm: [info]ismellapples Filtered to magic users - 9 comments
07:53 pm: [info]queen_cordelia Filtered against Lucifer, Evil, and Whoever the Baddie of the Week Is This Week - 45 comments
08:06 pm: [info]avenging_son No evil of any kind here!! - 76 comments
08:45 pm: [info]nothingslocked no evil - 45 comments
08:55 pm: [info]ripefruit filtered against evil - 23 comments
09:22 pm: [info]hasherwhims (no subject) - 56 comments
10:30 pm: [info]lostfairytale (no subject) - 77 comments
10:54 pm: [info]djaqthesaracen Filtered against Evil, Lucifier and whoever's the current Big Bad - 6 comments
11:43 pm: [info]startsfires filtered to Andy - 17 comments
01:45 am: [info]muchnotmulch (no subject) - 12 comments
03:01 am: [info]intheblack no evil - 37 comments
04:09 am: [info]radical_hacker Filtered Against the Baddies - 17 comments
07:39 am: [info]tonksadora Filtered against evil - 25 comments
09:20 am: [info]imnotlegolas No Evil - 26 comments
11:30 am: [info]notbloodycasper Buffy - 13 comments
12:22 pm: [info]muchnotmulch no evil - 26 comments
12:26 pm: [info]humanitytorn Filtered to Damon - 8 comments
02:43 pm: [info]queen_cordelia (no subject) - 41 comments
05:47 pm: [info]bad_narrator (no subject) - 30 comments
06:41 pm: [info]vexyandiknowit Filtered from Eviiil - 134 comments
09:17 pm: [info]itsallspandex No evil. Evil is bad. We don't want no evil here - 35 comments
09:46 pm: [info]thatlanewit Filtered against evil - 72 comments
09:53 pm: [info]intheblack Claire C. - 29 comments
10:00 pm: [info]loveishope Filtered to Friends - 25 comments
12:43 am: [info]salvatorescrow to Dawn Summers - 2 comments
12:58 am: [info]sharkswithguns No evil! - 100 comments
01:30 am: [info]silverarcher filtered against evil - 18 comments
02:08 am: [info]imhisblogger Friends filter - 39 comments
09:51 am: [info]neverhurthim Filtered against the devil - 185 comments
01:07 pm: [info]crazyassworld Filtered to the Complex and the people who run it - 18 comments
04:21 pm: [info]radical_hacker Filtered Against The Baddies - 16 comments
04:38 pm: [info]robinofthehood (no subject) - 40 comments
05:24 pm: [info]harvelle Filtered against evil - 28 comments
07:23 pm: [info]feelingepic Filtered to all the Vampires - 168 comments
10:24 pm: [info]hates_clowns no evil - 31 comments
10:33 pm: [info]feelingepic Filtered from Evil - 18 comments
10:41 pm: [info]thismanofhonor no evil - 59 comments
11:44 pm: [info]heartofsong (no subject) - 4 comments
01:55 am: [info]sharkswithguns Claire C - 59 comments
02:27 am: [info]merlinspants Filtered against Lucifer. - 28 comments
03:43 am: [info]radical_hacker Filter: All Tech Heads with the Good Guys, Filtered Against Baddies - 10 comments
07:52 am: [info]naturaldisaster Complex plus Matt - 1 comment
08:48 am: [info]crazyassworld (no subject) - 66 comments
09:09 am: [info]zee_magician Filtered to Magic Users - 33 comments
09:23 am: [info]notbloodycasper No evil - 27 comments
11:34 am: [info]wontthinktwice (no subject) - 9 comments
12:10 pm: [info]notanidjit Filtered against evil - 55 comments
03:40 pm: [info]mostresilient Henry - 33 comments
07:44 pm: [info]silverarcher filtered against evil - 23 comments
10:11 pm: [info]robotnewsie texts to Gigi Darcy (backdated to Tuesday) - 25 comments
12:23 am: [info]lostfairytale (no subject)
12:36 am: [info]startsfires filtered to Andy - 6 comments
12:51 am: [info]salvatorescrow filtered to Elena - 10 comments
01:12 am: [info]bigcitydandy Filtered to Freddie - 7 comments
01:39 am: [info]enjoytheadorbs Nope, GTFO Evil! - 140 comments
02:27 am: [info]the11thhour Filtered against Lucifer. - 45 comments
04:23 am: [info]slayer_comma_b Dawn - 14 comments
07:43 am: [info]truthissingular Filtered against evil - 2 comments
11:46 am: [info]humanitytorn Filtered to Caroline - 37 comments
01:06 pm: [info]merlinspants Filtered against Lucifer. - 11 comments
01:54 pm: [info]not_r2d2 No Evil, Thank You! - 47 comments
03:22 pm: [info]agelessbeauty Filtered to Matt - 23 comments
09:46 pm: [info]nothingslocked filtered from evil - 15 comments
11:45 pm: [info]agelessbeauty No evil - 163 comments
02:42 am: [info]muchnotmulch no evil` - 23 comments
11:36 am: [info]knocknockclauds Evil-B-Gone! - 17 comments
01:25 pm: [info]smokingmagician (no subject) - 116 comments
03:02 pm: [info]niblet Filtered against evil. And Buffy. - 30 comments
03:49 pm: [info]ismellapples (no subject) - 22 comments
05:41 pm: [info]muchnotmulch Robin and Marian - 28 comments
05:46 pm: [info]queen_cordelia No Lucifer! - 115 comments
10:53 pm: [info]hasherwhims (no subject) - 91 comments
11:03 pm: [info]subtletrick Not a placeholder!! - 1 comment
11:59 pm: [info]enjoytheadorbs Filtered Against Evil and Kat and Any Other Zombie Haters! - 134 comments
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