War Is Coming Communications.

June 4th, 2013

War Is Coming Communications.


June 4th, 2013

Filtered to Regina.

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We need to talk about your son.

filtered against evil, Jerry, Regina, and Peter

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I figure most of you already know what I can do, but with everything developing right now I thought I'd put it out there again. These vampires hate fire, right? So if you need a steady source of fire, here I am.

Filtered Against Evil, Peter, Regina, Jerry, is that everyone? OH and Henry

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This is a friendly reminder that, while self-sacrifice sounds awesome at the time, it's actually kind of stupid, especially when there's about fifty people around willing to help in some way or another.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go try and patch my kid back together.


What are the odds there's any sort of spell that can forbid entry to a single person even if said person has previously been given entry?

ETA: [Henry]

Kid, why didn't you just tell me?


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I'm so not a fan of all these evil vampires running around. I feel like I need garlic, holy water, and crosses to walk around anymore.


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Keep Gannicus with you. Regina made a promise of slipping into the baths to see you at night.

Clark and any law enforcement people

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Should we alert the public to the possibility of being attacked? Maybe not say vampires but...wild animals and just something to get them alert to being cautious?

I don't want to insight panic but knowing to be wary might save some lives.

Filtered from Evil

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I started this publicly so I may as well end it the same way.

Katerina you're free. No conditions.

Though I suggest you try respect and don't flout me at every turn. It shows you for the common little wench you have always been and I know how much you try to hide that.

You owe Caroline my brother your life. Again He crossed a line, threats worthy of me actually

No evil. No one in Jerry's bloodline. (ETA) No Klaus. The saner Originals can see it

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Okay, refresher course post, where we can be sure everyone can see it, instead of it comments where it could go missed by someone. Vampires from our world.

Soulless, evil fucking leeches who have no remorse or pity or guilt. Any feelings they DO manage to scrape from the bottom of the barrel are twisted, negative. Nothing you say or do will change anything about them. They are NOT saveable. Not in the typical manner of speaking.

Strengths? Typical vampire stuff. Speed, strength, wicked fast healers, etc... Weaknesses? Fire hurts. Sunlight makes them go boom. Holy water and crosses IF you have faith in it otherwise it's a no go.

Fixing this? It's possible. But I need help. I have the key to Peter's storage unit. Who wants to go digging around in there for St. Michael's stake? He has a lot of shit, it'll take time. I can't do it myself, so...volunteers? Once we find it, we find them, we kill Jerry, everyone else in his bloodline goes human again.

Amy, Charley, anything I'm missing? Anyone else, questions? Throw 'em here and one of the three of us can probably answer them.

[BTW! The stake isn't actually in his storage unit, but it's a start XD]

Filtered from Evil

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Why oh why are there so many damn vampires in the world.

I should be all PC and nice about the good guy vamps but really no, you're basically all just less impressive demons.

That said, next time I take the time to work a locator spell how about we freaking give me time to get the location to you before going running off into certain death.

...I was gonna take a damn vacation.  It was gonna have a beach. And sunlight. And be awesome.

[Filtered from FN vampires both cannon and made here]

That said.

I can go again. I mean if people are willing to wait and listen this time.

Harder when I don't know the people and he's supernatural so it might push it a little bit close to the hell mark but I'll give it a shot. 

Crowley, mind if I bounce the magic by you rather than straight to the 'wants my head on a spike in the pit' source.

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I was going to be nice, but since I've learned I'm predictable, I guess it's time to kick it up a notch.

[Peter & Regina]
The angel is back where he belongs. Time for us to me. And we need protection. Witches, preferably multiple witches. You two know your way around better than I do. Unless you want to be located, I suggest we move and find some locals to cover us.

Filtered from Evil

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Do we have tranq guns? If so can we do that?

...or in theory guns won't kill them right?

Filtered to Marian

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Told you we should have stayed there.

Filtered to Katherine

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I approve more and more of the helpful new Katherine every day, jsyk. Good call on the bullets. Though, yeah, also ow. Lets not be near there if they employ those

Though how are you? After all the...Klaus ridic. Didn't he already let you go? And does he seriously mean no conditions?

Filtered from Evil

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I have received employment by compelling by speaking with some of the History Professorsat the University. My first summer course starts in two weeks. I will be teaching Ancient European History. Anyone who has a willingness to learn new things is welcome to enroll.

No Lexi. No keggers.


I'm looking on compelling us better lodgings. I do not like living with this woman anymore.

Claire C.

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This is your fault.

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You have friends. I care. Let me help you. Beautifully crafted lies Katherine. Suggesting wooden bullets was a nice touch. Only goes to prove just how right I am.

Scott and Lydia

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Are you guys both safe? There's a lot going on with David that Jerry guy and it's not smart to be out.

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[Texts to Belle]

» Hey.
» Are you okay?
» With Gold, and this latest crazy I mean.

no evil

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There is much to keep up with. I am afraid I do not understand it all but if I can help somehow I will.

Buffy has been very helpful.

Does anyone speak Japanese it is easier for me.

filtered to Ginger and Charley

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I think something is up with Jerry. I think he's better prepared than he was last time.
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