War Is Coming Communications.

June 15th, 2013

June 15th, 2013

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[Filtered to Lydia Bennet]

Can we talk?

Belated filter: No Evil, No FN Vamps

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[Filtered to Girlfriends and Big Sisters]

So the guy I've had a huge crush on since basically the day he got here pours out his feelings for me and I freak out and practically push him away? WTF IS WRONG WITH ME???

[Filtered to Much]

Are you okay? You're not still in the medbay, are you?

[Filtered to Robin]

Scruffy. You and me. We have some missing time to make up. Don't you have honeymoon photos you should be showing me or something?

[Filtered to Hal]

You should have just
I thought you didn't want me with him
Why did you have to
What the hell did you say to him??

Belatedly filtered against Evil and FN vampires, as told to do by Morgana

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What is this place? A woman directed me to this device. She said new arrivals use it to communicate. I do not understand any of this. Robin? Lady Marian? Much? Allan? John? Will? Are any of you here? Hello? Somebody, please explain things and soon.

no evil, no FN vampires, anything else?..list is getting long..

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Still here, just been keeping busy with work and what not. Full time jobs are grand like that. One thing to note about Kansas, while we may be the center of the Apocalypse there is also damn good pie. [random hole in the wall diner address of amazing pie, random farm address for more pie] I think pie may be it's attempt to balance the sucky new arrival news. Anyway, name's Booth, been around for ages now. Can answer most questions. Got any? Fire away.

Classes are held at the Roses Center, [address] and hunter type classes are posted in the lobby. I'm here for legal needs. but try not to need me. By the time I'm needed there's usually a body involved. So lets just not.

Filtered against evil and FN vampires

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I think I should get a summer job. But I'm not sure what I should do. Anyone have any suggestions, or know someplace that's hiring?

Filtered against evil and FN vamps

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This town is starting to seem super small, and I do mean super. Like it's got the amazing superpower of seeming smaller every day. Do you think that means I'm starting to feel at home here? Like pretty soon I'll start wanting to plant flowers and put up picket fences

Note to the mysterious power in charge of sending bad things to bored people (you know it's out there): I am not bored. Not even a tiny bit, so no bad things. I'm just...useless restless.


Hey Ken, I've got a question for you. Can I call you Ken?

That's not the question. The question is, how are you settling in? Keeping really busy?

no evil and no fn vampires

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Friendly service announcement.

They can still attack if its light out aussi longtemps que le soleil est couché.

Mon dieu, Percy, arrĂȘtez planant.

[so long as the sun is down.

My god, Percy, stop hovering.

This was voice to text, hence the slipping into French~]

No evil or FN!vamps

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Cut for image )



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How are you settling in? Do you need anything?


I think I went overboard with designs for you. But here are links to the different layouts for you. [insert like... ten different layouts for the Centre website]


Settling in okay?

If you hurt
I may not be all that intimidating but
You could snap me like a twig
I don't want to scare you off so

filtered from evil and FN vampires

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Is there anything someone can do here to prevent bad dreams? I know some of you are pretty smart with herbal remedies and stuff.

How's the noise headache?

Begrudgingly Filtered Against Evil and FN Vamps

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I can honestly say I'm not sure what to make of this.
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