War Is Coming Communications.

June 6th, 2013

War Is Coming Communications.


June 6th, 2013

no FN vampires or whatever the hell else is evil

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Wooden bullets are gonna become a thing. Someone tell me this shit don't gotta be blessed or any of that religiosity nonsense before I carve out a hundred of these gorram things?

Complex Medical Team

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I require a small sample of blood from either Regina Mills or Peter Vincent. If you have both, that would be even more convenient, but one will suffice, otherwise. I am going to attempt a tracking spell, and the most precise one I know requires a blood connection.


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Leave Gaia alone.

Filtered from Evil and FN vamps

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They did something.

I don't know what kind of something but my locators stopped working. I'd got a rough idea of where they were holed up but nothing specific. So witches something. Something dark

That said I'm pushing the magic somewhere it doesn't usually go so I'm gonna keep trying. Might be we're talking a week or two before it works though. So go with other plans, seems like magic is off the table.

Help help Superman?

Regina & Peter V.

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We have our protections now. Call it a deal with the devil. We also have a new mission. Sam Winchester, alive and wrapped up all pretty in a bow. What do I need to know?

No evil or current evil vampires

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I take back everything I said. Let's wish for some sparklepires to throw at these ones as chew toys or something.


Staying away from people who vaaaant to suck your blood?

No evil or FN vamps

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He hurt Allison. Peter. I had him. And then I didn't.

She's gonna be okay, right?

No evil/evil vampires

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They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

The poem was written in 1914, but back home it's also used to remember today. My grandfather was part of the D-Day landings, Tuesday 6th June 1944. He was the reason my father joined the army, and then me.

69 years on. Lest we forget.

Filtered against Evil and FN Vampires...right.

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So let me see if I have this covered.

Middle of the apocalypse
Brought here by a mystical thing that travels times and worlds
No way back
People are going around killing one another being turned into vampires
And we basically don't exist as ourselves here.

Great. Where's the wine?


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I know how you like to get in the middle of activity and help save the day, but a girl was just brought in last night. She was attacked by one of the vampires and I'm not even sure if she'll make it. Please try to stay out of trouble. I don't want you to be the next one in this condition. I love you too much.

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[Filtered to Hal]

Houston, we have a problem!

[Filtered to Mitchell]

Operation Scare the Hell Out of Hal is a Go!


Presents for you! )

[Filtered to Gigi and Lilu]

...I really need a new nickname. ANYWAY! I've had it with all this crap and since these stupid vampires can't go outside, who wants to picnic with me? I met a cute new guy and you guys should get details because dayum. He's FRENCH!

Filtered from evil and vampires.

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Peter's a vampire.

You... probably know that already.

What's happening out there?

Filtered from Evil and FN vamps

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I have a question.

You all talk about Peter and...and Regina and what they were like before. You all say this is a darkness inside them that took them over, that controls them in a way, well, I know a little about darkness so I'm asking what I think is a simple enough question.

Has anyone, even for a second considered what Jerry was like before he was turned? Maybe he was a good man, maybe he was lost, maybe he didn't have a choice.

But you're going to kill him to save the others.

What if we could save him too? No ones even thought about that as a possibility. All the magic we have here, what if we could save his humanity too.

Peter Vincent

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You really have no soul now, do you? I got a closer look at your handiwork last night. A teenage girl?

No evil!

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I thought I was being stalked by a vampire on the way to the complex so I kind of officially freaked out and threw really hot tea on some dude and I don't know if he was even and now I'm in someone's attic. Someone's attic which my phone informs me is not in Georgia! It is, however, in Canada. But that's not Georgia, so that means I can still go places that aren't Georgia!

...'course, now I gotta get back. But Canada!

no evil no vampires of the evil verity

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I think I actually miss the dragon over the vampires really.

no evil or vampires

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I don't know what to do anymore

I remember what you said about shock but I don't think Robin is just in shock anymore. I think he needs help and I don't know how to help him or if I can. Do you know anyone that can help like that? It isn't medical but I don't know if there are people like you that fix things that aren't medical here or not. He trusts you. Maybe he'd trust someone you say to.

I hate asking you for things
He killed you and now
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