War Is Coming Communications.

June 28th, 2013

June 28th, 2013

Claire C

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So, you and Cap.


So. Claire.


My apartment is officially a duck-free zone again.

[Zatanna & Morgana]

I got two of the same charm thing, for the no-teleporting sleeping thing I was talking about, before. I kinda wanted you both to make one, so if something doesn't work, or one of you gets taken by the seal, or something, there'll be a backup plan already. You both seemed to think it wasn't hard or dangerous, so... whenever you have time, let me know what I gotta do.

Filtered against Lucifer.

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I'm starving. Someone feed me!

Filter: All Tech Heads with the Good Guys, Filtered Against Baddies

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It was suggested I touch base with Connor Temple and Tony Stark but I figured this would let you guys know about me.

Name's Radical Edward (its my code name online) but I have used the last name of Tivrusky in the past. I landed here a couple of nights ago and I'm actually a hacker from the year 2080. After a day spent in unplanned laptop and scooter repair I can say I'm back in cyber business and want to be useful in the fight. My skills outside of hacking are mostly in computers and electronics, fixing electronics and computers, programming and a good bit of scooter repair (should translate into cars I think).

Claudia did mention adding me to the security detail within the complex but I can't sit still for long. I'm going to take a couple of the classes since I'm not from the period but would love a possible next move or two.

And yes I will share how my laptop and VR goggles work for the curious!

Complex plus Matt

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So I'm not sure how this.. vouching for someone thing works in regards to them staying in the complex, but my friend Matt and his sister need a place to stay and because she's a vampire and everything that's gone on... yeah, vouching needed.

Simply put, I trust Matt with my life and know he can ensure that his sister is fine. And I know that Lexi and Caroline are helping but maybe I should let them If he says she can be trusted, then she can be trusted. This isn't awkward at all, nope

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I have kind of a big favor to ask. I hope it's not


How are you doing here so far? Everything okay?


Do you wanna do something tonight? Maybe go for a walk or something?

Filtered to Magic Users

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So the last time I was here, we had a group going for those of us who are magic practitioners. Is that still going? And if not, would anyone be interested in starting something like that up again? I think it would be good to get to know each other's magical abilities and maybe learn some new things.

No evil

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Lexi, I think I'm coming by your place tonight, care to play some Ramones for me, love?

[Sunnydale (minus the Summers' girls)]
Anyone made any progress on Buffy's apparent suicide mission?

Are you still
I really think you need to stop and rethink

You doing all right, love?

[Harry L.]
Am I supposed to still miss her this much?

[Texts to Peter V.]
»You disappeared.
»You all right?

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Hey, so, Matt told me what you were doing for us. Thanks.

Hi, I'm Matt's sister Vicki. He told me a bunch of stuff about you, and since he seems to care about you, I thought maybe we could talk and stuff.

Filtered against evil

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It's that time again. Hunter's camp is being offered from July 2-9. Yeah, that means you miss out on July 4th celebrations if you go. Whine about it and you ain't coming.

Rules for new people:
1. 18 or older only
2. Need to have taken the basics in Lawrence already
3. Gotta get your ass up to my place on your own
4. Whining will get your ass kicked out

Reply if you want in.


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I know that I hurt you and that you think I don't love you anymore and for that I am so sorry. I've never stopped loving you and I never will because you will always be my son, no matter what.

[Friends Filter] *Damon you are the newest addition
I don't deserve any of you but thank you for trying to help.

You said that you'd be here for me and you left when I needed you the most. Every day I wish that you'd made it so I could forget the past few weeks. Instead I listened to you and am trying to take it day by day. But taking it day by day is the hardest part of all of this.

How do I fi
I'd planned to tell you
I'm sorry.

[Peter V.]
I'm the last person you'll want to talk to but how're you?

filtered against evil

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[doctors familiar with Allison's past injuries]
So, I know I'm out of the medbay, but would it be okay if I went away to hunter's camp? My neck is still healing, but I'm up on my feet and everything.

So I was thinking about signing up for hunter's camp.

texts to Gigi Darcy (backdated to Tuesday)

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» Please refrain from doing that again.
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