War Is Coming Communications.

June 20th, 2013

June 20th, 2013

Filtered from Evil

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Alex, Beth, Amy, Way to kick various kinds of ass.

Its done. Lets call it a cautionary tale in what people like that are willing to do for power and how far Lucifer is ready to go.

But for now, sleep, party, whatever. I'm gonna hug my baby.

[Winchester Family Filter (hell yes includes Bobby, annnd Jules]

So, yeah, we need to sit down, all of us.

Our issues have issues right now.


I know you probably really dislike me right now.

I'm not sorry

I'm not loosing you to him

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Delivered to Clark on Thursday morning.. )


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Can we talk?

Edit: Added later even though she know he may never respond: I know you think I hate you and don't love you anymore. I'm sorry I've made you feel this way. I will always love you Henry and nothing will ever change that. I never meant to hurt you or make you feel unloved and all I can say is that I'm sorry and that I do love you.


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No, Regina. Actually, Henry doesn't want to talk to you right now.

I, however, do.

Though I'm still entirely baffled on how a powerful magic-user such as yourself was taken by a vampire, I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. You were changed, you weren't acting like yourself (who isn't exactly someone I'm fond of anyway, but I digress), nothing you said could be taken at face value, and so on.

But my son, for whatever reason, still loves you. Still believes there's some good in you worth saving. He is the reason I don't release the hounds, so to speak. He has supported you and believed in you when the rest of us gave up on you a very long time ago.

And yet, after the vampire version of you (which I know you remember being because I actually do pay attention in my classes) was an absolute bitch to him, you let him find out you're alive and back to normal in the same way you did everyone else. Online, in a post about you drinking. Or, apparently, more. He has been scared and worried and I had to hope to hell that you'd be fine after all of this, when what I really kind of wanted to do was go stake you myself.

Now I'd like to believe that what the other you said to him was not what you truly feel. But I don't really know that I do. And you broke my son's heart. When you said it, and now. I think I've been pretty lenient with you, Regina. You ruined my life, you killed my boyfriend, you tore apart my entire kingdom. And I let it slide because it's what Henry wanted.

But you've hurt my son. And now I'm pissed. You can keep your distance. Because you won't be seeing him again.

No evil

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I need a fucking drink.


Sorry about Harmony.

(ooc: posted after anti vampire happenings)

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[Filtered to Jack Harkness]

We should probably talk.

[Filtered to friends other than Jack]

Someone stop me doing something stupid.


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I"ve tried to give you space
Are you even still here?

So, am I still public enemy number one for you as well? Or is there a chance I can ask questions without getting accused of lying?


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Hi. Umm.. I want to say that it's good that no one is a vampire anymore. But mostly, I'm sorry for my fail. I should have been here or I would have most certainly spoken up with the others, to say that I wouldn't ever attack. I really wouldn't Maybe a disarming charm but never to hur I, uhh, wasn't here for a few weeks, and hadn't been looking at the boards til I came back recently.

Next time I ever go away, I'm keeping my phone on. Then I won't make mistakes or not be a good But I'm here now, and if you need to talk to someone.. even to just use me as a sounding board to talk or vent about things if you wanted. Ron might be as well, he's nice. Hell has frozen, I actually said something nice about Mr. Weasley So, that's what I wanted to say, didn't want you to think I've left, or got involved with more quidditch and forgot, or turned my back or anything.

Filtered to Lexi

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I need a drink. Or a lobotomy. And to be as far away from Elena and my brother as I can possibly get.

filtered against evil

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Can anyone reach Katherine?

No evil

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James is gone. His room is empty.

Friends of Elena

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Anyone know why Elena's locked herself in her room?

What's wrong?

no evil

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A couple guys from school just called me and invited me to see Man of Steel. I couldn't think of an excuse not to.

No evil

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It's weird, I almost forgot how much I enjoyed photographyI mean, it was kind of the thing that I did, for money and everything, before - I didn't forget. I just kinda hadn't done much of it in a while.

Developing some stuff, now, because my darkroom feels all sad and neglected. I don't think I've used it in months. That's just not acceptable.

[Claire C.]

Is it actually normal to think something is happening even when you know it really isn't? At the same time, I mean?

...and is it 'avoiding the problem' if I try to find another solution, for now? I don't want to make things worse, or put off being non-crazy, I just was thinking about trying something else, too. For the sleep-teleporting thing, I mean.


Theoretically, if wanted someone to enchant something so that I can't teleport while I'm sleeping by wearing it, or something, could that be done? I don't know if I want to go there, yet, but I figured checking it out wasn't a bad idea, at least?

Does that kind of thing ever go horribly wrong?


Do you think it's a bad idea to try get someone with magic to block my teleporting, at night? So I don't end up gone and I can maybe try that sleeping thing again?

I mean, part of me likes the idea. But... I don't know if I want to have magic on me, or wear a magic thing, or whatever. I may or may not have been able to come up with at least ten ways this could backfire and kill me and/or you, if y and I don't really like that idea.

Plus I don't really want to rely on magic. I mean, as a temporary fix could be a good idea, maybe, until I get things sorted out... but what if everything goes away, again, like last time, or whoever enchants stuff disappears, and I
I don't want to be trapped, either, though. Like if it works too well, and i'm just stuck and something happens and
I won't use it to fix me. Or the wish things, if they come back, either. I just want to be able to sl

I'm just tired, I don't know. Sorry, ignore m


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[ooc: Filter: "Evil can't have any tiny colorful dinosaur gummies. Or read this. Go away."]

I really wish Z

I have decided that I like the past.

I mean, in the future we have spaceships and advanced tech and everything, but the past's food tastes much better and looks like tiny technicolor dinosaurs!

In other news, I'm glad everyone came out of the crazy vampire mess at least mostly okay, and all, but can we please not do that again? I mean I'm sure it was exciting for everyone involved in the things with the fighting, but for me it was kind of boring and scary at the same time. Not a fun combination, really.

No evil

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I forgot to mention the other day, I sort of aced the LSAT. I'm officially going to Law School in the Fall.

Filtered against evil

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SO. Apparently my editor sent in my article about our former mayor to the Pulitzer committee and didn't bother telling me about it.

But anyway, you are now looking at this year's Investigative Journalist Pulitzer surprise winner! I just. I CAN'T EVEN WORDS RIGHT NOW.


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So. Is there a reason you're hiding from the world or is it just for shits and giggles? I'm trying to decide how concerned about you I need to be.

No evil

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Well, that all could have gone a lot worse. I'm glad that no one seemed to be seriously hurt last night. If anyone does feel they need medical attention, please let any of us in the Medbay know, we're here to help.

[Filtered to Mick St. John]

So, how outed are you now?

[Filtered to Tony DiNozzo]

I feel as though celebrations are in order!


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I read what you said about the ones you call the Originals when they arrived. I mean, I read it later, but The way you talk, they're monsters, the real vampiric kind with the evil and the killing. And there seem to be an endless supply of them showing up, and they're getting into the middle of everything around here with compulsions and I don't even know what else. They're acting like vampires and getting thanked for it.

This is bad, right? Monsters taking over.

I probably should have said something before, but I've been I'm up for slaying them. I really Any hints?

[[OOC: posting because I finally have a bit of time to write it, but sorry about the timing in relation to other Elena stuff. Feel free to timeshift if you'd like, or whatever works for you.]]


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I don't know what to say to them now. Should I say anything?
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