War Is Coming Communications.

May 3rd, 2012

War Is Coming Communications.


May 3rd, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine

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Never remembered feeling that sickened before. Or sick at all, really Seems that Horseman can affect you anyway if you're close. But it was necessary, he had to be stopped. Everyone who helped on the teams or otherwise, and the doctors.. thanks. I'm just glad that threat is over. Just one left? But I'm not in a rush against that particular one. I don't think anyone would be.

Also.. the one I was sharing an apartment with, Christy Jenkins. She's gone. Didn't see her today and any of the stuff she had here in her room is gone too. So the Seal must have sent her back. I wanted to help her Not as easy to pay for things with one person instead of two, but I'll manage it fine anyway. I usually do.

Filtered against Lucifer & Moriarty.

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You can't trust anyone these days, can you?

I'm scarred for life.

Text to Darcy

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> I'm turning into you, adopting people and shit.
> You finally get a chance to rest, mama bear?

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine

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Merlin, it feels so good to be alright again. I'm back!! And hot again too, I looked terrib I don't think I'll be wearing green anytime soon. Later, but now it just triggers stuff. Sucks that it's my best color and also of my house.. but there's others. I'm just glad to be alive. Almost thought.. well, you know. I could feel it. But then it was all gone. Thanks for beating that punk motherf that guy.

Neville, and anyone who helped him help me through this? Thanks. I'd probably have been worse off if none of you were here. You're really good people. I'll never forget that. Sorry I seemed a bit.. what's that muggle word? Emo? But in my defense, I was dying and sad about never seeing my family I really wish I could have helped the fight, but I wasn't in any condition for that this time.

Oh! Audio books. Interesting. I listened to these, chick lit ones? They were, umm.. okay. I was bored. But there was one about going to sleep, such language. But funny! There's this muggle named Samuel Jackson. Heard he does movies. Too bad he didn't play Kingsley in our films, that would have been bloody awesome. And hilarious

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine (I've seen others filtering against them))

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Even though being up so early can be annoying and a pain at least when classes are involved I do love getting a chance to find a nice spot and sketch the sunrise. In this case on the roof of this complex.

Getting to business, I was wondering who to speak to about procuring an identity here for jobs. I don't want to do anything fancy, maybe work at one of the stores here, perhaps even a farm store if one is nearby. As much as I love it, I can't sit around all day and sketch things followed by working out in the gym. So any help that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.

And for those who don't know me, I am Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin, though if that is too hard to call me you can call me Peter. Most of my American friends do at Xavier's School.

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asdfkjghasdfljkhgasdfggasdffffffffffffee1`αυτό που είναι αυτό το καμμένος τέρας εγώ μην καταλάβετε

[ooc: asdfkjghasdfljkhgasdfggasdffffffffffffee1` because computer default is not ancient greek. Greek Translation: what is this glowing monster, I do not understand.]

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[brainy adorable techie 21st century lingo teaching redhead and beautiful logical curly-haired brunette of the ass kicking agenty variety]

i know what the janus coin really is. it is a method of torture cursing me with this existence. i wish to make it known that this is worse than being bronzed. don't follow in my footsteps, there is complete unadulterated agony.

claudia bring your laptop to my flat we need to know everything about the janus coin as possible. only we are not to converse out loud or i will punch you. and turn the sound off on any devices you both have on you or i will kick you in your kidney.

...or you can just shoot me. that would be a quicker solution.

[OOC: This filter and post brought to you by excruciating pain and whatever painkillers Myka has acquired for Helena. In case people get confused, this is filtered to Claudia and Myka. Also, Helena has no filter on what she says right now. So uh...if asked something she will answer honestly, be it for better or for worse. >.>]

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[Force Users/family]

I am back on my feet now and am not actively dying anymore. Jaina, I am sorry for frightening you when I collapsed. I had been hoping it hadn't been coomb spores again, but I was wrong. I think having that twice is more than enough, thank you. Almost dying is not something I'd like to do again.

Are the rest of you all right?


Thankfully, I am not infected anymore, so I will be able to help you and Rikki on the full moon. Do you have a place you two wish to do this in?

Also, thank you for coming over and sitting with me. It means a lot.


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I can't believe I'm fucking asking you to
Still, I have to know
I don't want to do this

I don't know if you read my file or whatever but I need to get a T-Cell count done. I know everyone's getting better from this thing but I want to be certain and you seem to know what you're doing.

Filtered against evil & Moriarty

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Hey Iron Man, thanks for not firing me for skipping work for a week. :) Enjoy.

filtered against evil, moriarty, katherine

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So, now that the whole plague thing has blown over, I thought I might introduce myself. I'm Amy, relatively new. I'm supposed to be in Las Vegas in 2011.

to Andy

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What are your thoughts on breakfast as dinner?

against evil, moriarty, katherine

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Guys, with Mimi gone my group can't be in the competition. I registered as a large group and with her gone we're a small group. I just need one person. You don't have to be really good. We can put you in the back or something.

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