War Is Coming Communications.

August 3rd, 2011

War Is Coming Communications.


August 3rd, 2011

filtered from baddies

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Tomorrow if the gym is free I'll be teaching a new routine. I figured you guys might have wanted to know ahead of time.

River Tam, the doctor guy, and Quinn
I know you guys are good dancers. Did you want to help teach?

filtered against evil

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Fuck you, Mark.

Apparently there was interest in a fucking glee club. If you're interested, meet at the complex music room on Friday at four.


I can't believe you're making me do this.


I'm going to kill Mark for this.

Filtered from Evil

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I'm not slipping. I want that clear. I'm not going to fall. I'm Jacen. You need to remember that.

But I have been pushing people too hard. The family is falling apart and I can't fix it. I've tried. I've attempted everything I know and nothing is working and that's not acceptable to me. It's just not.

But I can't keep pushing or I'll lose you all. So I'll stop.


I don't hate your friends...I stood watch while Ava detoxed didn't I? I just think that Jennifer was insane. And I truly am glad she's gone. Talk to Needy if you want to know why that is.

But you know your own mind, and I am proud of you.

[Tenel Ka]

I can't help them.

I think that's what bothers me most


It needed to be said. So thank you for saying it. I've taken a few days to get my head around things. I haven't forgotten what we discussed.


So, it seems the future is smarter than us. Are you going to realize your mistakes now?


We start tomorrow.


I'm trying you know. I really am. You just have to bear with me sometimes.


Do you still want to stop the archangel?

Filtered against evil.

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On August 14th (that'd be the Sunday after next), Camp Bobby is officially going to be open for business. As a reminder, this is a week long Hunting 101 Guide designed to help those of you who are interested in learning more about the supernatural aspects of this world (though it's mostly, for the time being, centered on demons and spirits -- like ghosts, for example). Room and board will be provided to each new group, so long as each group chips in to help provide food for the week, as Bobby's only got but so much he can give and, according to him, "it ain't nowhere near enough, so you idjits had better find a way to feed yourselves."

Similar to the last time we ran this training event, you have to be at least eighteen or older to participate. I know it sucks for those of you who are younger and want to get your hands dirty with experience, but none of us are comfortable teaching minors at this point, due to both personal preference and past experience, so you're just gonna have to hang tight and wait until you're eighteen before being involved with this one.

Because a lot happened between the last time I posted about this -- which I want to apologize for again, I really intended to get the ball rolling on this a lot sooner I just couldn't -- I'm gonna ask that, if you're interested, that you post your name here. I'll write up a list in the order of those of you who commented to be fair, splitting everyone up into groups set for each week of training. In addition to your name, I'm gonna need info on whether or not you've got the means to get to South Dakota on your own. If you don't have transportation, I'll find you some, but I need to know ahead of time.

If any of you have experience with the supernatural or combat training and want to help out a little at camp with your own courses, let me know. We're all for giving everyone who's headed to South Dakota the opportunity to learn whatever they can.


1. Jaime Lannister
2. Jack Landors
3. Dawn Summers
4. Tess Mercer
5. Victor Stone

1. Rose Tyler
2. The Tenth Doctor
3. Connor Temple
4. Mel Halliwell
5. River Song

1. Trish Wellington
2. Juliet O' Hara
3. Kurt Hummel
4. Anakin Solo
5. Clark Kent

1. Alice Longbottom
2. Neville Longbottom
3. Isabela
4. John Jones
5. Epiphany Greaves

1. Princess Leia
2. Jessica Drew

You don't have to jump into this right away, if you don't want to.

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Oh, I am so glad to have my normal body back again. So much better. Let's hope this doesn't ever happen again. I'm definitely more comfortable this way, doing workouts, doing my job, and teaching lessons as myself, anyway.

Filtered against evil

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Hello sweeties, I have returned from taking in the sights 21st Century America has to offer. Definitely more pleasant than the last time I was here, but that's a different story.

And no, Doctor, I didn't deface too many national monuments.

With that aside, is there anything interesting happening here?
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