War Is Coming Communications.

January 7th, 2011

War Is Coming Communications.


January 7th, 2011

Filtered Against Baddies

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Anyone want to come with me to get a tattoo? As in I'm getting one, not me making other people get them. But I wouldn't actually stop anyone else from getting one if they wanted.

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Seriously, why isn't he horny?

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Filtered to the Force users

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So. Who wants to explain why no one warned me about this "Star Wars" poodoo? And you should probably make it sound convincing.

Filtered Against Baddies

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Both my apartment and the main kitchen are out of headache pills. And it's the middle of the night. Anyone got any to spare?

Filtered to Danny and Felicia

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So, last month I used that wish I got on a legal ID here and qualifications needed to get the job I want. Today I got the news that I passed the certification test and can become a P.I. again at any time.

And now I want to go celebrate.

Filtered from Bad Guys

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You people are insane!

You don't taunt the bad guy with your plucky heroic ways. You formulate a plan to kill him while trying to not draw his attention to you.

I mean speaking to him is one thing but the 'you couldn't kill me I'm amazing super strong used to be a god/superhero/worked for an evil apocolypse causing lawfirm' attitude is a very good way to die!

I'll be over here with my money. Its comforting when I'm scared.

Filtered from Hardison and Xander

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Well penis.

There are attractive men vying for sex with me. This should be every fertile young womans dream. I should be pleased. Or at least hoping they'd fight in a manner involving oil of some kind and very little clothing

Why am I not happy about it?

And no Spike. I won't have angst-sex with you. Or you oversexed Irish teen.

Filtered against bad guys

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Something's cooking out there, and it sure aint soup.

Chuck, what are you picking up?

filtered against evil

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So since our demon not-so-much friends seem to have something on the radar I thought I'd convene a meeting of the unofficial Hey We Do Some Useful Magic Stuff club. Which I am now forming. So!

People who do magic: Meet down in the lobby at 8pm tonight ready to work some protection spells.

People who want to be prepared: Come down to the lobby and I, and maybe other witchy types, will be there to put protection spells on you, make you hex bags, whatever we can all think up.

People who like books: Library, until then, researching spells and general demons and the number seven stuff?

Maybe it won't do much good, but I feel better making at least some vague stabby motion at the being prepared. So, um, yes, hopefully some of you will want to come!

Filtered to Mike

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Someone's here who looks and dances like you. It was weird.

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I'm not sure how I ended up wherever it is I am. I was on Endor and then I wasn't and was instead pointed towards this library and told to post.

Seems I'm stuck here, wherever here is. So if someone would be kind enough to tell me that, I would greatly appreciate it.
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