War Is Coming Communications.

May 21st, 2010

May 21st, 2010

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And my Christmas shopping is done without it being Christmas Eve! I think this is a first.

I got the chess set. Are you still willing to charm it for me?

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To Colin, from the Secret Santa. Slipped under his door. )

Filtered to Ruby.

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Are we ever going to find her?

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Left outside Ron's door. )

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Sent to Mal Reynolds.. from the Secret Santa. )

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Dawn )

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Chocolate frogs!

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Christmas is almost here. I can't wait for all of that beautiful food! Pork and chicken and beef and gravy and fat and beets and carrots and peaspotatoescakecornandmeatnadjuiceandcheeseandcookiesandchocolatebakingfatandgreasejksadkfjkjkfaknkjfgqehrfksnf/.kxnzbvlba .kjndliufgh.kfn.sakdhf;SKDJF;KASJDFO;WEFKJNSDLKFJGLSDJBHF.ALSKNF;KDHSFKJHSDALKJFHLAKSJHkjhkasjdhgflksdjgkjs;dlkfgjhieurnf.ksdnv

[OOC: The post rambles on in nonsense and every single type of food you can think of as the Master goes completely bonkers. I just got way too lazy to type it all out and I wanted to save your eyeballs from too much strain.]

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Has anyone seen tall dark and broody Eric around? I haven't seen him since ... uh, I don't really know, it's been a couple days, I figured he might just be doing something, but I haven't seen the bird either.

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So, it's been a while since we've done this and there's a bunch of new under-agers here who I don't know yet so I'm putting this out there.

Movie night in my apartment tomorrow night. Bring food and drinks. Movies and pizza will be provided.

I'm Brynna by the way. Yes, I look just like Dawn but you can tell us apart because I'm the one with a Southern accent.

Filtered to Kendra
Help me keep baby bird away from Dawn. I think Richie likes her.
End Filter

Filtered to Puck

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Are you actually wanting to help raise this kid when it's born? Seeing as we're here now adoptions sort of moot, for a while anyway

If so I have conditions.

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Can the people with the telepathic powers please be nice and warn the others when they get vocal, or think too loud. Or for too long. Or generally quieten down a bit.

I was reading. Some of us have the courtasy to learn to hide our signatures much as we can

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A Santa who delivers booze. Maybe not everything about Earth is bad.

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left for Paige Matthews in a simple gift bag with a few colored tissues )

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To the new young people. I'm Romana and I'll be taking you for lessons until at least you turn eighteen if you're still here. Jobs or anything else you might want will be secondary to this. But I will do my best to accomadate you.

Let me know to what level you have studied and in what subjects.

And to my Secret Santa. Thank you. Those were very thoughtful gifts and much appreciated. And that was a most entertaining book.

Filtered to Ruby

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Hey, would your hellfire locator thing work on vampires from my world, do you think?

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Left outside Merlin's door )

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Some mother came up to me in a store today and asked if I was a look-a-like, and then asked if I could come full costume to her daughters birthday, she'd even pay me.


Were you serious? About wanting to know more?

How are you now?

I also successfully managed to scare the workmen downstairs by helping them lift some material into the building.

[Filtered; Sam Winchester]
I have a question for you.

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I found a family giving away kittens.

Meet Ithuriel )

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Fat, bearded men in suits.

This is what you people celebrate?

Filtered to Dean, Ruby, and Castiel.

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Kara suggested that we bring more people in on the Lilith hunt.

What do you guys think?

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Hey so I have a question

How come Buffy and her lacky minions from home are in charge of this world as well as ours? Are the natives stupid or just lazy. And why have none of you rebelled against her and her terrorist ways? Buffy's hillarious though. She totally has to be in charge and if she's not I bet she cries. That's why she has a Slayer Cult-Gang at home.

You can't all be happy following her and the looser? You just can't be

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I never got a chance to say it before. But thanks to my Secret Santa. That guitar is bloody brilliant. There aren't enough adjectives in the world to express my love for it.

Filtered, Barbara, Fred, Xander

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This is just stupid. If he wants us to work harder, then we will.

We've got the satellite link and surveillance, right? Can our team start monitoring the country for signs/trouble/anything suspicious. If you can go past the country, do it.

I'm tired of sitting here and just training, with only one or two people going out on hunts once every few months.

[Filtered; Combat Squads (Combat/Magic)]
On the news there's reports of strange deaths in Huston. Some guy swears he saw a co-worker who'd died the month before.

Four of you go and check it out, no more. If it isn't figured out by the 23rd come back and we'll regroup after Christmas so Andrew doesn't kill me.
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