War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.



March 14th, 2015

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WHO: Davina Claire and Kol Mikaelson
WHEN: After this conversation with Cami
WHERE: Kol's place
WHAT: Davina confronts her fears
STATUS: In progress

Davina was determined - determined to face her fears, determined to get answers, determined to find a resolution, one way or another. )

February 26th, 2015

thread: lydia and kol

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WHO Lydia Martin & Kol Mikaelson
WHAT Lydia is by the cemetery and meets Kol when he arrived!
WHERE The Cemetery
WHEN Monday Feb. 8

You are not Isaac )

December 25th, 2014

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Kol & Crowley; Talking about/dealing with Kol's wish!
Thursday afternoon, December 25, 2014; His & Crowley's place!
TBD; In progress

In all his thinking and deciding, he hadn't really considered other people in his decision.Read more... )

November 8th, 2014

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Who: Henrik and Kol
What: feelsy talks
Where: Henrik’s place
When: this weekend
Warnings: I’ll update if needed.

Read more... )

October 31st, 2014

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Who: Thackery Binx and Kol Mikaelson
What: Talking cat arriving in a graveyard
When: Tonight
Where: The Graveyard of all places.
Warnings: Mild language and possibly references to death
Status: Incomplete

Twist the bones and bend the back /Itch-it-a-cop-it-a-Mel-a-ka-mys-ti-ca /Trim him of his baby fat /Itch-it-a-cop-it-a-Mel-a-ka-mys-ti-ca /Give him fur black as black / Just / Like / This )

September 11th, 2014

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Who: Bonnie & Kol w/ background Caroline (y'know to keep them from killing one another)
What: Talking about Expression, control, and magics.
When: 9/11
Where: Clinton Lake Outlet Park...PUBLIC/NEUTRAL place!
Warnings: TBD

Bonnie had to get control... )

September 7th, 2014

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Who: Caroline and Kol
What: a needed conversation
When: today!
Where: out and about in Lawrence
Warnings:I doubt it!

I have no witty lyrics )

August 9th, 2014

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Kol Mikaelson [Narrative]; General musings & coming home!
Kinda spans Friday/Saturday August 8/9, 2014; Boston/some town in Indiana/Lawrence
TBD; Complete

He would deal with it bit by bit when he got back.Read more... )

August 8th, 2014

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Kol Mikaelson [Narrative]; Musings after the club incident
Thursday evening, August 7, 2014; A hotel in Boston
PGish no real warnings/triggers; Complete

The incident at the club rattled him.Read more... )

August 7th, 2014

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Kol Mikaelson [Narrative]; A very close almost-slip.
Late Wednesday night, August 6, 2014; A club in Atlantic City
PG-13 for vampy shenanigans; Complete

Mood he was in though, it was dangerous.Read more... )

August 6th, 2014

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Kol Mikaelson [Narrative]; Just going for a drive...to New Jersey...
Very early Tuesday morning, August 5, 2014; His car?
PGish (nothing serious, most broody/angsty nonesense?); Complete

But for now, he'd just drive.Read more... )

July 17th, 2014

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Kol Mikaelson [open to Crowley and Anna; otherwise, Narrative]; Falling apart
Tuesday night, July 15, 2014; Casa de Blasphemy (aka Crowley's!)
PG-13 (trigger warning; vivid description of a panic attack); Complete

There was literally nothing else he could do anymore.Read more... )

June 23rd, 2014

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Kol Mikaelson [open to Mikaelson Manor, otherwise narrative]; Just feels. Because he won't stfu in my head. Seriously, that's all this is, it's not even important.
Late night Sunday, June 22, 2014; His room, Mikaelson Manor
TBD; Complete

Kol was not okay.Read more... )

June 10th, 2014

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WHO: Rebekah and Kol
WHAT: Ragey emo feels.
WHEN: Right now!
WHERE: Around! Who knows?!
RATING: TBD, but it's two feelsy Originals.
STATUS: In Progress


May 5th, 2014

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Kol & Katherine; A warning and a truce. Sort of?
Monday afternooon 2pm, May 5, 2014; Mikaelson Manor
R (language, specific/colorful threats of torture/death, etc...);

"If you want the chance you are so desperately seeking, you have to put in the effort or you may as well walk away from my brother now and save everyone the trouble."Read more... )

April 17th, 2014

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Kol & Anna; Dealing with a drunk Original
Tuesday, April 15, 2014 sometime after this and before this; Crowley's place!
TBD; In progress

Feelings were stupid sometimes. And confusing. Confusing like Anna, actually.Read more... )

April 1st, 2014

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Kol & Caroline; Sibling bonding or something
Monday evening, March 31, 2014; Stables, Mikaelson property
TBD (but feels ahead?!); In progress

Kol was so tired. So very, very tired of feeling so many things.Read more... )

March 24th, 2014

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WHO: Gavroche Thénardier and Kol Mikaelson
WHAT: An adorable kid arrives in Lawrence and meets a vampire.
WHEN: This afternoon
WHERE: the cemetery
RATING: Lowish
STATUS: In Progress

Some people would have called it stupid )

March 22nd, 2014

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Kol Mikaelson [open to Niklaus Mikaelson]; Processing
Saturday, March 22, 2014, after everyone is aged properly again; Front steps of Mikaelson Manor
PGish (no real warnings, just angst and processing); Complete

The whole thing just felt so circular and Kol felt stuck.Read more... )

March 1st, 2014

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Kol Mikaelson [Open to Elijah Mikaelson]; Musing over some things
Friday afternoon, Feburary 28, 2014; Outside around the Mikaelson property
TBD/In progress

Truth was, he had a lot to think about.Read more... )
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