War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.


March 23rd, 2015

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Who: Damien Thorn and Lydia Martin
When: Afternoon
Where: Greaves House apartments
What: Meeting a neighbor
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress


And now for a game of 20 questions.. )

February 26th, 2015

thread: lydia and kol

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WHO Lydia Martin & Kol Mikaelson
WHAT Lydia is by the cemetery and meets Kol when he arrived!
WHERE The Cemetery
WHEN Monday Feb. 8

You are not Isaac )

February 9th, 2015

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WHO Bobby & Lydia
WHAT Lydia finds a dead body, like normal and Bobby happens to be there investigating.
WHERE A house somewhere near Lawrence
WHEN Feb 9th.
RATING/STATUS PG-13 | Complete

Clearly you’re well educated despite the love of trucker stop fashion. )

January 27th, 2015

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WHO: The Fabulous Lydia Martin & The Stunning Caroline Forbes
WHAT: Shopping
WHEN: Closer to when Lydia Arrived!
RATING/STATUS: Low | Complete

Luckily making friends isn’t Zsigmondy's theorem, although even if it was I’m sure I’d manage. )

August 18th, 2014

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Who: Stiles Stilinski and Lydia Martin
What: Decompressing after tonight's episode of Teen Wolf.
Where: The house.
When: Monday night.
Rating: Low, but spoilers for the most recent episode of TW.
Status: Complete!.

Ever worry that it might be ruined/And does it make you wanna cry?/When you're out there doing what you're doing/Are you just getting by?/Tell me are you just getting by, by, by? )

August 12th, 2014

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Who: Lydia Martin & Stiles Stilinski
What: Talking, being idiots, being less of idiots.
Where: Beacon Hills household
When: Sunday night
Warnings: Teen Wolf spoilers
Status: Closed/Complete

Funny you're the broken one but I'm the only one who needed saving || 'Cause when you never see the light it's hard to know which one of us is caving. )

July 17th, 2014

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WHO: Lydia Martin & Stiles Stilinski
WHAT: Bumping into each other in-- their room?
WHERE: Beacon Hills Household
WHEN: After Melissa yells at Stiles
WARNING: Definitely a ton of awkward with a chance of yelling and a side of angst. Mostly just angst.
STATUS: Complete/Closed

I'm watching myself // Drifting away // A vision so darkened // I cannot stay // I'm reaching out wide // Trying to catch myself before I fall // Too little too late // Can you save me? )

July 10th, 2014

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WHO: Lydia Martin & Scott McCall!
WHAT: Arrival
WHERE: The graveyard
WHEN: Thursday Night
WARNING: Teen Wolf spoilers & Banshee scream.
STATUS: Complete/Closed if narrative. Incomplete/Open

So caught in emotion and I'm overcome || As I'm falling down I come undone || Sometimes I feel like I'm alone || Sometimes I feel like I'm not that strong. )

February 4th, 2014

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Who: Lydia Martin and Stiles Stilinski
What: Reacting after TW tonight.
Where: Primarily in their apartment
When: Immediately following the episode
Status/Rating: In-progress and high for talk of violence and other TERRIBLE THINGS.

I'm losing ground and gaining speed. I've lost myself or most of me. I'm headed for the final precipice, but you haven't lost me yet. )

November 27th, 2013

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Who: Stiles and Lydia
What: Going for a walk.
Where: Outside. Near their apartment building.
When: Very early Wednesday morning.
Rating: Probably low.
Status: Closed/Ongoing.

So just give it one more try to a lullaby/And turn this up on the radio/If you can hear me now/I'm reaching out/To let you know that you're not alone. )
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