Vas Captio Journals

March 2016

After two failed attempts to complete a study, the Management are on their last strike with the higher ups. This time, they're going to finish. This time, things are going to be a little different. This time, they'll get it right.

Vas Captio 3.0 is an oc-friendly multi-fandom horror/survival game with a set closing date of 12/31/2016.


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Posts Tagged: 'scott+mccall'

Jan. 30th, 2016



[No Subject]

[Against Kai]

Hey, guys, I don't know if it makes any difference to anything you're all talking about, but I...might be able to control this guy.

Jan. 29th, 2016



[No Subject]

Fucking white people. No, cross it out, it'll piss people off. Why? Screw that.

Later he scribbles this sentence out:
Fucking white people.


Added a few minutes later:

So I'm thinking about it, and I think maybe we should have some kind of ballot box, or voting mechanism or something? I mean, debating's great, but there are people who might not be comfortable giving their opinion over these things but still want to be heard. So an anonymous way to voice opinions/vote so people don't worry about social consequences. The meetings are good, just thinking about contentious issues.


That offer to talk still open?

Jan. 27th, 2016



[No Subject]

Okay, I have no way to say this without sounding crazy or freaking people out so sorry in advance...

That Kai guy just tried to set me on fire with, uh, magic probably, for taking the last pack of Oreos so I knocked him out. We are both still in the gas station. So, you know, avoid the gas station.

This is usually the part where you call the police. But we're in a dome run by evil scientists. So now I'm just sitting here writing in a magic notebook and I'm not totally sure what to do next here.

Did we ever decide what we were going to do if someone attacked someone? I saw someone bring that up, I think. Did we ever decide?

And what are the chances you guys are not going to notice that my clothes are burned but my actual body has already healed?


Jan. 21st, 2016



[No Subject]

I promise this is useful and not just bullshit small talk. What does everyone do back home? You know, as an occupation.


[Cabin 03]
How are we doing in the way of supplies? Do we need anything?

Jan. 4th, 2016



[No Subject]

Final update Hermione and I put together on the meeting:

- Tomorrow
- Noon
- The Theater (last chance to protest if you live here)
- Moderators: Jo and Jeff

If you want to help set up chairs or bring food, I'd appreciate it. But otherwise show up for an actual meeting, not a party. Felicity will have a list of names to check who is here. Please give her a legit name to work with.

But we can totally get shitfaced after. I know I'll need a drink after.

See you all tomorrow!




[No Subject]

OOC: Like Tris, this is backdated to yesterday! Unlike Tris, Marco's handwriting is not that great. So feel free to misinterpret/misread things!)

There was a time in my life when this would have surprised me.

I hate weather. That's why I live in LA: It stays a reasonable temperature all year round. Anybody who choses to live where winter is exists should be subject to routine psychiatric evaluation.

Yes, he's complaining when it was in the 30s. Southern Californian! Also he would have flipped through and examined the journal before writing in it; hence jumping into it.



[No Subject]

So, it's obviously worth note that nobody seems to have disappeared last night, that I've been made aware of. I didn't see any posts about it. I'm not sure if it's okay to think that means that we get a reprieve from individuals being taken, though, because the first time it wasn't exactly like the initial pattern.

Week one it was a few days after arrivals that people were taken, week two people were taken in succession with arrivals, week three nobody was taken, week four back to the taken and arrival combination, and now at the start of this new week it doesn't seem like anybody was actually taken.

Are there any new arrivals that anybody is aware of?

- Felicity

It's starting to get pretty cold. Are you guys going to stay in the barn while the temperatures are dipping so low? I'm only asking because I don't want you guys to freeze out there. So, if you're going to stay you're at least going to get plenty of blankets and everything, right?

I'll help bring some out if you need, just let me know, okay? If you decide you want to look somewhere else I'll help however I can too. I just don't want you guys to wind up freezing out there.

I'd say this obviously excluding Jeff, since he seems to want to stay, but I'm not excluding anyone just yet.

I'm going to the thrift store in a bit for some blankets and clothes. Jo and/or Kara, do you want to go with me? I'm not excluding you either, Barry (and Dave), for the record if you want to come, but no pressure or anything.

Jeff has kind of offered to help, but I didn't feel quite right letting him grab clothes. He'd be good for an extra pair of hands to carry things, but yeah I am still planning on going to get some things and some other necessities with it being so cold. So, if you want to come just let me know

Dec. 30th, 2015



Barn + Mini

Hello everyone, we're setting up a surprise party for Derek and we'd like some help. Naturally, as his nearest and dearest friends, we hoped you might be able to offer some insight on what sorts of things we might include.

We know careful planning is key to a great party, but we think that tomorrow night might be the ideal time? If you're all busy, that's quite alright and we can work around that schedule, but anyway, please get back to us as soon as possible!!
~Grace and Mini




Okay, so if there's three of us, what if we rotate through four hour shifts? We each get two of those and it doesn't really matter whether we're working on the wall or just watching it, so long as the wall isn't left unattended. See how it goes for a day and if it seems to be going well, maybe we cautiously invite a few others to help? I was thinking over by the gas station so none of us has to go very far for food or water after a shift, near where I met you, Rachel.

I don't know what's crawled up Stiles's ass and died since I saw him last back home, but you need to rein him in or he's going to end up painting targets on your backs. I know he doesn't trust anybody and neither do I, typically, but this isn't the place for being proactively offensive about it. I'm having the same problem with Mini. We don't have to all be one big, happy family in here, but we don't have to perpetuate and enable the us against them headspace, either. We all have enough of an enemy in the Management. Stiles and Mini need to stop giving everyone else stuck here with us a reason to hate us, too.

Dec. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

Hey guys, this is Scott. It looks like I missed a lot of new people the other day when I was stuck on a random raft. Which, the whole random raft thing actually made me think, it looks like the plan for us is to keep getting randomly thrown into these weird survival scenarios with a partner and also to keep living in this random town with no electricity or running water. I know we're all trying to get out of here, and I don't want to do anything to distract us from that or sound like I think we should give up, but as long as we have to be here and keep getting this stuff thrown at us, it couldn't hurt to prepare, or make living here a little less horrible, right?

I was thinking if anyone had a skill or something they were really good at, like lock-picking or cooking or fighting with/without weapons (Allison? I know you could at least kick my butt) or like nature-y skills like knowing which footprints belong to which animals and what berries you can eat and stuff, they could write something here if they were willing to teach people. Anyone who wanted to learn could write back to them. It doesn't even have to be a survival skill, I mean, we're all going to go insane really fast if we never do anything fun so if you're great at drawing or something, that works too.

So, I'll start -- hi, I'm Scott McCall and I'm not really great at much, but if anyone wants to start jogging or swimming to get better at either, I'm in pretty good shape, so I'd be a good workout buddy?

[Barn + Derek, Jo, and Felicity] (aka the non-barn people he knows fairly well that he thinks are level-headed)
Hey, have any of you guys met a guy named Kai? Other than at the meeting? Is he staying with any of you? I don't want to sound paranoid but I have a bad feeling about I mean maybe not even a bad feeling but if any of you know he's a good guy that would be reassuring?

Dec. 27th, 2015



[No Subject]

I thought I tore it up. I thought I got rid of it.

How can items just appear? Is this some sort of sick Christmas joke the Management is playing? Did anyone else find things that shouldn't exist?

Dec. 23rd, 2015



[No Subject]

Well, fuck.

Who do I have to thank for this bullshit?



[No Subject]

My good people.

It would do me kindness, if I should be able to find refuge. There is little I can give. I am short of coin or things for barter. A debt repaid later, mayhaps, anywhere I can be of aid.

Alayne Stone

[ Writing sample: here. ]

Dec. 21st, 2015



Beacon Hills

Did anyone else wake up to, for lack of a better word, a present?



[No Subject]

Alright. Well, this is a thing that's happening. It's getting chilly and I'm out in the woods. I think I'm coming up on a building but I could be wrong. No signs of life and only a whimsical squeaky hamburger to keep me company. Squeak squeak, motherfucker.

I feel like I should be writing my will, just in case. Everything neat goes to Lily. Everything else goes to mum and dad. Albus can eat a bag of dicks. As witnessed and notarized by me and this tree stump I'm sitting on.

Alright, break over. Time to walk again.

[ooc: Sample handwriting]

Dec. 18th, 2015



[No Subject]

So...I definitely just saw what looked like a tiger walking toward the central part of this place.

I just thought that that was something that people would...y'know want to know.

- Dave

Dec. 16th, 2015



[No Subject]

Did everyone come back safe from...whatever that was? No one knows about anyone who's still missing?


[Beacon Hills]
So...kind of bad news about that thing that happened? Where I disappeared to go hang out in a tree? I've been trying to figure it out or explain it away but I can't...I'm pretty sure they made me not a werewolf, like I was totally human again, no super hearing or strength and no claws, then the second we got the chains off it came back.

Which I guess means they could do that any time they want. Which is not a great thought.

Dec. 13th, 2015



[No Subject]

Is everyone still doing okay out there? Finding food and shelter and stuff?


Hey, so...the werewolf thing. Have you told the people you're with?

[Barn people]
Now that we've all been at the meeting and met people and stuff, I wanted to talk about how we decide if new people can move in here? We have a huge building and I've seen some lady posting about being on her own and I'd like to help her, but obviously I wouldn't just invite someone to stay here without asking everyone else should we decide things like this, as long as we're all staying together?

Dec. 11th, 2015



[No Subject]

After yesterday's debacle, I think we should really crack down on figuring out who's here. Everyone should be accounted for all the time just in case any of us gets taken again so we know who's missing. Everyone please check in immediately.

- Mini ♥

List of People:

Dec. 10th, 2015



[No Subject]

Hey Derek? When you see this, check in, okay? People are disappearing.

eta: Hey, me again, I took your friend back to Lydia since I figured she shouldn't be alone. Don't freak out if you get back and she's gone.

[[ooc: after a while of Derek not responding]]

[Ireland or the girl Derek lives with or whatever]
Hey, hello? Can you see this?