Vas Captio Journals

March 2016

After two failed attempts to complete a study, the Management are on their last strike with the higher ups. This time, they're going to finish. This time, things are going to be a little different. This time, they'll get it right.

Vas Captio 3.0 is an oc-friendly multi-fandom horror/survival game with a set closing date of 12/31/2016.


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Posts Tagged: 'mini+mcguinness'

Jan. 31st, 2016



[No Subject]

This isn't happening!

Jan. 29th, 2016



Against Bad People

[Anyone who would purposefully/maliciously hurt someone else without just cause.]
Everyone who supports a jail system being put in place, and who is willing and capable to sit guard with them, please list your name below.

We would need volunteers for police officer types to escort these people to their new housing units, we would need constant surveillance, and we would need volunteers to track down the people who escape. Right now, the only person who seems to have attacked someone has been Kai, so we will definitely need as much help as we can get.

Please respond ASAP, I'll make a list and we will get him out of the streets and away from everyone who is vulnerable to his outrageous temper.

Jan. 24th, 2016



[No Subject]

WHO: Mini & Rachel.
WHAT: Week 8 Experiment.
WHEN: Day 49; Evening.
WARNINGS: Language. Mentions of character death and murder.
STATUS: Completed.

Rachel doesn't even need to open her eyes to know she's inside a box again. )

Jan. 21st, 2016




I'm going out for a little while. Ideally, I'll be bringing back dinner if it goes well, so have the curing supplies ready please. You know the drill, scream if you need me, so I can hear you. God, I wish I could drink, sometimes.

Jan. 19th, 2016



[No Subject]

Does anybody know what happened here?

Did people live here once? Everything looks like it was very beautiful once, but then something really, really bad happened.

And what happened to the people? I haven't seen or smelled any bodies, but there were obviously people here once.

Did the Management kill everyone?


Jan. 17th, 2016




Hi. It's Mini.

Jan. 6th, 2016




[ooc: *his cabin, specifically]

Okay, crybabies, it's getting worse out there. We can't keep the fire going indefinitely because it's not safe; I don't think this place is sturdy enough. So. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being not at all and 10 being awkward forever, how uncomfortable would it be if I switched forms and we shared body heat that way? I radiate and retain more body heat in my other form and I take up a lot less space that way, too, so I can come up on the bed without collapsing the damn thing under us. Min, you haven't seen it, but Grace has. I can turn into a full blown wolf. I can't talk to you guys when I'm in that form, but I can still hear and understand whatever you two have to say.

Also, if you ever tell anyone I offered this because I know you'll call it snuggly wolf time or some stupid, embarrassing bullshit, a) they'll never believe you and b) I'm moving out for at least three days.



[No Subject]

Cold showers on cold days. Now I know what hell feels like.

Jan. 3rd, 2016



[No Subject]

Ew. no.

Someone suggested I get warm the old-fashioned way. Care to join me?

Jan. 1st, 2016




[Backdated to last night during Freddie's party.]
Everything's sorted. We talked and he gave me a big bear hug. All is perfect.

- Mini ♥

Dec. 30th, 2015



Barn + Mini

Hello everyone, we're setting up a surprise party for Derek and we'd like some help. Naturally, as his nearest and dearest friends, we hoped you might be able to offer some insight on what sorts of things we might include.

We know careful planning is key to a great party, but we think that tomorrow night might be the ideal time? If you're all busy, that's quite alright and we can work around that schedule, but anyway, please get back to us as soon as possible!!
~Grace and Mini




Spider-Man, what do you know about plant life and eatable vegetation?

Gracie; delayed
So we have a little bit of a problem here. Derek's given me a not so vague threat to leave us on our own and I can't say I entirely blame him. He's got all of these skills already being a mutant and now I just learned that he used to live in the woods. I think Claw-Man was a lumberjack in that movie so that's probably why, but he's got all these things to offer and all we've been doing is eating his food and hoping he'll protect us. We need to get pro-active. Show him that we're valuable assets to him, you know? So let's brainstorm.

Dec. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

Hey guys, this is Scott. It looks like I missed a lot of new people the other day when I was stuck on a random raft. Which, the whole random raft thing actually made me think, it looks like the plan for us is to keep getting randomly thrown into these weird survival scenarios with a partner and also to keep living in this random town with no electricity or running water. I know we're all trying to get out of here, and I don't want to do anything to distract us from that or sound like I think we should give up, but as long as we have to be here and keep getting this stuff thrown at us, it couldn't hurt to prepare, or make living here a little less horrible, right?

I was thinking if anyone had a skill or something they were really good at, like lock-picking or cooking or fighting with/without weapons (Allison? I know you could at least kick my butt) or like nature-y skills like knowing which footprints belong to which animals and what berries you can eat and stuff, they could write something here if they were willing to teach people. Anyone who wanted to learn could write back to them. It doesn't even have to be a survival skill, I mean, we're all going to go insane really fast if we never do anything fun so if you're great at drawing or something, that works too.

So, I'll start -- hi, I'm Scott McCall and I'm not really great at much, but if anyone wants to start jogging or swimming to get better at either, I'm in pretty good shape, so I'd be a good workout buddy?

[Barn + Derek, Jo, and Felicity] (aka the non-barn people he knows fairly well that he thinks are level-headed)
Hey, have any of you guys met a guy named Kai? Other than at the meeting? Is he staying with any of you? I don't want to sound paranoid but I have a bad feeling about I mean maybe not even a bad feeling but if any of you know he's a good guy that would be reassuring?



[No Subject]

Babe, I'm off to the woods to look for J, don't wait up.
[Meant for Elsa, sample of handwriting]

Dec. 27th, 2015



[No Subject]

I thought I tore it up. I thought I got rid of it.

How can items just appear? Is this some sort of sick Christmas joke the Management is playing? Did anyone else find things that shouldn't exist?

Dec. 20th, 2015



[No Subject]

Dear Management,

You can at least give us some decent food to eat if you're going to hold us hostage. That's like kidnapping 101.


Dec. 16th, 2015



No Management

They had to have taken us for a reason. I don't know what it is but we're being punished for something. They're going to kill us all.

Dec. 11th, 2015



[No Subject]

After yesterday's debacle, I think we should really crack down on figuring out who's here. Everyone should be accounted for all the time just in case any of us gets taken again so we know who's missing. Everyone please check in immediately.

- Mini ♥

List of People:

Dec. 10th, 2015



[No Subject]

Hey Derek? When you see this, check in, okay? People are disappearing.

eta: Hey, me again, I took your friend back to Lydia since I figured she shouldn't be alone. Don't freak out if you get back and she's gone.

[[ooc: after a while of Derek not responding]]

[Ireland or the girl Derek lives with or whatever]
Hey, hello? Can you see this?



[No Subject]

Whoever is trying to take down the glass wall, I'm not going to tell you to stop. But I think I found out today that there's something supernatural about it, force isn't going to work.

- Barry