Vas Captio Journals

March 2016

After two failed attempts to complete a study, the Management are on their last strike with the higher ups. This time, they're going to finish. This time, things are going to be a little different. This time, they'll get it right.

Vas Captio 3.0 is an oc-friendly multi-fandom horror/survival game with a set closing date of 12/31/2016.


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Posts Tagged: 'neal+caffrey'

Dec. 28th, 2015



[No Subject]

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

[Written in sloppy script with a couple of doodles around.]

Dear diary,
Last night was weird. I was magically kidnapped and thrown into the woods with someone. She's nice though, so there's that.

I think I'm going to try to find some breakfast. I haven't gotten around to wandering around town just yet, partially because I'm afraid of meeting people before I encounter toothpaste. That would be gross. I know some people wait until after they eat to brush their teeth, but the whole idea squicks me out.

Side note, I think the squeaky toy entertains me much more than it was supposed to. I've mastered the happy birthday song in my friend's absence. If I meet someone with a birthday soon, at least I'll be prepared... anyway, enough dilly dallying, I'm off to find some stuff.

Until later,
Mimi [With another doodle after]

Dec. 23rd, 2015



[No Subject]

Well, fuck.

Who do I have to thank for this bullshit?



[No Subject]


[ Neal really doesn't appreciate getting tied up and kidnapped, having to fend off a wild predator with nothing but one of the museum's paintings, only to find not the best gift from home near him. Thanks for that. So he's just going to egg the whole situation on now.

Neal draws a simple tic tac toe grid and scrawls an x in the center.

Underneath that, he writes: ]

We can play games all day.

[[ OOC | Not actually filtered to management so totally a free for all! ]]

Dec. 21st, 2015



[No Subject]

Alright. Well, this is a thing that's happening. It's getting chilly and I'm out in the woods. I think I'm coming up on a building but I could be wrong. No signs of life and only a whimsical squeaky hamburger to keep me company. Squeak squeak, motherfucker.

I feel like I should be writing my will, just in case. Everything neat goes to Lily. Everything else goes to mum and dad. Albus can eat a bag of dicks. As witnessed and notarized by me and this tree stump I'm sitting on.

Alright, break over. Time to walk again.

[ooc: Sample handwriting]

Dec. 9th, 2015



[No Subject]

My name is Tom Malvoro Riddle.

[ Sorry, guys. He can't resist. He's been stalking the backlog. ]

Dec. 8th, 2015



[No Subject]

As entertaining as it is to watch everyone freak out at each other on these things, has anyone considered that these were made specifically so that we can all communicate? Just a thought.

Carry on.



[No Subject]

1 bottle of water
4 dandelions