Vas Captio Journals

March 2016

After two failed attempts to complete a study, the Management are on their last strike with the higher ups. This time, they're going to finish. This time, things are going to be a little different. This time, they'll get it right.

Vas Captio 3.0 is an oc-friendly multi-fandom horror/survival game with a set closing date of 12/31/2016.


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Posts Tagged: 'leonard+%22bones%22+mccoy'

Feb. 5th, 2016



[No Subject]

This is your doctor speaking:

The liquor store is closed until I'm not using it as an damned infirmary anymore.

From what I'm gathering there are a lot of varied illnesses out there - some of which may be communicable by their description, some may not.

At this point I can't keep jumping all around this damned place to get to everyone.

Do the following conditions apply?
1. You are unable to breathe regularly
2. You cannot tolerate eating / drinking
3. You are weak / unable to stand without assistance
4. You are running a fever above and beyond what you consider normal
5. Have lost consciousness (outside of those little phantom things this place seems to think is so damned cute.)

Those are all things that require medical care. Please come to the pharmacy. I've set up the liquor store as an infirmary as best I can. Each aisle has a bed area.

To anyone with medical training
If you feel able to function as a triage runner, I would appreciate it. Otherwise, another set of hands in the infirmary would be great. Please follow universal precautions. If you don't have gloves and a mask get in here and get some.

Filtered to Jo You've been doing great. Don't run yourself into the ground.

Jan. 17th, 2016



[No Subject]

WHO: McCoy and OTA
WHAT: The aforementioned Blood Drive
WHEN: Day 42 - Early Afternoon
WARNINGS: It's a blood drive; so, needles?
STATUS: Wide Open - Narrative if left alone
I'm a Doctor not a Bloodmobile )

Jan. 16th, 2016



[No Subject]

From the look of it, everyone's been in the thick of it.

If anyone needs medical attention you can find me at the Pharmacy.

I'll be the guy wearing jeans and a sweatshirt.. all of which mostly covered in mud.

The names Leonard McCoy.