Vas Captio Journals

March 2016

After two failed attempts to complete a study, the Management are on their last strike with the higher ups. This time, they're going to finish. This time, things are going to be a little different. This time, they'll get it right.

Vas Captio 3.0 is an oc-friendly multi-fandom horror/survival game with a set closing date of 12/31/2016.


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Posts Tagged: 'kaylee+frye'

Mar. 10th, 2016



[No Subject]

Why aint there no spaceships or nothing here? We don't see them lots and lots at home but we see em sometimes and papa fixes stuff on them.

I ain't seen none here. I got a favorite one. My papa got to fix one one time and it was real real fancy and I got to watch him fix on it.

That's my favorite!

Mar. 2nd, 2016



[No Subject]

All right. Here's the deal. Management did something to me. When I walk into a building, the electricity kicks on and stays on for a few hours. But it's physically draining for me. So if the situation is serious and you need power, let me know.


Feb. 21st, 2016




Since the experiments been over I been feeling okay, but does that mean I ain't never gonna get what I had never again? I seen people have that, the coughing up blood, before and it ain't's real bad and I don't wanna feel like that again....

Is there anything I should do to be sure I don't never feel like that ever again?

I ain't been on the journals lots, but I don't think I seen you post nothing. You okay?

Why do a couple of people not like the babies? I don't get it.

They're just babies and they ain't done nothing wrong and it ain't their fault they're here or nothing.... I know they cry and they can stink and stuff but...they're babies.

Feb. 20th, 2016



[No Subject]

Can I just say it's hilarious how much everybody cares about the babies?

Like, really guys, you're surprised? Or this is what convinced you The Management don't have limits? Hurting people, screwing with their heads, etc.... that's all fine, but have some babies be happy somewhere other than with their parents and it's so much worse? Come on.

Changing diapers is annoying, but I'd take this over people getting hurt or threatened. The babies don't care.

Jan. 26th, 2016



[No Subject]

Hello everyone,

I've noticed that others seem to be using these journals to communicate, so I thought I would try my luck. My name is Inara Serra, myself and another young lady woke up together in the woods beyond the town. We're still unclear about many things regarding this place. If you can offer up any information, we'd greatly appreciate it.

Thank you.

sydney )

Jan. 20th, 2016



[No Subject]

So...sorry this is late. With being snowed in, and trying to regroup, I wasn't able to post these notes on the meeting until now.

But thanks again for those who came out to talk.

Some things people seemed interested in were:
- Sweeps of the woods to look for new arrivals
- A group of people who help with communications together (possibly a representative from different parts?) Basically some sort of leadership.
- More efforts to find out how the Management are getting people in, to maybe answer the question of how to get out
- Find a way to figure out how many are actually in the management

Any thoughts from anyone on any of this? Should we do a notebook-wide vote on whether or not we should have the leadership? Create teams for the sweeps in the woods?




[Wednesday Evening, Day 45]

I am getting pissed tonight, and I hate drinking alone.

Anyone interested can come to the liquor store.


Jan. 18th, 2016



[No Subject]

Hi everybody!

This is Kaylee and I just wanted to say I don't know where everybody lives or nothing. Or if everybody wants me to try, but I'm pretty sure that I got the tools and stuff found now to do my best to fix electrical stuff in buildings. Maybe even plumbing, but I gotta take a look at it first to know for sure but I ain't found nothing I can't fix yet.

I been taking stuff from the machines in the carnival to use other places for replacement parts and stuff. I hope that's okay, if it ain't I'm sorry I didn't think anybody'd mind? So, if you got a building you want me to give a shot fixing up just let me know and I'll be happy to help.


~ Kaylee

Jan. 17th, 2016



[No Subject]

This is an all call for blood donors.

We have a need for all types. It'll be as painless as I can make it and I even found some lollipops for when you're done. Two lollipops if you know your blood type.

Come find me in the pharmacy.


Jan. 14th, 2016



[No Subject]

Uh, hey out there? My name is Hurley. I arrived here a bit ago. Hi. So, things are a bit different here. Obviously. Anyway, it'd be nice to meet up with someone. I'm near the barn place, but I think I'm going to head into the town. If anyone sees me, come and say hi.


Jan. 11th, 2016



[No Subject]

[There's a drawing of this man with 'King of Assholes' written in fancy script below him.]

I'm enjoying this change in the weather. How about the rest of you?



[No Subject]

Last time I blacked out like that I got hit in the head with a bludger bat.

Least the weather is better.

[Sirius Black, Lily Evans & Hermione Granger (she doesn't know about James S. Potter yet)]
So, now that we can actually move around without needing to build a tunnel in the snow, should we see what we can figure out?

- Alicia.

Jan. 5th, 2016



[No Subject]

Is it always this cold and freezy on this planet? And white? I don't reckon I ever been to no planet that's like this one.

I don't know if the Captain or Zoe or Wash ever been neither. Has anybody round here heard anything from my Captain or my crew? Zoe, Wash, River, Simon, Shepherd Book, Jayne, or Mal? They gotta be real worried about me and about the man who was on the ship Jubal Early or something like that, he's a bad man.