January 29th, 2016



Against Bad People

[Anyone who would purposefully/maliciously hurt someone else without just cause.]
Everyone who supports a jail system being put in place, and who is willing and capable to sit guard with them, please list your name below.

We would need volunteers for police officer types to escort these people to their new housing units, we would need constant surveillance, and we would need volunteers to track down the people who escape. Right now, the only person who seems to have attacked someone has been Kai, so we will definitely need as much help as we can get.

Please respond ASAP, I'll make a list and we will get him out of the streets and away from everyone who is vulnerable to his outrageous temper.



[No Subject]

Fucking white people. No, cross it out, it'll piss people off. Why? Screw that.

Later he scribbles this sentence out:
Fucking white people.


Added a few minutes later:

So I'm thinking about it, and I think maybe we should have some kind of ballot box, or voting mechanism or something? I mean, debating's great, but there are people who might not be comfortable giving their opinion over these things but still want to be heard. So an anonymous way to voice opinions/vote so people don't worry about social consequences. The meetings are good, just thinking about contentious issues.


That offer to talk still open?



[No Subject]

[Filtered against Kai]

Guys? I have an idea.

How about, instead of going to all the effort to catch Kai or imprison him or whatever...how about we just banish him?

Forbid him from using the housing and supplies, take the protection of the pack group away from him. Make him survive on his own. And tell him that if he violates this banishment and steals our supplies or something, we kill him.

Omegas never live long anyway


[Stiles added later]

Are we going to kill this guy? I'm sure Scott says no.