January 20th, 2016



[Wednesday Evening, Day 45]

I am getting pissed tonight, and I hate drinking alone.

Anyone interested can come to the liquor store.




[No Subject]

So...sorry this is late. With being snowed in, and trying to regroup, I wasn't able to post these notes on the meeting until now.

But thanks again for those who came out to talk.

Some things people seemed interested in were:
- Sweeps of the woods to look for new arrivals
- A group of people who help with communications together (possibly a representative from different parts?) Basically some sort of leadership.
- More efforts to find out how the Management are getting people in, to maybe answer the question of how to get out
- Find a way to figure out how many are actually in the management

Any thoughts from anyone on any of this? Should we do a notebook-wide vote on whether or not we should have the leadership? Create teams for the sweeps in the woods?
