December 31st, 2015



[No Subject]

Whoever put that sign on the Library door, it's actually rather rude.

Honestly, there's nothing worse than people who have no regard at all for Library etiquette, but I'm not entirely sure there's any need for that, and secondly we ought to be encouraging everyone to visit, as Felicity has already rightly mentioned. There may well be some important information there.

I'm Hermione Granger, for those of you I've not yet met- I know there have been quite a few attempts to gauge exactly how many we have among us here, role calls to find out who we're missing and to assess the collective skills among us; but have we held an proper meeting of sorts at all, in the one location? I've spent rather more time that I should have, alone I've no doubt we're all being heavily monitored in every location as much as we are through these journals, but perhaps something in person might be more beneficial to what we're trying to achieve?



[No Subject]

What the hell?




I'm Freddie. I know a lot of us are trying to stage a sort of get together but honestly that kind of stuff's a bit awkward for me, especially if there's going to be a lot of older proper adults trying to take charge of the situation and set up rules and guidelines. So if any of you feel like popping over to the library first for something informal and fun, we've got booze, snacks, and spliff. Mind the sign on the door though, yeah? That still stands.