December 27th, 2015



[No Subject]

I'm having the worst time sleeping. Normally I can sleep anywhere but now I'm just an anxious mess. I just can't stop thinking. My brain won't shut up. I'm going to go batty. Is that the point?



[No Subject]

I thought I tore it up. I thought I got rid of it.

How can items just appear? Is this some sort of sick Christmas joke the Management is playing? Did anyone else find things that shouldn't exist?



[No Subject]

[ooc: Rose's handwriting is messy, looking something like this.]

Okay. What the actual fuck?



[No Subject]


[Close to Lissa's Handwriting]



[No Subject]

It has been a very long time since someone has compelled me to write something manually. Generally speaking, most records are audio or video. I record this in Trade Basic in the hopes that this will open better communication with whoever finds or sees this. I am D'moro Taka, lead navigation of the late Torquessa which was overtaken by raiders of an unknown origin. I fear I am the lone survivor. There is no sign of my shuttle and my survival astounds me as my last memory is setting the cryogenic stasis in the emergency pod.

I do not know where I am. I am not ashamed to admit that I am afraid.


It appears this is actually a communication device. I can see the writings of others appearing as well. How curious. I've never seen a device like this with ink and paper.

[ooc: handwriting sample]



[No Subject]

Not to put anybody in any sort of panic or worry, but it looks like it's that time again and I know of at least one person who was taken now. This is definitely a weekly occurrence, if there any any of you that haven't come to that realization or been informed of that. We don't have any guarantees on that, exactly, but this is the fourth week, by my count. So, that makes it a definite pattern and not any sort of coincidence.

That being said who is missing and who is still where they were before passing out? It wouldn't hurt to get an idea of who to be on the look out for. I don't know that sending out search parties will actually give us any sort of success, but if people want to do that it would definitely be a better idea to communicate rather than going out in multiple different groups. Getting a sort of list one place seems like it would be a good idea and helpful.

I've also already seen one new set of handwriting, so there may be new individuals who have just woken up out in the forest too. That's the pattern. People black out and new people arrive, though, I don't know that that's how it goes every week, but it seems to be the trend.

Just for the record.

Accounted for:
  • Felicity
  • Mini
  • Stiles
  • Jeff
  • Jo
  • Allison
  • Rose (new arrival)
  • Lissa (new arrival)
  • Rachel (new arrival)

  • Missing:
  • Dave
  • Derek
  • Gracie
  • Scott

  • -Felicity



    Barn + Derek

    I don't think they keep them in here. They have to be somewhere else.