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Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Nov. 7th, 2008|05:17 pm]
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If I don't get a box of chocolates in about five seconds, I will kill somebody.

I refuse to be in this much pain. I have TOO much work to do. GRAR.
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[Nov. 7th, 2008|01:57 pm]
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I'm hungry. I want some cheese, like, some really expensive fancy cheese. You know. That cammenberny kind.

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[Oct. 31st, 2008|09:13 pm]
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Dean? Sammy? Anybody? Uhm, my house has gone... weird.

I mean, the gravity in the guest bedroom has completely reversed, everything's on the ceiling now, and even just walking in you get flipped up there too, took me an hour to figure out how to get down, and the water in the kitchen sink is circling the wrong way, and out in the garden the compass just keeps spinning and I don't know what's going on but it's starting to freak me out and I don't freak out easily
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[Oct. 14th, 2008|01:41 pm]
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Guess what I did today.

No, go on. Guess.

I re-assembled the engine of a '36 Bentley that had had squrrels nesting in the engine block. And better than that? I re-assembled it and it runs, and better than that it's beautiful. I'm so proud right now, I might just cry.
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[Oct. 3rd, 2008|06:37 pm]

So, with Halloween right around the corner, and my being able to enjoy it for once, I've decided that slutty costume is the best way to go (Thanks whoever suggested this before, seriously)

So! That means I've got options, there's the Taxi due to my former profession as Official Getaway Car (Also, that model's inexplicably gravity-defying boobs scare me a little)

There's the Aviatrix since I really did like being a WASP mechanic when time was flipping out all over the place. In the same vein I could do the Pinup Pilot

Or I could slut-up my newest profession and be a Sexy Mechanic

I'm pretty sure I've got other options too, so I'm taking votes and suggestions, lay it on me!
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[Sep. 15th, 2008|07:51 pm]
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So... my sort-of boyfriend's gone. I figured he just got busy with school again after the road trip so I went to check up on him the other day and he's just... not there.

I'm not really sure what I think about this. I feel like I should be sad, but I don't know that I really am sad, it's weird.

Anybody have advice or want to hang out or something?
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[Sep. 7th, 2008|05:24 pm]

The boys I work with had a great idea, they figured that since I liked my road trip so much, and liked the map, that I should do a bigger one across the lobby of the shop. So, I did.

The new, improved map is at the shop: [address on the outskirts of London proper]

If you've already come to the house to see it, come see it again! It's got more detail in it this time, journal pages and stuff, if you haven't seen it yet, no better time than the present! It's worth the trip, so I've been told, and if you need an engine looked at or whatever, we can do that in the meantime, we can fix anything.
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[Aug. 19th, 2008|08:49 pm]

So now that I'm back and back into the swing of things, I figure I should work out a birthday party, since the birthday I decided on is coming up in about a week.

That said: anybody who's not busy next weekend, Labor Day weekend back in the states, should stop by, there'll be music and booze and pie and probably confetti because confetti is awesome. Decided to have the party at my place, just because I figure more people should see my house made of crazy.

[address] you can call ahead if you want to [number] but it's not mandatory, hell, not even much of a suggestion, I just know some people like being polite.
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[Aug. 19th, 2008|12:54 am]
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Well. Interesting.

This ain't hell.

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[Aug. 17th, 2008|12:37 pm]
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It’s good to be home. I had a great time on my road trip, saw… well, saw a whole lot of things, not all of them worth reporting, but the ones that were are now mapped out across one wall at my house, if anybody wants to come see. I’ve got souvenirs of course, and I might share them if you ask nice.

Another thing: My birthday’s coming up here pretty quick, didn’t realize just how fast time had gone by, but there’ll be a shindig somewhere, I’ll keep you all posted.

locked_to_family* )
(*‘family’ includes Sam, Dean, the other Dean, Anne, Bela, Bobby, Bobby’s squeeze, John, Al, and any demons who might notice)
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[Jul. 2nd, 2008|09:37 pm]
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So, saw the Grassy Knoll while we were in Dallas. It was y'know, grassy and knoll-like. No big whoop, the tour of the book depository was actually kind of interesting though, and the music store nearby was even better. I am now the proud owner of a Blue Meanie bobblehead.

Not really much to see between there and here, we're headed towards Atlanta so we can see the 54 Columns, and of course stop for lunch at The Varsity Seems like things have settled down a little after the craziness of last weekend. Glad I missed that one, actually.

Emailed to Bela )
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[Jun. 24th, 2008|10:07 am]

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Dad, Sam, Bobby, Anne, Bela, Che. )
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[Jun. 22nd, 2008|04:47 pm]
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So, actually having fun on the roadtrip, decided that people in Oklahoma get bored a lot, we've gone to see a fence and some other sculpturage made out of bowling balls and bowling pins, right now we're stopping for lunch at a blue whale in a pond, there's a nice little picnic area here and not too many mosquitoes, and after that we're off to see the Frog Rock.

Boys: if I get a chance, I'll send you a postcard, if not, hi! Don't burn anything down while I'm gone. I'll see you when I get back.
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[Jun. 16th, 2008|11:26 pm]
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For the record, I didn't do it.

Whatever... it is.

Is this fucking Disneyland? Snoogans, yo!
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[Jun. 10th, 2008|07:24 pm]
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Dean, Bobby, don't get yourselves killed.

Everybody else: I'm going to be at my place for a while, it's been too crazy for me to keep up with lately and I just need somewhere quiet so I can think. Shop'll still be open so if you need to you can find me there, and Sam, I put my address into the address book by the phone if there's an emergency.

Other than that, just need a few days to get things settled with myself again. Nothing serious, just can't do it with things going from one crazy thing to the next is all.
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[May. 30th, 2008|06:53 pm]

Mr. Amber Dunharrow )
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[May. 26th, 2008|10:34 am]

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Glad we're back to somethin' that I'm used to at least. Got out of the POW camp and killed some evil Nazis. Turns out Nazis ain't that different then what I'm used to huntin'.

Wound up in Philly and I run a junk yard. Glad that's familiar.

Dean and Sam )

Mira )

Anne, Che and Bela )

Ruby )
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[May. 26th, 2008|12:33 am]

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[Current Mood |relieved]

... I think we're home. I mean. I think things are normal. As normal as they get here. No more madness.

Anne? Atton? Che? Bobby? Is everyone here and alive? I think the bloody cosmos owes us all a drink.

[Dean:] I realise you will want to spend time with Sam, given what just happened. However ... afterward. Will you come here or may I go there? Please?
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[May. 24th, 2008|10:06 pm]
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Dude, I'm a WASP mechanic.

This is awesome.

I don't know about you all, but what I did today was help a couple of the girls figure out how to redistribute the weight so that they could carry evening gowns and shoes with them in their planes.

Apparently these things are extra sensitive to weight changes and shifts and need a whole heap of recalibration for any changes.
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[May. 23rd, 2008|08:22 pm]

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The hell?

This computer... is powered by steam.

Last thing I remember was being swept up in... something. This don't seem like the last nightmare I got stuck in.

Gotta get back, can't leave him all alone.

((ooc: spoilers for Supernatural S3 finale!))
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[May. 20th, 2008|06:27 am]
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So I decided to go for a walk, because I was tired of staying cooped up inside, and people keep staring at me like I've got two heads, and they're all whispering behind their hands and stuff and it's just weird.

Yeah, a lady just steered her gaggle of children away from me, which is fine and all, but what the hell is going on?
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[May. 14th, 2008|05:55 pm]
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Soooooo I has on a boreds.

Any hot sorts of ladies wants to comes overs to a Sweden and goes to a dance clubs?
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[May. 8th, 2008|09:53 pm]

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You know how I know this world is crazy?

Sam's getting laid by his girlfriend - well, at all. And I've got a girlfriend.

Okay, you know what, Sam's got a girlfriend and it's time he knows it.

But seriously. Both of us haven't had a girlfriend at the same time since I was in eighth grade. And Sam's girlfriend still threw worms at him. Sammy, glad you got an upgrade.

But yes. Just letting you ladies know I'm off the market. I value my testicles too much to have my girlfriend rip them off with her fingernails. That, and then she'd probably yell at me about ruining a perfectly good manicure or something.

... so, these Jammie Dodger things are kind of fucking awesome. I think I might go buy a crate of 'em.
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[Apr. 27th, 2008|11:33 pm]
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So I've recently discovered that I'm at least partially nocturnal. Crepuscular at the very least, that and I don't sleep much anyway.

Which means that I have a lot of free time on my hands. Any suggestions on hobbies? Books to read? Movies I should see?
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[Apr. 27th, 2008|12:27 pm]
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Hey Dean? What's an intake manifold and um...how would one fix said intake manifold if um, someone were to perhaps accidentally have knocked it loose?

Hypothetically speaking, of course.
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[Apr. 27th, 2008|02:37 am]

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In the common interest of those involved with their pursuit of enjoyment in the world, I celebrate your lives.

This goes out to the pirates searching for their lost kingdom. May you find your island safe and sound.
This goes out to those who've conceived and are expecting. Good luck with the little anklebiters, darlings.
This goes out to the Hunters. Heaven knows what we'd do without you behind us, luvs. It'd get boring.
This goes out to the musicians and their music. Keep it loud, keep it right, keep it outta sight.
This goes out to my family, Heaven, Hell and Earthbound. You've come a long way, baby, you've come a long way.

A toast to my brethren, for in this world, there's no certainties, only luck, love, respect, and regards.

... That said, I'm utterly bored out of my fucking wits and it's far too late to be making house calls. Anyone up for some late night hooliganism?
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[Apr. 21st, 2008|09:02 pm]

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[Current Location |London]
[Current Mood |anxious]

My girlfriend's told me there are other people here who used to be cars. Is that true?
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[Apr. 13th, 2008|08:42 pm]
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What is this Earth fascination with wheels that you seem to have? They're inconvenient, heavy, and they wear down far too quickly. Why don't you just use repulsorlifts like civilized planets?
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[Apr. 10th, 2008|06:40 pm]
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Thanks to everyone who sent thoughts, prayers, teddy bears. (Thank you, Edward, for my bear. He's perfect company, here.) My brother brought me my laptop to keep me occupied while I rehydrate my internal organs.

I'd like to say I was the victim of some horrible poisoning, some evil plot to take my life. But no, this was alllllll me. Uh huh. That snack I had, right before bed? The leftover sushi? That's what got me. One of the worst cases of food poisoning that Dr. Cuddy's seen in a long time. Go me.

Anyway, I'm laid up, in the hospital. Nothing to do. Feel free to say hi, or something.
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[Apr. 9th, 2008|08:51 pm]
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So, it's me and the puppy tonight. By ourselves. We already played chase and fetch up and down the stairs. Had dinner, watched TV, and now we're both bored.

Anybody want to come by for a visit? We've got Popsicles!
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[Apr. 8th, 2008|12:25 am]
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. . . Okay, who the fuck decided to play Wizard of Oz with my car, WITH ME IN IT?

SO not fucking funny
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[Apr. 6th, 2008|01:34 pm]

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I NEED A DOCTOR IN LONDON TO HELP MY BROTHER. He can't stop throwing up, and he's got a 102 fever. He's kind of delirious, too. I'll take him to the hospital if I have to, but figured I'd check here first.

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[Apr. 4th, 2008|12:22 pm]
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Ohhhh boy this sure isn't California.
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[Apr. 1st, 2008|09:41 pm]

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Some chick's been writing about you in her journal. Something about you and throbbing? And dampness?
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[Apr. 1st, 2008|12:20 am]

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I do not love a certain Ms. Bela Talbot. The things that I love are as follows:

1) My dog.
2) My car.
3) Beer.
4) Tits. (These include all breasts on women, paid for or God-given, and thereby include Ms. Talbot's, but not because she's special.)
5) My brother. (Mostly because I'm supposed to, something about family and crap.)
6) Taquitos.
7) Those squishy ball things that are supposed to relieve stress.
8) Whipped cream. (See also number 4; if number 4 has whipped cream, then can move up past number 1.)

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[Mar. 31st, 2008|06:58 pm]
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Attention recent humans (ladies in particular, but everyone's invited)
Were you something other than human before you got sucked up in a vortex and brought here?

Do things like food and bra sizes confuse you? Are you too shy, or even too confused to ask?

I have a proposal: let's have a get together. I'm sure each of us knows something that the others don't, things that people who have always been human take for granted.

If we still have questions after the information sharing, we've got safety in numbers when we go out and ask.

Is anyone interested or have I been eating crazy-flakes for breakfast?
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[Mar. 31st, 2008|10:30 am]
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... So it isn't just a dream.

I guess I'll just make the best of it, then.

Che )

Miniver )
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[Mar. 30th, 2008|03:25 pm]
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Okay, either this is the best stuff I've ever smoked in my entire life or...

I really am in London, and I really did get sucked up by a tornado. Either way, as long as there isn't any random musical interludes I think I'll be okay.
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[Mar. 30th, 2008|05:13 pm]
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Where the hell am I?

Am I back? Am I back in 2008?
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[Mar. 24th, 2008|10:52 am]
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You're coming to a county fair with my brother and I. There's no reason you should be denied the simple pleasures of fairground rides and ridiculously named fried food.

Not to mention, if you deny yourself this opportunity, I'll, um...

I actually don't have any followup with that but hey, Miniver and I are going, you should come along. It'd be great!
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