Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Jul. 18th, 2008|02:38 am]
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This is not 1952. What on earth is this bloody thing, anyway?

[Eddie here? Never came to UtR and instead grew up with his father and mother in the 1920's. He's being pulled from 1952 making him around 18.]
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[Jul. 8th, 2008|08:11 pm]

Dad )

Little kids are so dumb!
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[Apr. 17th, 2008|08:02 am]
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So bored!
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[Apr. 12th, 2008|04:44 pm]
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For once, I miss my sisters.
For while they do not like                                                me
they understand.


i tire of existence.
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[Apr. 9th, 2008|08:51 pm]
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So, it's me and the puppy tonight. By ourselves. We already played chase and fetch up and down the stairs. Had dinner, watched TV, and now we're both bored.

Anybody want to come by for a visit? We've got Popsicles!
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[Mar. 22nd, 2008|12:31 pm]
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Urg! I don't like tuxes! I wish Dad would just let me wear my regular clothes to be the ring bearer.
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[Mar. 19th, 2008|10:22 pm]

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Edward misses being a cowgirl. And flying in space. And Big Shots!

Bounty-head buckaroos, beware!
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[Mar. 7th, 2008|01:22 pm]
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Does anyone want to buy a three year old?

She keeps messing up my stuff!
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[Mar. 2nd, 2008|12:25 am]
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I really miss my mum.

It would be her birthday today :/
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[Feb. 24th, 2008|10:44 pm]
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Uh oh!

Mummy mad!

[For my own amusement, Tara has been aged up to three years.]
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[Feb. 23rd, 2008|04:09 pm]

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[Current Mood |sadface]

These aren’t tears of sadness because you’re leaving me
I’ve just been cutting onions
I’m making a lasagna

for one
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[Jan. 27th, 2008|10:16 pm]

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We won't stop until somebody calls the cops!
And even then we'll ~start again~ and just pretend that
Nothing ever happened~

We won't stop until somebody calls the cops!
And even then we'll ~start again~ and just pretend that
Nothing ever happened~

Call me up before you're dead, we can make some plans instead!
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[Jan. 22nd, 2008|09:23 pm]
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Mmm, Daddy, I'm sleepy...but I want some hot coco first.
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[Jan. 15th, 2008|07:57 pm]

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Uh. . .wow. That was the fast route to Santa Barbara! AND I got free stuff!

Hey, I'm Tesla, and I'm looking for my half brother, Shawn. if you know him, gimme a holla?
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[Jan. 15th, 2008|05:05 pm]
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Oh, is very, very naughty. )
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[Jan. 15th, 2008|11:39 am]
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I'm naked!

In Puerto Rico!

At least I've got something to flaunt. Thank you dad.
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[Jan. 15th, 2008|01:55 pm]

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This is most unexpected.
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[Jan. 14th, 2008|09:55 pm]
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I want a ham sandwich. With pickles...

And maybe some marshmallows? I can't wait to head over to my Da's place. His kitchen is packed.

...but that's only if I can haul my fat self over there. Blech.
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[Jan. 14th, 2008|06:30 pm]
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Well shit. This sure as heck isn't Oxford.

...and according to the newspaper, it's not 2022.
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[Jan. 14th, 2008|08:04 pm]
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I'm bored. Anyone wanna dance?

Hey, sis, come check out what I found. What the hell is all this, anyway? This phone is so last decade... we'll have to get Daddy to get us a new set. Not to mention, have you seen what Deliah had at school the other day? One of those Pearls or whatever it was? We're so getting those.
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[Jan. 12th, 2008|12:43 am]
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Hm. I want sex. And brownies. Sex and brownies would be good.
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[Jan. 11th, 2008|09:37 pm]
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Whoever painted mean things on my daddy's house better not do it again!

No one should call people mean names.

Big meanie heads.
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[Jan. 11th, 2008|07:01 pm]
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Whatsa 'fag'?

And why is it painted on the side of my Daddy's house?
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[Jan. 9th, 2008|03:37 pm]
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I'm booorrreeeddd.

Anyone wanna play?
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