April 2011




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Week 22: Thursday

Characters: Louisa May and Abigail
Location: Molly's room
Summery: Abby comes up to Molly's room to give the Doc a much needed break.
Rating: G

I look that bad, huh? )



Characters: Drew, Louisa May, and an unresponsive Molly
Location: The farmhouse, Drew’s room.
Summary: The Doc and Drew work to save Molly, who’s unconscious due to her hypothermia.
Rating: G

Come on, now, Molly, five more degrees )



Characters: Derek, Louisa May, and Ana
Location: From the farm to the trailer park, and back to the farm again.
Summary: Derek and Louisa May go trailer huntin’. While at the park, they get some worrying news about Molly.
Rating: G

You know, between your trailer and tin foil on my window, the only thing we need is a car up on blocks and we’ll hit the ‘hood bingo. )


Week 22: Sunday

Characters: Tom & Louisa May
Location: The farmhouse, Tom’s room.
Summary: Louisa May joins the Colony and the logistics of moving in are discussed.
Rating: PG for mild expletives.

I figured I’d have to work on you for a few weeks before you decided to join up. )


Week 21 - Friday

Characters: Louisa May, Walker, and Leo
Location: Library
Summary: As per Tom’s request, Louisa May checks in on Walker and takes the opportunity to size Leo up.
Rating: G

If Leo was going to have a problem with her, she’d like to know sooner rather than later, and this was certainly one way to find out. )


Week 21: Saturday

Characters: Louisa May, Meghan, and Derek
Location: Derek's Room
Summery: Meg's giving the Doc a tour, they come up on Derek, who vents some pretty deep issues.
Rating: R for language

...if you think /anyone/ here wants to see you do that to yourself, you’re more fuckin’ blind than me. )



Characters: Louisa May, Bridget
Location: The library
Summary: Louisa May and Bridget chat about Bridget's health, the library, and the future of the human race. You know, small stuff.
Rating: PG

Y’all have been through a hell of a lot these past few months. )



Characters: Alice and Louisa May
Location: Living room
Summary: Alice and Louisa May are awkward and touchy, but play nicely. After all, it's Christmas.
Rating: G

I figure we’re just gonna have to agree to differ on this one )


Week 21: Christmas

Characters: Abigail and Louisa May
Location: Farmhouse living room
Summery: The two women find something in common.

I only have to worry about my patients trying to bite every now and then -- I’d imagine it’s much more of a hazard with you. )


Week 21 - Thursday

Characters: Derek Miller and Louisa May Smith
Loacation: The doctor's house, Medford
Summary: Derek and Louisa have a more serious discussion about Leo
Rating: PG

I gotta tell you, though, you being there, well, it’d make me feel a lot better about having him around. )



Characters: Louisa May and Derek
Location: Louisa May's house in Medford
Summary: Louisa May and Derek have a rather pleasant after-dinner talk.
Rating: PG-13 for swears

No offense, Derek, but you are definitely not my type. )


Week 21: Wednesday

DREW: This is GP. What's up, Doc? )


Week 21: Wednesday

Characters: Tom and Louisa May
Location: Louisa May’s house.
Summary: Tom goes to patch things up between the farm group and Louisa May
Rating: PG

I hear where you’re coming from )



Characters: Alice, Louisa May
Location: Medford, Doc Smith's house
Summary: Alice asks Louisa May to come and join the group. In the process, she tells her about Leo. It does not go very well.
Rating: PG

Oh, hell no. )


Week 20 - Thursday

Characters: Jack Baker, Jed Bailey and Louisa May Smith
Location: Dr. Smith's house in Medford
Summary: Jed takes Jack to see the doctor
Rating: G

We’ve checked out your head, let’s check out your arm. )

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