April 2011




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Week 23 - Saturday

Characters: Jack Baker and Searle
Location: On the porch
Summary: Jack and Searle sneak away after the wedding to go make out
Rating: PG-13

''Boys,'' she announced seriously, ''can be really stupid sometimes. You don’t really think I made you come out here just for the dogs?'' )


Week 23 - Wednesday

Characters: Alice and Searle.
Location: Chopping wood near the garage.
Summary: Searle hasn’t seen Alice since she and Jed left for their mini-vacation, so he makes an effort to find her … and her baggage.
Rating: PG-13 for language

'Thank you. For missing me.' )


Week 23 - Saturday

Characters: Ana Gordan and John Searle
Location Ana and Drew's room
Summary: Searle leaves a nervous to speak to a nervous Ana
Rating: B for bra

Married. Me. If there was anyone around to tell, they’d never believe it. )


Week 23 - Saturday

Characters: Drew and Searle.
Location: The bathroom
Summary: It’s the big day for Ana and Drew, so Searle goes to check up on the groom.
Rating: PG

“I wonder what it means if you catch the bride at a wedding and not the bouquet.” )


Week 23 - Monday

Characters: Jack Baker and John Searle
Location: The bathroom
Summary: Searle distracts Jack from worry about Jed by suggesting she play with his hair. It doesn't take long before they talk about what happened on Searle's birthday.
Rating: PG

I thought maybe you didn’t want to do that anymore. )


Week 23 - Sunday

Characters: Derek and Searle.
Location: Farm and by the river.
Summary: Derek gives Searle his birthday present.
Rating: PG-13, probably.

'C’mon, man,' he answered. 'Save the sap for your girlfriend.' )


Week 22 - Friday

Characters: Bridget and Searle
Location:Farmhouse kitchen
Summary Bridget gives Searle his birthday present.
Rating G

A little bird told me it was your birthday today. )


Week 22 - Friday

Characters: Jack and Searle.
Location: Garage.
Summary: Jack gives Searle his birthday present.
Rating: PG.

'Do you ... want to do it again?' )


Week 21: Friday

Characters: Bridget and Searle
Location: The farmhouse
Summary: Searle gives Bridget a Christmas present she’ll never forget.
Rating: G

The idea of how much effort it had taken to build the furniture and keep it a secret just floored her. )


Week 21 - Saturday

Characters: Jack and Searle.
Location: The Farm.
Summary: Searle gives Jack her Christmas present and it’s quite the emotional occasion.
Rating: PG

Making a joke was easy and comforting, even when she was speaking into his shoulder. )


Week 21 - Sunday

Characters: Tom and Searle.
Location: Rogue River National Forest
Summary: Tom and Searle sit by the campfire and learn more about each other.
Rating: PG-13 to be on the safe side.

'One thing I’ve learned over the years in relationships is that in a woman’s mind men are always at fault.' )


Week 21 - Monday

Characters: Jack and Searle.
Location: The Farm; Searle’s room.
Summary: The scouting party comes back and Jack shows off her new look.
Rating: PG

'But I don’t want to be prissy,' she said helplessly. )


Week 20 - Saturday

Characters: Jack Baker and John Searle
Location: Outside the house
Summary: Jack hides her distress about Searle leaving to go hunting behind anger
Rating: G

Go be a hunter boy and if something happens and you get hurt or you don’t come back just see if I care! )


Week 20 - Saturday

Characters: Bridget and Searle.
Location: The Farm.
Summary: Searle’s going off on a two day hunting trip and Bridget sees him off.
Rating: PG

I remember it well, you’d told me that a woman in your group was having a baby. I remember how surprised I was at that, and had thought 'better her than me'. )


Week 20 - Tuesday

Characters: Alice and Searle.
Location: The Farm.
Summary: Searle asks Alice about finding a mattress for the crib.
Rating: PG

'Hearing that’s enough of a gift for me.' )

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