April 2011




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Week 23: Monday

Characters: Nate, Abby, and Greg
Location: The barn hayloft
Summary: The siblings have a hay fight and Greg is accidentally included.
Rating: G

Aww, now look what you did, Abs. Now Greg is going to come up and kill you. )


Week 23: Thursday

Characters: Greg Blair and Alice Munroe
Location: The farmstead and parlor.
Summary: After knocking down a tree and hauling it back to the property to be further broken apart, Alice and Greg spend a little bit of recovery time in the parlor getting to know each other. Greg, of course, does most of the talking. Alice doesn’t mind much.
Rating Maybe PG if you squint.

“S’times like this I wish we could build a sauna or something.” )


Week 23: Early Friday Morning

Characters Greg and Abby
Location Farmhouse Parlor
Summary Waking up in the middle of the night, Greg wanders downstairs to find he wasn’t the only one having trouble sleeping.
Rating G

Try and let yourself go to sleep Abigail, the morning will be here all too soon. )


Week 22: Sunday

Characters: Greg and Jack
Location: the barn
Summary: Greg goes out to check on the horses and finds Jack already there.
Rating: G

If I do good, can I get to try a sword when my arm’s better? )


Week 22 - Thursday

Characters: Greg and Leo
Location: Farmstead
Summary: Leo gets distracted from his duties when he spots Greg with his bow and arrow out in the pasture. The two make small talk and Greg gives Leo some welcomed advice.
Rating: PG for minor cursing.

'I don’t really have a whole lot to offer these people. I’m not a doctor, can’t cook or build anything...I-I can’t shoot a moving target from a moving horse with a *bow and arrow*.' )


Week 22: Monday

Characters: Greg and Drew
Location: The parlor / Farmhouse
Summary: Greg is chillin’ in the parlor. Drew joins him. The two men talk about their respective ambitions, the future of the world, and play a little music to pass the time.
Rating PG

“Ideals are wonderful things, but in these times they can be harder than ever to adhere to.” )


Week 21: Friday

Characters Greg and Jed
Location: Farmhouse, Living Room
Summary: The two men try to make conversation, it doesn’t go so well.
Rating PG

I’d say you were crazy, but ain’t gonna be all that crazy when we run outta bullets )


Week 21: Friday

Characters: Abby and Greg
Location: The barn at the farmstead
Summary: Abby notices Greg slip out for some space and joins him. They exchange Christmas gifts and a little more.
Rating: PG

You’ll forgive me of course if I didn’t go through the effort of gift wrapping. )


Week 21 - Monday

Characters:Greg and Leo
Location: Greg’s Camp near Grant’s Pass
Summary: After everyone falls asleep, Leo and Greg have a little talk. Surprisingly, Leo tells Greg everything he wants to know.
Rating: PG

Never give up hope. If that dies then we are all lost. )


Week 21 - Tuesday

Characters: Tom Galloway and Jed Bailey
Location: On the perimeter of the Farm.
Summary: After noticing someone watching the Farm, Tom rounds up a posse to go find out who it is an what he’s doing. Greg turns out to be harmless enough, but he’s got shocking news.
Rating: PG-13

”What, you think you’re some kind of Jedi Knight?” )


Week 21: Tuesday

Characters: Greg and Abby
Location: In the woods within sight of the farmstead.
Summary: Greg and Abby scope out the Farm and it's residents.
Rating: PG

They have dogs. That's a good sign. )


Week 21: Monday

Characters:Greg, Abby, Leo (& Walker)
Location: Just north of Grants Pass
Summary: After one of the horses run off, Greg and Abby go in search of it. What they find surprises them.
Rating: PG

The way the horseman spoke --his <i>olde</i> way with words-- made Leo feel like he was on the set of a Robin Hood movie. )


Week 20: Saturday

Characters: Greg, Abby and Nate
Location: Glendale, Oregon (Roughly thirty miles north of Grants Pass)
Summary: The trio raid a house and Abby finds something she’s been looking for.
Rating: G

Dude, anything that isn’t stew sounds like a godsend. )


Week 20: Friday

Characters: Abby and Greg
Location: Camp, deep in the woods off a North/South road
Summery: Abby runs into a little trouble in the middle of the night--Greg helps, then neither can sleep.
Rating: PG

Why am I picturing George Tekai? )


Week Nineteen - Monday Morning

Characters: Greg and Abby
Location: Campsite 150 miles north of Grants Pass
Summary: Greg starts his day, he and Abby briefly discuss horses.
Rating: G

I used to have horses. )

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