April 2011




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Week 24: Tuesday, Early AM

Characters: Alice Munroe and Derek Miller; then Tom Galloway, Bridget MacKenzie, and Holly Sharpe.
Summary: Alice attempts to run away from home, but doesn't get very far before turning back. Tom finds her passed out from exhaustion where she's parked, then brings her upstairs to Bridget's room while Holly observes.
Rating: PG-13

“Just do everyone a favor and look the other way. Nobody has to know.” )


Week 24: Sunday Evening

Characters: Alice Munroe, Bridget MacKenzie, and Tom Galloway
Location: Bridget’s room
Summary: Alice is moved to a temporary location, but it offers her little relief from the recent trauma, nor does Tom and Bridget’s pep-talk.
Rating: R for profanity and adult situations.

“I’m going to keep telling you it isn’t your fault until you start believing it, but you get a good night’s sleep tonight and we’ll figure everything out in the morning, okay?” )


Week 23: Wednesday

Characters: Bridget and Abby
Location: Farmhouse
Summary Bridget bumps into Abby and takes the opportunity to learn about the other woman.
Rating G

I never liked chickens--’cept maybe fried. )


Week 23 - Friday

Characters: Bridget and Holly.
Location: Bridget’s room.
Summary: Holly wants to unload some of his feelings on Bridget, but soon feels too bad to continue feeling sorry for himself. They end on a bright note.
Rating: PG-13

'You can change your clothes and wash off the makeup, but you can’t change what’s inside you, Hol. You’re as straight as I am skinny.' )


Week 23: Monday

Characters Bridget, Leo, & Walker
Location Leo’s room.
Summary Bridget stops by to talk to the boys about Walker’s education.
Rating G

And then--when your babies get here, I can teach them how to read. )


Week 22 - Friday

Characters: Bridget and Searle
Location:Farmhouse kitchen
Summary Bridget gives Searle his birthday present.
Rating G

A little bird told me it was your birthday today. )


Week 22: Wednesday

Characters: Bridget and Meg
Location: Farmhouse Parlor
Summary: Bridget and Meg unwind Christmas decorations and make small talk, trying to avoid thinking about a sick Molly.
Rating: G

Nah, you’re the best lookin’ pregosaurus I know... )


Week 22: Friday

Characters: Bridget MacKenzie and Alice Munroe
Location: The parlor
Summary: Something’s wrong with Alice. Bridget goes to investigate. Both women end up in tears before Alice finally explains what’s got her down.
Rating: PG-13 for mild swearing.

“You’ve worked so hard to build something here with everyone. Don’t let men being stupid ruin that for you.” )


Week 22: Sunday

Characters: Bridget and Ana
Location: Bridget’s Room
Summary: Ana breaks the news to Bridget about the upcoming nuptials.
Rating: PG

Read more... )


Week 21: Monday

Characters: Bridget and Meg
Location: The farmhouse, Bridget's Room.
Summary: Two friends make up.
Rating: PG

I don’t really know what to say to fix it )


Week 21: Friday

Characters: Bridget, Leo & Walker.
Location: Farmhouse library.
Summary: Bridget encounters the not so new guys for the first time since Las Vegas.
Rating: G

Bridget would name her children after a pair of horses over her dead body )



Characters: Louisa May, Bridget
Location: The library
Summary: Louisa May and Bridget chat about Bridget's health, the library, and the future of the human race. You know, small stuff.
Rating: PG

Y’all have been through a hell of a lot these past few months. )


Week 21: Friday

Characters: Bridget and Searle
Location: The farmhouse
Summary: Searle gives Bridget a Christmas present she’ll never forget.
Rating: G

The idea of how much effort it had taken to build the furniture and keep it a secret just floored her. )


Week 21 - Wednesday

Characters: Bridget and Jed
Location: The kitchen
Summary: After finding Jack cutting her hair, Bridget gives Jed a serious talking to.
Rating: PG

“That made her feel horrible, and then right after that Tom laid down the boom about the religious wackos up north and next thing you know I find her hacking her hair off in the bathroom!” )


Week 21: Tuesday morning

Characters: Bridget MacKenzie and Alice Munroe
Location: The farmstead
Summary: Bridget does one of her chores and Alice chums along. They talk a little about farm life and the plans for the next few days. This takes place prior to the guards finding Greg in the woods.
Rating: G

“I guess everybody’s family farmers now.” )

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