April 2011



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November 7th, 2010

[info]jokerandthief in [info]the_colony

Week 22: Thursday

Characters: Ana and Jed
Location: The sitting room
Summary: Coming in from a late night guard shift, Jed decides to warm up with some whiskey. He finds Ana waiting up for Drew and the two get to some serious drinking and friendly chit chat.
Rating: T for Tipsy

“Sweetheart, not only was I in a band but I worked for the most famous bar in the world. I don’t need ice to drink.”  )

[info]tuned_in in [info]the_colony

Week 22: Monday

Characters: Greg and Drew
Location: The parlor / Farmhouse
Summary: Greg is chillin’ in the parlor. Drew joins him. The two men talk about their respective ambitions, the future of the world, and play a little music to pass the time.
Rating PG

“Ideals are wonderful things, but in these times they can be harder than ever to adhere to.” )

[info]ex_barebones985 in [info]the_colony

Week 22: Thursday

Characters: Alice Munroe and Jed Bailey
Location: Their room / The farmhouse
Summary: Jed comes in shortly after leaving Ana in the parlor to wait for Drew. Alice is none too happy to see him after what she's overheard. Shit gets real.
Rating: I hate doing this but O for Oh, Them.

“What if somethin’ happened? An’ what if somethin’ happened to you? S’dangerous, we don’t got much if it goes wrong. I don’t-- I can’t. If yer gone, I-I can’t.” )