April 2011



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April 12th, 2010

[info]jokerandthief in [info]the_colony

Week Six - Thursday

Characters: Zoé and Jed
Setting: Siena Suites, Jed's room
Summary: After having his hair chopped by Alice, Jed's a bit reluctant to reveal his new 'do to his date.
Rating: PG

She pulled a Delilah on me. )

[info]called_jack in [info]the_colony

Week Six - Very early Friday

Characters: Jack Baker and Holly Sharpe
Location: Holly's suite
Summary: After the fight with Jed, Jack asks to say the night with Holly and they have 'girl' time.
Rating: Totally G

I'm really really sorry to wake you up but um, can I stay here tonight? )

[info]inneedofrepair in [info]the_colony

Week six - Friday

Characters: Jack and Searle.
Location: Outside Nevada State Museum and Siena Suites.
Summary: After Jack sneaks to the meet-up, she calls Searle to pick her up and drive her home. They talk about what happened, and decide to leave together if they must.
Rating: PG

'I told you, they both hate me. That’ll show me to be so stupid, going around like Jed’s my dad when he’s not.' )

[info]throughthemill in [info]the_colony

Week Six - Friday

Characters: Jack Baker, Jed Bailey, Alice Munroe and Derek Miller
Location: Nevada State Museum
Summary: Jack sneaks into the meeting where Alice lays down the law and offers her a choice. Later, Derek shows up with payment for the water he received last time but a warning about potential danger is misconstrued and violence nearly erupts.
Rating: PG-13 for strong language and violent imagery

This has gone on far enough, Jacklyn Baker )