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January 29th, 2010

[info]ex_barebones985 in [info]the_colony

Week 3 - Saturday

Character: Alice Munroe and a marauder. Later Leo Parker and Walker.
Setting: Alice's townhouse.
Summary: Alice comes home from a morning of scouting and a meetup to a looter, who is out for more than her supplies. Leo comes to the rescue, before convincing her to temporarily leave the premises. Part 1/2.
Rating: R for profanity, violence, and gorey imagery

''Start playing nice, sweetheart, or I'll have to do something you really don't want me to do.'' )

[info]ex_barebones985 in [info]the_colony

Week 3 - Saturday

Character: Alice Munroe, Jed Bailey, Leo Parker and Walker.
Setting: Hard Rock Hotel, 7th floor.
Summary: Leo and Alice arrive at the Hard Rock, much to Jed's surprise. Alice is thoroughly doped up from the drugs, and with Leo's help explains what happened. Part 2/2.
Rating: PG-13 for profanity.

''I never killed anyone before.'' )

[info]tuned_in in [info]the_colony

Week 3 - Wednesday

You're listening to K2BNV. Drew on the Radio, All Day, Every Day.

You've been listening to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, written by Douglas Adams and read by the late, great Stephen Fry. Retail cost $149, if you're thinking about buying it. With money. Heh.

I thought we'd take a little break away from literature and get back to some on-the-fly thinky-thoughts, if you don't mind my very technical jargon.

There are fuckin' rats everywhere, it's gross as hell. I was checkin' the cafeteria near the campus for a few things and aside from the smell from the trash cans - which, by the way, holy shit son - there were also rats scurryin' about every few seconds. Now, I'm no sissy, but still. Euggh. Hate rats. So keep that in mind when you're out lookin' for food and whatever, folks. In case you forgot, rats were the cause of the Black Plague.

Makes me wish I had a cat or somethin'. Hmm.

Okay, enough of my stupid ramblin's. Let's put some music on for a bit. Hope you all're liking the mix of stuff. Hell, s'not like I'm gonna hear complaints much, right?

Ana, baby, I'm still waitin' on you. I hope you're out there and safe. You know my call sign.

[info]inneedofrepair in [info]the_colony

Week three - Tuesday.

Characters: Jed Bailey, Alice Munroe, Kathleen Forbes, and John Searle.
Location: Nevada State Museum.
Summary: Searle brings Kathleen to meet Alice and Jed, who quickly accept the doctor into the group.
Rating: PG

'I'm glad for the offer of support. I thought that I could do this on my own, but I was kidding myself.' )